Immortal is too strong

Chapter 578 Ye Sitian

Chapter 578 Ye Sitian (4)

Jiang Shuiyan felt that Wan Jianzong's clothes on her were in the way, and she would not wear them anymore after the trials were over.

She didn't say anything about her relationship with the Bell Bottle Sect, and she didn't want to let Ye Sitian go easily, so she said, "I also saw that the dead disciples of the Bell Bottle Sect were too miserable, so I'm collecting their bodies."

Ye Sitian likes to do things that can flaunt his goodness, so he trotted over immediately: "Then we will join too!"

She remained calm, and wanted to stand between Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen, and wanted to get to know Qing Mochen, but he said coldly, "Stay away from me."

Ye Sitian stood there pitifully, and said to Qing Mochen, "My name is Ye Sitian, and I'm a child of the Ye family, the eldest son of the cultivator family. I don't know what to call my fellow Taoist?"

With Qing Mochen's character, when he doesn't want to talk to anyone, he won't give him any face, so the reply to her is still the same sentence: "I don't care who you are, stay away from me."

Jiang Shuiyan stared at Qing Mochen, his words made her secretly happy.Haha, looking at Ye Sitian's appearance, to other male monks, he opened his mouth and said his elder brother was tall, but kept his mouth shut and his elder brother was short. I'm afraid he hasn't been treated like this before, right?

Xiao Jinlong is worthy of being the person he likes, and he has the same standpoint as her!

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help comparing him with Qing Mochen.If Qing Mochen had been so indifferent to her in front of her in the previous life, she would not have given up so thoroughly.

Because Xiao Jinlong pleased Jiang Shiyan, she gave him a lot of points in her heart.

Luo Yangye couldn't understand Qing Mochen's behavior, and said coldly: "Why are you so rude? Si Tian greeted you nicely, in exchange for this kind of treatment from you?"

Qing Mochen's eyes were stern: "If you don't want to die, just come here."

It was just a look that made Luoyang Ye take a half step back unexpectedly.The way Qing Mochen looked just now made him almost kneel down.

This gentleness seems to be a foundation-building cultivation base, and the man is probably not much higher than him. How could he have such a cold gaze?
Jiang Shuiyan put on a white face at the moment, and said to Qing Mochen: "Jinlong, don't be nervous, they won't do anything to me."

Then she looked at Ye Sitian with a smile: "Do you still want to bury the bones with me?"

How could Ye Sitian give up halfway? She stood far away and nodded.

Jiang Shuiyan threw her an empty Qiankun bag, and she and Qing Mochen were buried in the left half of the mountain, while Ye Sitian and Luoyang Ye were buried in the right half.

In the end, they will meet at the top of the mountain, which is Jiang Shuiyan's cave and the place where her parents' relics are sealed.Except for her, no one knew how to open the restriction there.

After parting from Ye Sitian and the others, tender green sprouts slowly appeared under Jiang Shiyan's feet, extending until covering the entire Bell Bottle Sect.

Because the green grass doesn't bear her imprint and doesn't have any special aura, Ye Sitian and Luoyang Ye don't know, and their words are ignored.

Jiang Shuiyan saw through the green leaves that when the bones were buried, Ye Sitian was just carrying the Qiankun bag, and Luoyang Ye did the rest of the work.

Moreover, Ye Sitian disliked these skeletons very much, and only carried a small side of the Qiankun bag.Luoyang worked hard at night and really wanted to show it in front of Ye Sitian.

Whenever he put the corpses into the Qiankun bag, Ye Sitian would smile at him, look at the Qiankun bag "without any suspicion", and said pleasantly: "Brother Luo, you are really capable, you have already collected so many .”

(End of this chapter)

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