Immortal is too strong

Chapter 433 Killing Feng Xiaoran

Chapter 433 Killing Feng Xiaoran (3)

When Jiang Shuiyan fell asleep, Bai Yu also passed out because of that powerful force, and neither the spirit world nor the Shennong Yaoding cauldron moved.


On the other side, Feng Xiaoran was indeed dead.

Qing Mochen has been walking in the Magnolia Realm for so many years, and he can cut weeds and roots more easily than Jiang Shiyan.

Feng Xiaoran's body was split from the middle by him, the sword was too fast, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror, but now, it was already soaked in blood.

The internal organs in his body flowed all over the ground along with the blood, his eyes were open without light, and he could still see the fear in the last moment before he died.

Originally, he was supposed to be like a monk in the Magnolia Realm. When he fell, then the ashes returned to the ashes. Whether it was a sudden storm or a gorgeous scenery in this world, it had nothing to do with him.

But Feng Xiaoran is not an ordinary person.

I saw those puppets that were not destroyed by Qing Mochen slowly coming out of the shadows, putting Feng Xiaoran's body together in a daze.

Because they are all made of corpses, their joints are very stiff, and they have an indescribably weird feeling when they move.

A puppet holding a heart shook, and the heart was thrown to the ground, even more bloody.

He didn't know what to care about, and repeated monotonous movements, finally stuffing his heart back into Feng Xiaoran's.

When the body was put together, these puppets surrounded Feng Xiaoran, waiting quietly.

I saw a monster appearing from Feng Xiaoran's body... Looking carefully, it turned out to be a nightmare beast.

If Qing Mochen was there, he would definitely be slightly surprised.He has already killed Feng Xiaoran, why is the nightmare beast still there?

The Nightmare Beast was sure that its master was completely out of breath, sobbing beside him.Although he couldn't speak human language, and when he sobbed, he didn't cry, but the sad breath spread with the purple mist, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

It is paying homage to its dead master, and it also hates Qing Mochen very much.

If he doesn't make a move, there is no way the master will die.There is also Jiang Shiyan, who is also an accomplice!
Not long after, it slowly stood up, controlled the mist, and enveloped Feng Xiaoran's body.

Feng Xiaoran died, but his primordial spirit was still there, and the Nightmare Beast was taking souls.

He said silently in his heart: Master, I will definitely complete your instructions successfully.

So Feng Xiaoran suffered another pain after his death.The Nightmare Beast is indiscriminately taking souls, that is, extracting all his memories.

This process is very long, several times the Nightmare Beast sensed that Feng Xiaoran's primordial spirit could not hold on any longer, and he almost gave up.

It was only because of his loyalty to Feng Xiaoran that he persisted.

Afterwards, he carefully reinjected the absorbed soul into Feng Xiaoran's body.

Something weird happened.Feng Xiaoran, who was already dilapidated, unexpectedly burst out a ray of light from his chest.

The light was slowly repairing his body, and the hideous wounds were slowly healing, but there was no more life in the body, and even the blood had changed color.

The vivid color turned gray little by little, and Feng Xiaoran's whole body was lifeless with anger.

But his tightly closed eyes opened at this moment.The eyeballs rolled around very quickly.Different from ordinary people, all the eyeballs are turning in the same direction, but his eyeballs are running around in the eye sockets without any regularity.

In the end, he focused on the nightmare beast beside him, and grinned a cruel smile: "Haha, this deity has succeeded!"

(End of this chapter)

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