Immortal is too strong

Chapter 508 The Man in Black

Chapter 508 The Man in Black (3)

And Jiang Shuiyan took a look inside, and suddenly found that she had advanced.

Now she is already at the eighth level of foundation building, only one step away from Dzogchen.

How could it advance so quickly?Didn't she just kill a big octopus?
After thinking about it for a while, she guessed that the spirit beast was too difficult this time, so she broke through in one fell swoop and advanced in her sleep.

Alas, although Lu Jue is still watching, this trip to the East China Sea is not fruitless.

Jiang Shuiyan unwrapped the knot in the sea of ​​consciousness and took a look. Shui Xinyan didn't yell, but came over curiously and asked what it was.

Jiang Shuiyan ignored her, but checked his points.

It turned out that she was around 6500 points, but now she has 9000 points!How is this possible?How did she do it? She doesn't remember that she received the task?
I checked the task list, and the most recent task of "killing the octopus spirit beast" has been completed.

But Jiang Shuiyan still didn't think that she could be given so many points, not to mention that her ability to complete this task had everything to do with the right time, place and people.

When she clicked on the task, she understood.

It turned out that at the beginning of the battle, something was written on the white mirror that protruded.Not only is she required to kill the octopus spirit beast, but also to form a team with Lin Yufei and others.

Jiang Shuiyan had a premonition before that this time the Dingkang Top Ten selection competition was definitely not as simple as doing deadly tasks to earn points.

After she left the sect, she encountered a random mission, and now she has done a team mission.

Wan Jianzong is indeed a sect that cultivates disciples with a strong sense of cooperation, so Jiang Shuiyan's points have increased sharply this time.

There are still two months left in the selection competition, and now Jiang Shiyan is ranked fifth, and the score of No.1 has reached [-], and her face has turned black.

What tasks have you done to get so many points out of yourself?

Depressedly closing the knot, Jiang Shuiyan used his spiritual sense to check where she was.

This is still above the East China Sea, and she is in Feizhou's room.

She is also very familiar with this flying boat, and this is the one she took when she came here.

Ye Zhaoyi was already dead, Jiang Shuiyan muttered, not knowing when Lu Jue brought the flying boat here.

Speaking of which, what about Lu Jue?
She walked out of the room, ran to the deck to search, but did not see Lu Jue.

Jiang Shuiyan wanted to escape, but just as he put his fingertips on the edge of the boat, he heard Bai Yu shout: "Master, don't touch it!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

With a bang, Jiang Shuiyan was bounced off heavily by the barrier, hitting the mast all the way, shaking the originally stable flying boat.

Fortunately, Jiang Shiyan recuperated well, only suffered a slight injury, and he will recover soon.

Holding her painful heart, she slowly stood up from the deck, cursing sullenly: "Lu Jue, you bastard, you still set up such an enchantment on the flying boat! I curse you never to come back!"

As soon as the words fell, an indifferent male voice sounded: "If I don't come back, do you want to be trapped here forever?"

Jiang Shuiyan shuddered, and saw Lu Jue falling from the sky and stopping firmly in front of her.

It took only a moment for her to go from being out of breath to looking peachy: "My lord, you are back? What are you doing? Have you already hunted the spirit beast you need and don't need me to take action? Then let me go, okay?" good?"

Lu Jue said flatly, "I didn't catch it."

Jiang Shuiyan glanced at him a little disappointed, and muttered disdainfully: "Return to the Venerable, I need someone's help to catch a spirit beast." How can he become the Demon Venerable of the Demon Realm in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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