Immortal is too strong

Chapter 483 Fly Each Other

Chapter 483 Fly Each Other (3)

"Of course not," Ye Zhaoyi looked around, "You can challenge him, the rules are the same as hunting."

Qin Zeyan's eyes lit up, and he asked expectantly, "How many people can you fuck at a time?"

Ye Zhaoyi couldn't decide. He looked at the octopus spirit beast and heard him say, "Whatever. It doesn't matter if you go together."

Qin Zeyan wanted to be the first to go, to prevent others from hunting the spirit beast, and he would not be able to reap any benefits. He was also afraid that the octopus spirit beast was too powerful, so he was no match.

The other monks thought similarly to him, except for Jiang Shuiyan.

She is not so overconfident, the chance of winning is too small, she still wants to live.

That is, after Qin Zeyan and others hesitated, the former couple who showed affection stood up.They said ahead of everyone: "In this case, let's ask for your advice first!"

Seeing that someone was one step ahead of him, Qin Zeyan didn't know whether it was regret or joy in his heart, so he watched it wholeheartedly.

The octopus spirit slowly emerged from the sea, and most of its thick tentacles danced wildly in the air.

His big mouth opened and closed, and from Jiang Shiyan's perspective, he could see the densely packed teeth inside, shining with a cold light.

"Then you guys come first." He also chose the Taoist couple.

The man and woman who have been tired of being together are finally willing to separate and attack the octopus spirit beast from two different directions.

There was no unnecessary nonsense, their movements were ethereal and startling, and Jiang Shuiyan could see the way at a glance.

These two people are likely to be childhood sweethearts, they grew up together since they were young, and after acquiring double cultivation, they have a tacit understanding.

The Magnolia world can do this, basically it is the spirit beast whose master has been with him for many years.

Their swordsmanship is also self-contained, looking at the light dancing, it is actually very powerful.

Moreover, all of their magic weapons are high-level, obviously for wealthy Taoist companions, it is impossible to have less magic weapons on them.

It's just that when Jiang Shuiyan was watching with great interest, Qing Mochen grabbed her hand and flew higher.

Jiang Shuiyan looked at him jokingly: "Why, are you scared?" Just now when he saw the double-headed shark up close, Qing Mochen didn't react.

Qing Mochen said lightly: "I'm not afraid, but I think there's something wrong with this octopus."

Jiang Shuiyan wants to say, before you start playing, you can see something is wrong?
However, she believed in Qing Mochen's intuition, and did not dare to underestimate the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, so she observed carefully from a higher place.

The Taoist couple had already gotten close to the octopus, and the sword light was like an overwhelming net, covering the octopus.

When the sharp blade brushed against his tentacles, he let out a muffled grunt.

Lin Kexin and the others were quite nervous, thinking that the Taoist couple had succeeded, but they didn't expect a strange scene to happen.

The octopus actually used two tentacles to block the Taoist companion's attack, and even protected its own head in such a short period of time!

Then the tentacles slammed towards the two people with the power of thunder that they couldn't dodge, and with two crackles, the magical weapons on their bodies were shattered!
The octopus also said violently: "The sword skill is good, but unfortunately, it is not my opponent."

The waists of the Taoist couple were entangled by tentacles, and they showed horror and surprise.

How could he be caught with just one move!They haven't done their best yet!

They looked at each other, shouted loudly, and the sword in their hands pierced towards the tentacles.

Qing Mochen said hurriedly: "It's now!"

Jiang Shiyan's eyes are more focused, others may not notice,
(End of this chapter)

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