Immortal is too strong

Chapter 567 Rectifying East Shencheng

Chapter 567 Rectifying East Shencheng (2)

"Even if it's a fight, City Lord Ye won't lose. There are so many people with high cultivation around him."

"Yeah, City Master Ye, come on!" If they take down the black market, their good days in Dongchen City will come.

Jiang Shuiyan waited for half an hour before finally waiting for the latecomer.

It was a male monk with a somewhat sinister appearance, with no accessories on his body, only an iron sword.Unlike Jiang Shiyan who brought so many people, he was alone, but his momentum was not inferior to Jiang Shiyan's.

Jiang Shuiyan searched his memory, but had no impression of this person.Qing Mochen looked at him vigilantly, worried that he would attack Jiang Shuiyan.

On the long street, he heard his footsteps, and when he stood not far from Jiang Shuiyan, he just looked at her coldly, without any intention of introducing himself.

Jiang Shuiyan is here now as Ye Zhaoyi, there will be no one in the entire Dongshen City who does not know him.

"In the black market, do you have the final say?" Jiang Shuiyan asked.

The man sneered: "Of course. I don't know what the city lord is doing? Do you want to ban my black market and merge it with other markets in Dongshen City?"

Jiang Shiyan had a good temper, but the man still felt that she was not kind.

Which city lord does not need his own power to be stronger?Now the black market is her stumbling block.

Jiang Shuiyan has always been decisive in doing things, and he doesn't go around in circles with men: "No, I'm here to inform you that the other markets in Dongchen City will merge with you. From now on, all of you will obey my orders."

"Why?" The man raised his eyebrows, "I have my own rules here, Lord Ye can go back where he came from."

The monk behind Jiang Shuiyan was very indignant: "Why are you talking to the city lord!"

Stopping him with one hand, Jiang Shuiyan saw the anger in the man's brows and eyes, and said lightly: "Don't get angry, the city lord hasn't finished talking."

The man was very disdainful: "Let me see what tricks you can come up with."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled, took out ten bottles of medicine from the storage space, and put them in front of her. When she opened one of the bottles, the street was filled with rich aura. Except for the few people who knew her identity, their eyes widened. , staring at the medicine bottle with burning eyes.

"This is..." The man's voice trembled a little, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Jiang Shuiyan said lightly: "Qi Yang Dan is not a good thing, I still have a lot here."

But this nourishing qi pill was sold at a sky-high price on the black market before!If you don't follow the seller's mind, you can't buy it!

Jiang Shuiyan took out another ten bottles of medicine, waved his hands and arranged them on the ground: "This is Baidudan."

sky!Another ten bottles!How much does she have there?
Afterwards, Jiang Shiyan took out the beauty pill, and everyone's jaws dropped in surprise.

Where did she get so many precious elixirs?
Not only that, Jiang Shuiyan also took out Baiwu Pill, Yangshen Pill, Chunyuan Pill, etc... There are ten bottles each time, and the medicine bottles in front of her are already full at this moment.

Every time she introduced one, the expressions of the people around her became hotter.Some people couldn't help it anymore, as if they were taking away these pills!
It's a pity that the city lord is too powerful, they have no courage!
The last thing Jiang Shiyan took out was a medicine bottle. This time she held it in her hand and gently opened the bottle.

Many people had never seen this elixir, and they waited intently for Jiang Shuiyan to explain, for fear of missing a word she said.

(End of this chapter)

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