Immortal is too strong

Chapter 592 Yu Family Destroyed

Chapter 592 Yu Family Destroyed (2)

Qing Mochen shook his head stubbornly: "I won't go. I am your Taoist companion, and I will always be by your side."

"I can't afford a Taoist companion like you." Jiang Shuiyan looked at Ye Sitian and curled his lips, "I see, it's not because of me that you don't leave."

Qing Mochen frowned: "It has nothing to do with other people. Shisha, I will no longer have the slightest sympathy for her."

Jiang Shuiyan sat down slowly, and grabbed a handful of grass leaves on the ground: "What does it have to do with me?"

At this moment, Luoyang Ye was getting food for Ye Sitian, seeing Jiang Shiyan and Qing Mochen's swords were at war, and said to Ye Sitian, "What's wrong with them?"

Ye Sitian took pleasure in his misfortune: "I guess Jiang Shuiyan looked down on that little boy, and is driving him away, and the boy won't go."

Luoyang Ye laughed and said, "It's a failure for a man to live like him."

Jiang Shuiyan ignored Qing Mochen, unwrapped the knot, and checked her points, but she was not paying attention.

That day when he was angry, he said a lot of things that hurt Qing Mochen, but now Jiang Shuiyan calmed down and realized that something was wrong.

First of all, Qing Mochen didn't have friendship with Ye Sitian, why did he save her?There must be a reason that I don't know, and it's not that Qing Mochen likes Ye Sitian.

Secondly, I watched Qing Mochen grow up, he was so innocent before, he didn't know how to hide it when he watched the erotic palace, and he also had a cold attitude towards Ye Sitian, if he really liked someone, he would treat him wholeheartedly.

In the end, Jiang Shuiyan had confidence in him and herself.Her vision can't be so bad in two lifetimes, can it?

The reason why she still doesn't give Qing Mochen a good face is because her anger has not subsided yet.In fact, she no longer wanted Qing Mochen to leave.

The truth still needs to be explored, Jiang Shuiyan believes that with her ability, everything Qing Mochen keeps from her will be discovered.

After eating at night, Luoyang went to Jiang Shuiyan and said what he had been thinking all along: "Wen Wan, you are going to Wanjianzong soon, do you have to hand over what you got from Bell Pingzong before?" gone?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't even raise her eyes. Her points were still third, and Luoyang Ye was second. The key was that the combined points of the two of them were not as much as the first person!
The leader of Dingkang Ten Heroes is really a pervert, how could he get so many points in one year?

"You endured all the way just to say this to me, right?" Jiang Shuiyan closed the knot in his mind, and looked at Luoyang Ye, as if he was looking at the white flowers.

Luoyang Ye didn't say a word, Jiang Shuiyan continued: "If you want me to hand over things, it's fine."

Ye Sitian's eyes lit up when he heard this.As long as she handed over the things, Luoyang Ye would definitely give them to herself!
Luoyang Ye also praised her with a smile: "Junior Sister knows current affairs."

"I haven't finished talking yet." Jiang Shuiyan said lightly, "Do you dare to gamble with me? The knot is a sentence. If I lose, I will give you something. If you lose, you will lose your points." Give it all to me."

Luoyang Ye was a little annoyed: "You want my points? Are you too arrogant?"

Jiang Shuiyan added: "You can choose the content of the competition."

In fact, if she didn't know that there was a knot, she would have snatched it.

Luoyang Yezheng was hesitating, Ye Sitian came over and whispered: "Brother Luo, I think you can agree. She is not as cultivated as you, and she is not a famous person on Dingkang Cliff. Wouldn't it be easy for you to win her?"

Hearing what she said, Luoyang Ye made up his mind and said to Jiang Shuiyan, "Okay, I promise to compete with you."

 It's the last day of January. Friends who have monthly tickets and recommended tickets, please vote for me. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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