Immortal is too strong

Chapter 505 I Love You So Much

Chapter 505 I Love You So Much (3)

After the sun rose, half of the deep sea could still be seen clearly.But because of a fierce fight here, the seawater is filled with muddy blood and minced meat, which is definitely not good-looking.

The coercion left by the big octopus made the spirit beasts dare not approach here.Jiang Shuiyan didn't dare to use more spiritual power, so he slowly swam with his breath held, looking for it.

Bai Yu woke up in her sea of ​​consciousness and asked Jiang Shuiyan what he was looking for.

She said: "I'm looking for the inner alchemy of the big octopus. Although he died completely, the inner alchemy may not have been destroyed."

Bai Yu was a little surprised: "The formation is so powerful, but the inner alchemy is not broken?"

"A powerful ninth-level spirit beast must have some way to save its life." Jiang Shuiyan searched for more than an hour, but still didn't give up, as if he would not let go of the search in this sea area.

While swimming, she saw broken stone pillars in addition to pushing away the pieces of meat.

She and Qing Mochen completely destroyed the formation that was left behind by some great power, and the hunting ground on the sea is no longer a burden.

Jiang Shuiyan adhered to the idea of ​​plucking the feathers of the geese, and collected these stone pillars into the spirit world.

The spirit world couldn't bear it anymore and said: "What kind of junk is this, you put it here?"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled and comforted; "Maybe it will be useful in the future."

"It's all turned into broken stones, what's the use!" Lingjie snorted heavily, saying that Jiang Shuiyan couldn't move, and he still asked her, so he could only let her go.

After another half day, Bai Yu wanted to persuade Jiang Shuiyan to give up, when she suddenly saw a shiny object floating in the sea.

Jiang Shuiyan smiled happily, adjusted the direction of swimming, and came to the side of the thing.

After observing for a while, she smiled and said: "I found it!" This is the inner alchemy of the big octopus!

Like his skin, it was mostly inky, but the huge inner alchemy was like a black ball sprinkled with gold dust.

If it wasn't for the golden light, it would be hard for Jiang Shiyan to spot it.

She stretched out her hand and hugged Da Nei Dan, and with a thought, Nei Dan appeared beside Qing Mochen.

This is a good thing for Qing Mochen, Jiang Shuiyan divided a little of the inner alchemy for Bai Yu to heal his wounds, and gave the rest to Qing Mochen.

She told Bai Yu: "When he wakes up, remember to let him take the inner alchemy."

Bai Yu obediently said: "Understood, Master."

He didn't feel that Jiang Shuiyan was biased, because from the perspective of the spirit beast rank, Jiang Shuiyan had given him enough.

If such a big inner alchemy was eaten by him, he would definitely explode and die.

Shui Xinyan was still cursing angrily in Jiang Shuiyan's sea of ​​consciousness: "Renxiu is really despicable, he is dead, you won't even let the inner alchemy go!"

Jiang Shuiyan replied slowly: "Stop scolding a few words, you don't want to regain your strength?"

Shui Xinyan choked for a moment, but didn't know how to answer Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan went out to sea and was thinking about where to go when he suddenly felt a terrifying coercion approaching behind him.

She jumped forward suddenly and turned around to see a man in black.

His face was a little blurry in his eyes, probably because of some kind of magic technique, or because of the difference in realm.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, and thought in fear, how long has he been here, and what did he see?
Except for Qin Zeyan, didn't the other monks all die?Why is this man still here?
His cultivation made Jiang Shuiyan alert.

She desperately thought of countermeasures, but still had to admit that the situation was very unfavorable to her.

(End of this chapter)

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