Immortal is too strong

Chapter 516 Subduing Shuixinyan [50 more]

Chapter 516 Subduing Shuixinyan (2) [50 more]

If Yuanshen was destroyed by Shui Xinyan, she would not even be able to achieve rebirth.

Stretching out his hand, he pinched Jiang Shuiyan's tightly. Every word he said was squeezed out between his teeth: "Wait a minute."

Bai Yu was about to cry: "I don't want Master to die..."

Qing Mochen scolded him: "Don't talk nonsense! How could something happen to her?"

"But the master's aura is getting weaker and weaker, even the primordial spirit..." Bai Yu knew how strong Jiang Shuiyan's consciousness was, and she could remain calm when facing the alchemy.

But now, the mighty Jiang Shuiyan is like a gossamer, her temperature drops, and her heartbeat weakens... She is like a thin piece of white paper, which will break if you poke it casually.

Qing Mochen stared at Jiang Shuiyan closely, and said firmly: "I believe her."

So hookah, don't let me down.

There were tears in Bai Yu's eyes, and her heart was sour and astringent.

Because both of them were looking at Jiang Shiyan intently, they didn't notice Ning Po's approach.

He was originally hiding in the sea, and Ning Po knew exactly what Jiang Shiyan and the others did on the island.

After two days, Kanjiang Shisha's complexion became weaker and weaker, and Ning Po went to the island.

After he landed, his beautiful fishtail turned into a normal human leg. After walking two steps, the brilliance of his body flowed, and he became a dazzling magic robe.

Different from the ones worn by human beings, this robe is made of unknown material. Under the sunlight, it exudes soft and colorful light.

He wore colored pearls around his ankles, and they jingled as he walked.Every step is like stepping on gold powder.

He was very powerful, so he didn't need to hide his breath, and he came to the cave where Jiang Shuiyan was located smoothly.

Ning Po knew that Jiang Shuiyan had accepted Shui Xinyan, but he didn't expect that this person was so courageous that he dared to cast spells directly in the East China Sea to subdue her.

Shui Xinyan's personality is quite violent, and Jiang Shuiyan is probably in danger.

What Ning Po cares about is that he has been observing for two days, why is Jiang Shiyan still not swallowed by Shui Xinyan?

Could it be that the death of the big octopus caused Shui Xinyan to be seriously injured?

Ning Po was standing not far from the entrance of the cave, and Qing Mochen and Bai Yu didn't notice it, let alone Jiang Shuiyan.

It was Lu Jue who came back suddenly, saw the suspicious figure, and was about to move over quietly, but Ning Po had already sensed him and disappeared suddenly.

Lu Jue caught his breath appearing in the sea, and chased after him without thinking.

However, Ning Po turned herself into a thin layer and slipped under Lu Jue's nose, so that Lu Jue chased him for hundreds of miles without finding any trace of Ning Po.

Because Ning Po was discovered, she did not go to the island again. Lu Jue walked into the cave with a gloomy face and asked Qing Mochen, "How is her condition?"

When she left two days ago, she was fine, how did she become like this?
If it wasn't for Lu Jue who knew a lot and saw that Jiang Shuiyan was in a strange state, he might have thought that Jiang Shuiyan was about to die.

Qing Mochen didn't like Lu Jue in the first place, so he ignored him.

Lu Jue silently glanced at Qing Mochen, wanting to check Jiang Shuiyan's situation by himself, but Bai Yu and Qing Mochen blocked him from left to right.

Qing Mochen said coldly: "Go and do your own business, don't come here."

Lu Jue sneered: "Now Jiang Shuiyan's life is also under my control, you have no right to order this deity."

Qing Mochen has also been an immortal for so many years, even though his cultivation base is not as strong as Lu Jue's now, his aura remains undiminished: "Get lost."

 Huh... Finally finished Chapter 50, I'm exhausted baby
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  Good night babies!mouth to mouth~
(End of this chapter)

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