Immortal is too strong

Chapter 472 Going to Sea

Chapter 472 Going to Sea (3)

The material is wooden.After judging, she cast Bi Qing Jue, which gave birth to some moss.

The color that blended with the ship's planks spread along the darkness, covering the entire ship in no time.

She listened calmly, and someone said: "Wan Jianzong's disciples of Dingkangya are amazing, first there was Jiang Li, and now there is Wen Wan."

"That gentleness is at the foundation building stage. Such a person can't even survive the three levels of hunting at sea. How did he defeat so many strong people?"

"I guess she is hiding her strength. It's a pity that she is an audience this time around. It would be great if she could play."

While listening, Jiang Shuiyan took out the formation flag. From the perspective of ordinary people, she was just playing with the formation flag casually. In fact, she was drawing the formation with her spiritual consciousness.

His attention was slowly shifted away, and he arrived at Ye Zhaoyi's place.He was asking his subordinates in a low voice: "Have you arranged everything that the city lord ordered?"

"Returning to you, everything has been arranged."

Ye Zhaoyi smiled strangely: "I see how she escaped from my palm in the vast deep sea."

Jiang Shuiyan hooked his lips, this is holding a grudge, and he wants to settle accounts with himself?
In the end, the moss spread to where Qin Zeyan was. Jiang Shuiyan was about to inquire, but Qing Mochen grabbed his wrist.

She withdrew her sanity and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Qing Mochen gave her a warning look and didn't say much.

Jiang Shuiyan's heart skipped a beat, thinking in surprise, is there someone around Qin Zeyan whose cultivation level she can't see through?But why didn't she notice anything?

Not long after she regained her sanity, someone walked up behind Qin Zeyan and crushed the moss with her feet.

Seeing his actions, Qin Zeyan said with disgust, "I don't know how long this boat hasn't been repaired, but it still has something like this."

The man in black ignored Qin Zeyan, because Qin Zeyan couldn't see his face because he was behind his back.

In fact, even if he saw it, it would be impossible for him to recognize who he was.

The big ship encountered only two winds and waves along the way, and reached the deepest sea area that night.

Although the speed of the boat was not as fast as Yujian's flight, Jiang Shuiyan speculated that they had traveled thousands of miles.

It's just that after the boat stopped, some people who participated in the hunting for the first time asked suspiciously: "Why don't you leave?"

"Don't stop here and want us to watch the battle on the boat? That's boring."

Ye Zhaoyi waved his hand, and the big ship shook violently twice, and the monks on board sacrificed their flying magic weapons one after another, and moved into the sky.

The big boat shrunk little by little, and finally it was only half the size of a palm, which was held by Ye Zhaoyi.

He didn't give these monks any explanation, but lowered his head and threw a key into the Eastern Sea.

With a ding-dong sound, the key entered the water with only a little splash.

Jiang Shiyan was in mid-air, watching the calm sea lightly, first a string of bubbles appeared, and then a water column hundreds of feet high rose into the sky.

Fortunately, she flew relatively high and was not hurt by the water column, but some monks flew low and couldn't dodge, and were almost thrown into the water.

"Bang bang bang", a series of water jets rushed up, Jiang Shiyan noticed that the center of the water jets was black.

A total of [-] water columns covered a hundred li radius.

After leveling, the water column receded rumblingly, but left behind the black stone pillar inside.

Jiang Shuiyan stared at the pattern on the stone pillar and frowned.This must have been left behind by some powerful person. The exquisite formation is drawn on it, which is not inferior to the Tianzhu formation she set up on Luohua Island in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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