Immortal is too strong

Chapter 480 Thank You

Chapter 480 Thank You (2)

Yun Qi looked at "Little Demon Xiu" in front of him, frowned and said, "Boy, get out of the way."

Qing Mochen's eyebrows twitched fiercely.He hasn't heard the word kid for at least 3000 years.

In his eyes, Yun Qi is an out-and-out kid with a lingering ghost.

In the last life, he was always around Jiang Shuiyan, except for Jiang Shuiyan, who bit anyone he saw, and in this life he appeared again!
So Qing Mochen coldly grabbed Jiang Shuiyan's hand and announced: "She is my Taoist companion, stay away from her."

Jiang Shuiyan: "..." I really should teach you a lesson for your parents who have never met.Do you know what Taoist means?

Sure enough, after Qing Mochen finished speaking, Yunqi looked at Jiang Shiyan with strange eyes.

Although there are many strange things in the Yulan world, he has never seen a Taoist couple with such a large age span... This Wan Jianzong disciple is amazing.

Jiang Shuiyan knew the truth that the more he explained, the more chaotic he would get, so he sighed and let Qing Mochen go.

Yun Qi was really moved by Qing Mochen's persuasion, and silently took two steps back.Immediately he called Jiang Shuiyan to stop: "My fellow Taoist, I don't know your name yet."

Jiang Shuiyan easily revealed his pseudonym: "My name is Wen Wan."

Yunqi solemnly bowed to Jiang Shiyan: "Just now, I would like to thank fellow Taoist Wen Wan for your help."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled and accepted his thanks.But she didn't want to use this incident to claim credit for Yunqi.

After all, she can have as much Baidudan as she wants.

Jiang Shuiyan went to watch the hunting in the deep sea, and when he came back, he was followed by the young man who performed so well, Lin Yufei and Lin Kexin were stunned.

They surrounded Jiang Shiyan and asked, "Senior Sister, do you know this person? Why did he come back with you?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't mention what happened in the sea: "Well, we know each other."

Yun Qi had a lot of doubts in his heart, even if Jiang Shuiyan drove him away, he would not leave.He will follow them until he confirms Jiang Shiyan's identity.

The hunt continued.In the future, the spirit beasts will become more and more tyrannical, and Renxiu will be completely defeated.

At first Qin Zeyan would complain a few words, but then he was obviously suffocated and refused to speak.

Aside from ethics and morality, this hunting scene is really exciting and exciting. I guess those bloodthirsty monks will see their blood boiling.

But Jiang Shiyan didn't like this kind of scene very much, and it might be lacking in seeing it.

Qing Mochen was only interested in Jiang Shuiyan, standing on the cloud, holding Jiang Shuiyan's hand firmly with his little hand.

No matter how many people are around him, he just won't let go.

Jiang Shuiyan also looked at him dotingly, in the eyes of others, this scene was quite warm.

After the last round of hunting, Jiang Shuiyan heard a woman complain: "I paid such a high price just to see Renxiu being crushed by a spirit beast? What's the point of that!"

The man next to her embraced her shoulders and echoed her words: "That's right! You guys are too fooling people! The monks you found are too weak, let us play, they are better than them!"

The woman snuggled into his arms: "Isn't that right, the Eastern Sea spirit beast is not as powerful as imagined."

Ye Zhaoyi didn't like it very much, but he didn't refute anything, because the cultivation of this couple is very strange. It seems that they are in the foundation building stage, but he guesses that the two must have the strength of the golden core stage.

He just complained in his heart that his subordinates were ineffective, why didn't he find some more powerful monks?
But that's okay, he has other plans.

(End of this chapter)

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