Immortal is too strong

Chapter 530 Magic Square

Chapter 530 Magic Square (4)

"No..." She could only refuse in a panic, grabbing Qing Mochen and flying forward.

After a while, she was even more surprised: "Why can't Lu Jue's voice be heard at all? And we have been flying for so long, why haven't we reached the edge of the Rubik's Cube? Is this really space?"

Looking back, the single door is still there, but it seems to be very far away.

There were waves of water rippling on the door, Jiang Shuiyan watched carefully.

But Qing Mochen didn't care about that door at all, and also ignored Jiang Shuiyan's words afterward, and just said coldly: "Stay by my side, don't mention other men."

Jiang Shuiyan was speechless: "I'm not worried about Lu Jue..."

"That's not allowed."

She was angry and laughed: "Why, you are too lenient? I will mention it, what can you do?"

Qing Mochen's black eyes flickered, reflecting her face and her bright red lips.

By coincidence, he quickly lowered his head and blocked her small mouth with his thin lips.

Jiang Shiyan, who was chattering just now, immediately fell silent, and his eyes widened suddenly.

What is Qing Mochen doing?He actually kissed himself?

Does he know where this place is and what they are facing!

Bai Yu in the sea of ​​consciousness was stunned, staring at Qing Mochen and the two of them, their round eyes were twice as big as before.

Shui Xinyan also seemed a little embarrassed, the flames turned blood red, and said disgustedly: "Can you say hello before kissing, I will close my eyes." Although she does not have "eyes".

When Bai Yu heard her words, she quickly covered her head with her wings.Although his heart is still roaring.

Why does my bird egg kiss with its owner?They must all be fake, either there is something weird in this space that conjured up this scene to confuse me, or the two of them were deluded!
Although Qing Mochen always said that Jiang Shuiyan was his Taoist companion, but the foolish himself didn't take it seriously at all!

Jiang Shuiyan was kissed by Qing Mochen for a while, only to realize that he kissed people without any rules.

Lips were pressed against lips, and he licked with his tongue from time to time. Although he had no skill, it warmed Jiang Shuiyan's heart.

She never responded to Qing Mochen from the beginning to the end. When she was about to be addicted, she pushed Qing Mochen away and wiped her mouth lightly.

No matter how natural she looked, her blush cheeks still betrayed her thoughts.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't scold Qing Mochen, let alone hit him, coughed and said coldly: "I know you like to be close to me, but don't do similar behaviors in the future. In my heart, I will always regard you as my friend." my child..."

Qing Mochen interrupted her coldly: "I am not your relative, I am your Taoist partner. Isn't it normal for Taoist couples to kiss each other?"

Yes, for this reason.

Jiang Shuiyan's originally calm heart was turned into a paste by him, and he wanted to correct Qing Mochen, but judging from his appearance, it didn't seem like he would listen to her well.

Suddenly, Shui Xinyan, who had been watching with relish in Jiang Shuiyan Sea of ​​Consciousness, shouted: "There is movement!"

Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen immediately became alert, subconsciously looking at each other.

After making this action, Jiang Shuiyan was stunned for a moment.Shouldn't the first response be to protect yourself?Why do you look at him?
Before he knew it, Xiao Jinlong was already so important in his heart?

Fortunately, she soon discovered that Qing Mochen's side was normal, and the one that was moving was the door.

(End of this chapter)

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