Immortal is too strong

Chapter 475 Not an opponent

Chapter 475 Not an opponent (1)

When he turned the East China Sea upside down, no spirit beast dared to stand up.

For other monks, the Magnolia Realm may be dangerous everywhere, but there is no place he cannot reach.

After he recovers his cultivation base and Jiang Shuiyan's realm improves, he hopes to take her to places that are inaccessible.

Let go of the treasure hunt, just the two of them, walk around casually, and see the scenery that includes them.

Of course, he hasn't discussed these ideas with Jiang Shuiyan yet.

Jiang Shuiyan was holding one of his little hands, and was in a trance.She never expected that a bunch of candied haws would be so important to Qing Mochen.

After a while, she just smiled softly and said, "Don't worry me next time."

Ye Zhaoyi felt a little regretful that she rescued Qing Mochen, but he comforted himself in his heart, it's okay, Jiang Shuiyan will never leave the depths of the Eastern Sea.

Now under the eighteen stone pillars, there are countless bones of monks buried.Soon, Jiang Shiyan will become one of them.

The hunting was about to begin, Ye Zhaoyi asked his subordinates to bring the monks who were being imprisoned.

Jiang Shuiyan hadn't probed that deep because she was tied up on the big boat before, so when she saw a series of gloomy cloud flags from the cage, she was shocked.

Why was he caught by Ye Zhaoyi and brought here?It can't be him voluntarily, right?
Yunqi is indeed not a resource. To be precise, he was deceived after he came to Dongshen City to look for Jiang Shiyan.

The black iron cage was very strong. In order to preserve his strength, he gave up escaping in the city.

When he was out of the city, he learned what was going on with hunting at sea, and his heart was faintly moved.

Jiang Shiyan suspected this too.Yunqi is a natural adventurer, others have fear, but he seems to lack this emotion.

Hunting at sea is exciting, and the rewards are generous if you win, she doesn't believe that Yun Qi won't be tempted.

It's just that after seeing the miserable conditions of other monks, would he dare to go into the water?

Jiang Shuiyan called the two people around him: "Lin Kexin, Lin Yufei."

"What's wrong?" The two of them looked at Jiang Shuiyan together.

I saw Jiang Shuiyan pointing at Yunqi: "If something happens to him in a while, help me save him."

His life was given by himself, how could Jiang Shuiyan let him ruin it like this?Also, judging by his good complexion, Baidu Dan should be cured, so what about the antidote?Jiang Shiyan had to ask for a share.

Lin Kexin and Lin Yufei followed Jiang Shiyan, and what they learned the most was not to talk too much, but to obey orders: "Okay."

Qing Mochen: "Hmph." If he dies, he dies. Why save him? Wait until he pursues Jiang Shuiyan again.

Yunqi was not the first to play. After Ye Zhaoyi announced the start, a monk's cage was opened and he fell straight down.

It was a sword cultivator. After stabilizing his figure in the air, Jiang Shuiyan could still see the fear in his eyes even though he supported himself.

In this kind of competition, once the spirit beast in the water finds out that he is afraid, it is basically impossible to win.

Ye Zhaoyi was introducing the man's situation: "...the bone age is three hundred years old, the early stage of Jindan, because he was born in the south of the Yangtze River, he has countless good things that are not found in the sea, which spirit beast will fight?"

There seemed to be a battle under the water, and the vibration of the sea water caused huge waves on the sea surface.

In the end, a huge whale with a body of hundreds of meters won, and the other spirit beasts withdrew from the hunting range.

The giant whale slowly swam to the surface of the water, and the man in the sky maintained his figure with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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