Immortal is too strong

Chapter 534 Small Box

Chapter 534 Small Box (2)

She squeezed the little Qiongwhale fire that was left, shivering, and Shui Xinyan said happily: "What are you afraid of? When you burned me before, it was very exciting."

If Qiongwhalo had intelligence, he would cry and beg her to let her go.

Shui Xinyan finally ate up the last bit of Qiong Whale Fire, and her current cultivation has almost recovered to that before Jiang Shuiyan killed the big octopus.

She licked the finger that was transformed with fire, and made a gesture of belching.

Looking around, there is only Qing Mochen in front of him, and Jiang Shuiyan is gone.

Shui Xinyan sensed that Jiang Shuiyan was on the edge of the Rubik's Cube, and asked Qing Mochen, "What did she do?"

Qing Mochen said coldly: "Call her Master."

Shui Xinyan snorted coldly: "What qualifications does such a weak person have to be my master?"

"It's thanks to her that you can have a full meal."

Shui Xinyan was not convinced: "Then I saved you! Without me, you would all be dead!"

Qing Mochen was sure that Jiang Shuiyan would not come back suddenly, so he stopped talking nonsense with Shui Xinyan, opened his thin lips lightly, and spat at Shui Xinyan.

Shui Xinyan instantly felt the terrifying temperature, stronger than hers!Just a little bit can devour her!
Immediately, she changed from a flamboyant little girl to a little quail, and kept flying backwards: "Don't chase after me! Otherwise, I'll tell my master to go!"

She doesn't want to admit it in every possible way, but now Shui Xinyan is timid again.

Sure enough, looking at Jiang Shuiyan's face, Qing Mochen didn't threaten him with fire again.

He warned Shui Xinyan: "Listen to her obediently."

The little quail transformed by Shui Xinyan nodded persistently: "Understood, Brother Shenlong."

Qing Mochen ignored her, but went to see Jiang Shuiyan.

At this moment, Jiang Shuiyan is still studying the spar on the Rubik's Cube wall, but she has no idea what it is.

Finding a small medicine hoe from the storage bag, Jiang Shuiyan tried to chisel the wall, but the spar didn't fall off, but the small medicine hoe broke.

Jiang Shuiyan's eyes widened, and she said in shock: "Isn't it?" This little medicine hoe was strengthened by her!It is impossible to be so fragile!
And it doesn't look like the spar is too hard to smash it, it seems to be corroded by some super high energy.

Just when Jiang Shuiyan made up his mind to get a spar down, the Rubik's Cube moved again.

Qing Mochen and Shui Xinyan also came to her side, and with a rumbling sound, Qing Mochen grabbed Jiang Shuiyan's hand.

Don't care about what's going to happen, just protect Jiang Shiyan first.

Knowing his thoughts, Jiang Shuiyan was moved again.

After going out safely, she must ask Qing Mochen why he treats her so well?
It didn't take long for Qing Mochen to speak: "We should have been in the belly of Jingluo before."


"I suspect that the Whale Fire is his last magic weapon, used to protect the Rubik's Cube. Now that the Whale Fire has dissipated, Whalefall will be destroyed."

Jiang Shuiyan had an ominous premonition in his heart: "The Rubik's Cube may still have protection methods."

Back then, Jingluo guarded him, perhaps with several layers of defense.

Whatever happened, it wasn't just Jingluo that collapsed, Jiang Shuiyan and Qingmochen were suddenly pushed out of the Rubik's Cube by a force.

This force was too great, Qing Mochen held Jiang Shiyan in his arms, and signaled her not to fight, or she would hurt herself.

Because of his low cultivation, Jiang Shuiyan's face turned pale.She couldn't help thinking that when she was taken away by Qing Mochen, she couldn't even talk to him normally because of the huge difference in realm.

(End of this chapter)

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