Immortal is too strong

Chapter 539 Leaving Suddenly

Chapter 539 Leaving Suddenly (1)

Seeing Jiang Shiyan's face turned pale, Ning Po said sarcastically, "Are you sure that the lifelong promise you made with Qing Mochen is true? If so, he let you come to the East China Sea, and you were almost killed by a stupid octopus." die."

Jiang Shiyan really couldn't produce any evidence, and Ning Po's position was so firm.

She silently lit a piece of wax for herself in her heart, why did she meet Ning Po when he was most bloodthirsty.

In her previous life, she fought with Ning Po for so many years, each winning or losing, but now it's hard to say.

The combination of himself and Xiao Jinlong may not be his opponent.

But giving up is not in Jiang Shuiyan's temperament, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she will try it.

Ning Po troubled Jiang Shiyan this time, unlike killing Miss Qin's family, she did it cleanly and neatly.

He decided to change the game, such as torturing Jiang Shiyan to death little by little.

Looking at her arrogance, it should be a very interesting thing to polish her spirit.

So Ning Po said generously to Jiang Shuiyan after she was silent: "Seeing that you still have some skills, I won't use evil words to you."

Jiang Shuiyan answered: "Torture me in other ways?"

Ning Po laughed loudly: "You are so smart, I am a bit reluctant to kill you. Now that you can slaughter that octopus, let me see how long you can last under my hands."

How long?Jiang Shuiyan is now praying that Ning Po will not be serious, as long as he does not kill him, he still has a chance.

Qing Mochen was already very angry, Jiang Shuiyan saw bursts of golden light on his skin, and the light jumped up and down, which was a sign that he was going to become a golden dragon.

After Ning Po finished speaking, she flicked her fingers, and a water wall of hundreds of feet was thrown towards Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen.

The way to deal with it flashed through Jiang Shuiyan's mind quickly, and the habitual reaction of her body wished it could be faster than her brain. She took advantage of her water root to reduce the strength of Ningpo's water wall and erected it in front of her.

Not only that, but she also set up three water walls to surround her and Qing Mochen.

The water wall extended upwards, and there was an extra cover on the head. Look closely, Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen looked like they were in the Rubik's Cube in the water wall enchantment.

Qing Mochen also turned into a giant dragon, and with a roar, he wrapped around the water wall in circles.

Jiang Shiyan kept making seals with his hands, trying to strengthen the water wall, but Ning Po didn't give her a chance. His legs turned into fish tails, and he slapped hard towards the water wall.

The place he shot happened to be at the corner, and the water wall was almost broken because of insufficient load bearing.

It was Qing Mochen who caught the blow from Ning Po's tail with his body, which gave Jiang Shuiyan a little time to breathe.

Jiang Shuiyan turned his mind and turned the square wall of water into a big ball.She and Qing Mochen did not choose to face Ning Po head-on, his body was invulnerable, and he was easily seduced by him when he was close.

Ning Po's tail slapped fiercely from the opposite direction again, and the ball vibrated violently twice, absorbing Ning Po's attack.

But Jiang Shiyan didn't feel good. The whole sea area was affected by Ning Po. He controlled the sea water and turned it into a huge vortex under the water wall, trying to drag them into it.

Jiang Shiyan and Qing Mochen are supporting, competing with Ning Po for the water source here.

Qing Mochen is already brewing his natal fire, although he can only spray one mouthful because his cultivation base has not recovered, but if the opportunity is seized well, Ning Po is likely to be injured by him.

(End of this chapter)

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