Immortal is too strong

Chapter 520 Subduing Shuixinyan

Chapter 520 Subduing Shuixinyan (6)

Jiang Shiyan was indeed swept away by sleepiness, and yawned softly.

Qing Mochen was beside her, and before he could figure it out, he had already stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

Jiang Shuiyan was a little surprised by his actions, but he didn't have the strength to break free.

She released Shui Xinyan, there is a contract, Shui Xinyan can't run away now.

"This is Bai Yu and Jin Long, you have to get along well with them." After Jiang Shuiyan finished speaking, she closed her eyes and fell asleep in Qing Mochen's arms.

Shui Xinyan was jumping up and down in the air, the faint blue and crimson flames looked very fierce.

She could talk, and even though Jiang Shuiyan was already asleep, she couldn't help but complain, "Golden Dragon? What a vulgar name."

Qing Mochen didn't care.The name is just a code name, Jiang Shuiyan only needs to recognize him in his heart.

Bai Yu was very familiar, and flew over cutely, and said a little embarrassedly: "Hey, my name sounds nice."

Shui Xinyan was disgusted again: "Isn't it just a white feather, it doesn't have any poetic charm at all."

Bai Yu asked, "Then what's your name? It must sound nice, right?"

He didn't mean to mock Shui Xinyan, but Shui Xinyan became angry from embarrassment.

Because they at least have a name, but she doesn't!I'm so pissed off!

"I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to be friends with you, stay away from me!" After finishing speaking, Shui Xinyan was floating around in the cave, and Qing Mochen's attention was on Jiang Shuiyan at the moment, bowing his head Help her adjust to a more comfortable position.

Bai Yu knew that Jiang Shuiyan was fine, so he relaxed and played after Shui Xinyan.

Because he is also Jiang Shuiyan's contract beast, although Shui Xinyan could hurt him, he would not choose to do it. Jiang Shuiyan will punish her when she wakes up.

But it is still possible to throw out a little flame occasionally to scare Bai Yu.

Impatient with being followed, Shui Xinyan shook his body, and immediately a wall of fire spread from in front of Bai Yu, burning through the cave.

Bai Yu jumped back twice suddenly, and said in shock: "This flame is too powerful! It's almost the same as what I spit out before!"

Shui Xinyan heard the words and asked in surprise: "You Bai Jiujiu can still spit fire?"

"What Bai Jiujiu, I'm Jinpeng!" Bai Yu kept yelling, "Anyway, I can breathe fire!"

"Then spray one and show me." Shui Xinyan stopped.

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and combed her feathers twice: "I can't do it now, wait until next time."

If Shui Xinyan was a pretty little girl, she would definitely roll her eyes at Bai Yu twice.

Qing Mochen was still hugging Jiang Shiyan, and didn't feel the noise of Bai Yu and Shui Xinyan's voices at all.

It seems that after following Jiang Shuiyan, he can always hear various voices, which are not at all different from his silent Yonglin Valley.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, and suddenly looked out of the cave.

When Ning Po was staring at him, he subconsciously hid in the dark.Realizing what he had done, Ning Po's face turned dark.

Isn't it just a half-sized golden dragon, he would be afraid?
But Qing Mochen is really amazing, his aura has been concealed so well that he can still detect it.

If Ning Po knew that the person in front of him was the number one power in the Magnolia world, she would definitely not approach rashly.

Speaking of which, Jiang Shuiyan is really an interesting person, she really managed to subdue Shui Xinyan.

It was the first time that Ning Po practiced on a person, and she became so curious.

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(End of this chapter)

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