Immortal is too strong

Chapter 580 Ye Sitian

Chapter 580 Ye Sitian (6)

As she continued to bury the corpse, she couldn't help but think of Qing Mochen.In her previous life, Ye Sitian also wanted to marry Qing Mochen, even after she and Qing Mochen had become Taoist couples, she still didn't give up.

Qing Mochen promised her everything, except this matter.

She was a little puzzled, what was Qing Mochen thinking?
Right now, the Lord is by her side. If he knew what she was thinking, he would probably understand that when he subconsciously made such a choice, it meant that he was tempted by Jiang Shuiyan.

It's a pity that he realized it too late at that time.

After being buried for an hour, the four of Jiang Shiyan met at the top of the mountain.Ye Sitian handed the Qiankun bag to Jiang Shiyan, pretending to be obedient and said: "Senior sister, it's all packed."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't expose her previous hypocrisy, took the Qiankun bag over, and praised her: "Well done."

Ye Sitian said shyly, "It's all thanks to brother Luo, I didn't do anything." She looked at Qing Mochen again as if she was pregnant, "Senior sister, it's all done by this fellow Taoist, right? "

Jiang Shuiyan replied naturally: "No, I did it, and he followed me and watched."

"Huh?" Ye Sitian felt a little chilly in his heart.Wen Wan looks good at Qing Mochen, so why not post it upside down?Are you still raising him?

Jiang Shuiyan looked at her quietly, wondering what Ye Sitian could say.

Sure enough, Ye Sitian pulled Jiang Shuiyan aside, and whispered to her through voice transmission: "Senior sister, I have something to say, don't be angry."


"Is this male fellow Taoist cheating on your cultivation resources? He took him all the way, and he didn't do anything?"

Before Jiang Shuiyan could speak, Qing Mochen said, "I heard everything you said."

Ye Sitian's face turned red quickly, he was very embarrassed, and he didn't dare to answer.

Qing Mochen walked over slowly, and said affirmatively: "She is taking care of you all this way, and I really didn't do anything."

Ye Sitian looked at Jiang Shuiyan, as if looking at a fool, but Qing Mochen's appearance was so good that she was still a little tempted.

So she deliberately provoked the relationship between the two: "Fellow Daoist, don't you feel unmanly if you let your senior sister take care of you like this?"

Qing Mochen put his arms around Jiang Shuiyan's shoulders, and when he looked at Jiang Shuiyan, he smiled slightly: "I don't think so. It makes me feel good that she can support me."

Ye Sitian asked angrily: "Then if there is a female cultivator who is better than the senior sister and wants to support you? Will you follow?"

Qing Mochen said flatly: "I don't want anyone but her."

Ye Sitian was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet.What's so good about being gentle!Compared with cultivation resources, there are more of myself!It's still the young lady of the Ye family, at such a young age, the Qi refining period has reached the Great Consummation!
But she didn't say these words.

Luoyang Ye couldn't stand it any longer, and came over to persuade Ye Sitian: "This kind of person doesn't make sense, don't make yourself angry."

Maybe because of his high cultivation, he also disrespected Jiang Shuiyan: "When you leave the sect, you will raise male pets, and the ethos of Wan Jianzong will be ruined by you!"

Jiang Shuiyan lazily leaned against Qing Mochen's arms: "None of your business?"

She just doesn't like Ye Sitian, what can you do to me?Luoyang night charged up and wanted to teach Jiang Shiyan a lesson, but was stopped by Ye Sitian.

At this time, she was still being a white lotus, and patted his heart with her little hand: "Brother Luo, don't be angry, senior sister will understand your painstaking efforts in the future."

Luoyang Ye snorted and walked down the steps given by Ye Sitian.

Jiang Shuiyan wanted to go to his own cave to have a look, so he walked away.

Ye Sitian and the others also followed, only to find that the cave was restricted and they couldn't get in!
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(End of this chapter)

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