Immortal is too strong

Chapter 448 Changing Treasure Map

Chapter 448 Changing Treasure Map (2)

Alas, there is no way, who made her meet another acquaintance.

The stall owner had just parted ways with her and helped her find out the whereabouts of Fei Yusha. It was Lin Yufei.

Jiang Shuiyan knew that she was a seeker of secret realms, but he never expected that he would be in such a miserable situation and survive by selling treasure maps.

She pushed the others away, causing the monks to look at her covetously: "Why, we want to teach this man a lesson, do you have an opinion?"

Jiang Shuiyan is not the same as before now, even the white feathers are pitch black, Lin Yufei didn't recognize her, seeing her look away, he felt that this female monk was also here to ask for trouble.

Qing Mochen stood in front of Jiang Shiyan, opened his small hands, expressing that he wanted to protect Jiang Shiyan.

He stared coldly at those impatient male cultivators. Although he was small, he was very intimidating.

Those male cultivators didn't know what was wrong with them, so they didn't dare to go forward.

Jiang Shuiyan patted Qing Mochen on the shoulder to signal him not to be angry, but she ignored these manic people and only asked Lin Yufei, "Boss, how do you sell your treasure map?"

Lin Yufei said, "I want to sell middle-grade spirit stones for 1000 yuan."

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion around: "Listen! Why don't you grab the 1000 yuan middle-grade spirit stone!"

"As far as the place he marked, I just went there a few days ago, there is no treasure at all!"

Someone kindly persuaded Jiang Shuiyan: "Don't be taken advantage of by this, there are many scammers in Dongchen City, don't look at the small place, the things are expensive!"

Lin Kexin also walked over slowly, because she was almost cheated just now, and now she doesn't like liars very much, she whispered: "Senior sister, why don't we take another look, it doesn't look like there is a treasure in the East China Sea It looks like a group of ferocious beasts.

Someone gave Lin Kexin a thumbs up: "The little girl is still smart."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't answer Lin Kexin's words, seeing Lin Yufei's eyes dimmed a little bit.

She reached out and handed him a bottle: "I'll exchange this with you, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Yufei took it in doubt, and was about to open it, but was stopped by Jiang Shuiyan: "You will definitely not lose money if I give you this thing, but don't open it now."

He might also be disheartened, and handed the treasure map to Jiang Shuiyan: "I can't sell it anyway, this treasure map belongs to you."

He didn't see Jiang Shuiyan's cultivation well, and kindly advised her: "Don't go there during the foundation building period, it's really weird and dangerous there."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled faintly and watched him leave.

Lin Yufei walked all the way for a long time, and stopped in a remote place.

He sighed and shook the medicine bottle he just got, and there was a sound of Gulu Gulu inside.

Laughing self-deprecatingly: "Just one pill, and said I won't lose money."

After taking the cork off, he just took a look at it before sealing the medicine bottle.

Looking around vigilantly, his skin was trembling.

Was he dazzled just now?Why is there a marrow washing pill in it?

After taking a few deep breaths, he opened the bottle cork again, and put his eyes on it to look inside.

This time he gasped, making sure he wasn't dazzled!It's really a marrow washing pill!

Moreover, he smelled the shark pearl inside, and he was even more sure that Jiang Shuiyan gave him the marrow washing pill.

No wonder she asked for her own treasure map without even asking!It's just how could she be so easy-going and still not recognize herself?

Lin Yufei carefully put away the medicine bottle and rushed to the black market.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Shuiyan doesn't want to challenge her, he still has to ask her what's going on in Wan Jianzong!
(End of this chapter)

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