Immortal is too strong

Chapter 553: Going All Out

Chapter 553: Going All Out (3)

Ning Po is the well-deserved overlord of the East China Sea. She has been inside the big octopus for so many years, and he never dared to trouble Ning Po. He felt Ning Po's breath after hundreds of miles, and he always walked around.

Now Jiang Shiyan wants to fight against Ning Po by himself?will die!

Jiang Shuiyan felt Shui Xinyan's hesitation, and the sword was about to rub against him.

Lin Yufei shouted heartbreakingly: "No!"

Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "If you don't help me, you will die with me. If you help me, we still have a chance."

Shui Xinyan moved when she opened her mouth, she still wanted to become the most powerful Skyfire, she couldn't die here!

Although she didn't know what Jiang Shuiyan could do, but seeing her determination, Shui Xinyan decided to trust her once.

With a crackle, white light flashed in Jiang Shuiyan's body, and the monk's sword shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

This scene is exactly the same as when they besieged the big octopus in the sea!After Shui Xinyan shattered a sword, she cheered: "Great!"

Jiang Shuiyan separated a ray of soul and said to her: "It's not that you are so happy to meet the real Ning Po?"

Shui Xinyan became a little annoyed: "Shut up! I protected you just now, didn't you even say thank you?"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled sincerely: "Thank you, you did a good job."

She suddenly stopped facing Shui Xinyan, which made Shui Xinyan a little uncomfortable.

"You should concentrate on opening the formation, and leave it to me. Let me tell you in advance, I am doing this to save myself!"

If Jiang Shuiyan stopped answering the hard-talking Shui Xinyan's words, her defense formation would soon be completely opened.

Ning Po stared at this scene, his playful eyes became more serious.In such a short period of time, Jiang Shuiyan can use Shuixinyan proficiently, and can also activate the formation of the East Shencheng?

It seems that she, like Lu Jue, has many secrets about her.

The city was already a sea of ​​blood, and the monks were caught in a fight. Even Hua Qingying, who was in the Nascent Soul stage, was gradually affected.

Yunqi summoned Lin Yufei and Lin Kexin, and they leaned back to back, circling guardedly.

"My elixir will soon fail, and by then, we will lose our minds too!"

Lin Yufei gritted his teeth: "It counts as long as it lasts! I believe she will find a way!"

"Yes!" Lin Kexin said, "I believe in Senior Sister!"

"Kill!" Yunqi took the lead in raising the sword in his hand and rushed out.

The vigorous young man, like a leaping cheetah, can bite the enemy's throat with one bite.

That is to say, the moment he rushed out, the protective array was finally opened, and the blue-green light shrouded the entire Dongshen City.

The monks in the city regained their sanity for a while, and they were surprised when they saw the blood-stained sword and the monks around them.

With a bang bang bang bang, their weapons fell to the ground, and they cried out in a broken voice, "What did I do?"

When someone finds out that their relatives have been killed, regardless of whether it is Ning Po's fault or not, they rush towards the murderer: "I will kill you!"

They also want to explain: "It's not me! I'm bewitched!"

But how can the angry people listen to their explanations?

Ning Po felt more and more interesting, and flicked his tail on the enchantment. Soon, the transparent enchantment shattered, leaving only the blue-green one.

He increased the strength of the charm, when the attack hit the barrier, although the barrier was still crumbling, it could absorb his attack.

(End of this chapter)

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