Immortal is too strong

Chapter 439 Little Golden Dragon Transformation

Chapter 439 Little Golden Dragon Transformation (3)

"You can say whatever you want."

"I am your Taoist companion." Qing Mochen said lightly.

Jiang Shuiyan: " are still so young."

"I'm not young anymore."

"Oh, tell me how old you are?"

Qing Mochen did the math: "Thousands of years old."

Jiang Shuiyan let out a chuckle: "I watched you break the shell with my own eyes. It hasn't even been a year. How old do you think you are?"

This kid in her family just likes to talk big.

In the past, Jiang Shuiyan also loved Xiao Jinlong, but it was more of a precaution, but since he became like this, Jiang Shuiyan cherished him from the bottom of his heart.

As if wanting to make up for what he owed the child in two lifetimes, Jiang Shuiyan stuffed Bai Yu into his arms: "I will use my clothes to make two magic weapons for you, you can't always be naked."

Bai Yu was hugged by Qing Mochen, and asked Jiang Shuiyan: "Master, you are not looking for the town anymore? Aren't you looking for Fei Yusha?"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "That's not in a hurry."

After setting up the formation with sand and stones, their figures gradually disappeared from the beach.

Even if ordinary monks passed the border of this enchantment, they would not be able to see the scene inside.

Jiang Shuiyan brought out the weapons and fire from Wan Jianzong, and concentrated on forging the robes for Qing Mochen.

Standing beside her, Qing Mochen saw that she not only cut it according to his size, but also drew a formation on it.

In fact, some arrays can be more effective in different ways, but he didn't tell Jiang Shuiyan.

This was the first time she made clothes for herself, even if she just gave him a piece of rag, he would love it very much.

Qing Mochen kept silent and observed his own cultivation.It's a little stronger than when it was in the form of the little golden dragon, but it's not much stronger. It's about the same level as Bai Yu, the strength of a sixth-order spirit beast.

But now that he can change form, he can open a part of the storage space, accumulate spiritual power, and summon the Wuwang Sword, so his combat effect is definitely not as simple as that of a sixth-order spirit beast.

Qing Mochen didn't share this knowledge with Jiang Shuiyan for the time being.

When she was refining the weapon, she could still separate the soul to talk to him: "You took me away from Feng Xiaoran? I have flown so far, can you cut through the void?"

Qing Mochen said: "I can't now." Even if he has the cultivation base of the transformation stage, he can't tear the space of Yulan Realm.

It would be very difficult for those who asked Feisheng to do it.

"How did you deal with Feng Xiaoran? I saw that the inner alchemy of the dragon is gone and was eaten by you?"

Qing Mochen was sure that she had no previous memories, and said in relief: "Well, after taking it, my cultivation base has greatly increased, and after killing Feng Xiaoran, you don't have to worry about him coming to trouble you in the future."

Jiang Shuiyan's hand paused for a moment, and a vestment was almost destroyed.

She looked at Qing Mochen in shock: "You said you killed Feng Xiaoran?" This is too unbelievable!Feng Xiaoran was the one who easily destroyed the barrier between his parents and the Bell Bottle Sect!
"He is indeed dead." Qing Mochen frowned, thinking how weak he is now, Shisha didn't even believe his words.

Jiang Shiyan actually believed it.After all, Feng Xiaoran is not dead, it is impossible for her to escape successfully.

"Then your current strength is very strong."

"No, I was overdrawn physically, and I took so many days to recuperate. Now I am about the same as Bai Yu."

"It's not bad, Bai Yu also has a sixth level. The key is that you have transformed into a human body and can learn human skills. By the way, do you have any weapons that you like to use?"

Qing Mochen: "Sword."

(End of this chapter)

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