Immortal is too strong

Chapter 453: Dog Beating Stick

Chapter 453: Dog Beating Stick (2)

He hastily told his subordinates: "It's better not to teach her, the appearance of this magic weapon, the city owner likes it very much."

Jiang Shuiyan also heard him speak, and smiled.

As long as you like it, this magic weapon is prepared for you after all.

Contrary to the situation when participating in the Danfu Grand Competition in the Danfu Sect, Jiang Shuiyan was the first to finish refining this time, and the waiting process was so boring that she sat on the ground with Qing Mochen and played games.

From the eyes of ordinary people, it was the two of them writing and drawing on the ground, but Lin Kexin, who was nearby, had an increasingly shocked expression on his face.

What Jiang Shiyan and the others drew turned out to be a formation!

To be precise, Jiang Shuiyan was drawing and Qing Mochen was cracking.

Jiang Shuiyan also has plans. Since Xiao Jinlong can already transform into form, he still needs to teach him some skills.

The formation is good, a powerful formation master, it is not a problem to kill people by leapfrogging.

She wanted to see how talented Qing Mochen was, so she drew very simple defensive formations at the beginning.

And Qing Mochen's performance far exceeded her expectations, he could use the quickest method to unlock each formation with just one glance.

Jiang Shiyan began to increase the difficulty slowly. For Lin Kexin, she couldn't understand it at all when it reached the fifth one.

And these two people have been drawing for an hour, there are estimated to be hundreds of formations, and they are still going on.

Jiang Shuiyan saw infinite possibilities in Qing Mochen's body.Why is her little golden dragon so powerful? Does the inheritance of the dragon still have formations?
Qing Mochen was just playing with her.She didn't want to think about it, why is her formation so powerful now?
She was advancing by leaps and bounds in her own formation outside the Eternal Landing Valley.

Strictly speaking, he is still Jiang Shiyan's teacher.

What is going on now?Students actually want to test the teacher?He will lose?
If the other people hadn't finished refining weapons, Jiang Shuiyan wanted to keep thinking about it, but she still couldn't get enough of it and said, "Let's fight next time!"

Qing Mochen was happy to accompany her: "Okay."

When the two stood up, he looked up at Jiang Shuiyan's calm face.If in the previous life, after forming a Taoist couple with Jiang Shiyan, they could get along like this, wouldn't they be very happy in the next few hundred years?
The sudden thought made Qing Mochen stunned.He blankly covered his heart: I actually feel happy?How is this possible, I don't have all kinds of emotions and six desires.

Even though he wanted to refuse, he was still persuaded by the voice in his heart.

Yes, you can feel happiness. This precious feeling is brought to you by Jiang Shiyan.

Thinking of the cruelty to Jiang Shiyan in the previous life, and thinking of the pain after losing her, Qing Mochen lowered his head.

Everything is his own fault, and he has to use all his strength to make up for it.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't pay attention to Qing Mochen, she was looking at other people's magic weapons, most of them forged knives, swords, and some forged shields.

When they showed everything, Jiang Shuiyan discovered that someone had presented Ye Zhaoyi with a newly made apron!Is this man a pervert?

The key point Ye Zhaoyi looked at the extremely exposed bellyband, and said happily: "Well done, although the attack and defense power is not good, but the city lord is happy and will reward you. Let her wear this to be married by the city lord!"

Lin Kexin suddenly felt a suffocation in his chest.She doesn't want to wear that hot-eyed apron!
Jiang Shuiyan looked at Lin Kexin sympathetically, she is a pretty girl, how could she be attracted by such a person.

When it was Jiang Shiyan's turn, he was already one of the last few.She held up the stick in her hand, and the diamond on the top was shining brightly: "I named this magic weapon—the dog-beating stick."

(End of this chapter)

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