Immortal is too strong

Chapter 599 The Ranking of Hookah

Chapter 599 The Ranking of Hookah (2)

Baili Yunhan didn't know that Jiang Shuiyan was Jiang Li, he only thought she was a little familiar.At this moment, Yun Han was greeting Bi Shuran: "I haven't seen you for a year, and my cultivation base has grown very fast. Do you have any adventures?"

Bi Shuran was still a little resistant to him, and quietly hid behind Jiang Shuiyan.

While talking, a gloomy female voice suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Shuiyan: "Jiang... Shui... Yan..."

He didn't look at the people but listened to the sound, and thought he was being approached by some kind of ghost.

But Jiang Shuiyan knew that this was her roommate.She turned around with a smile in the corner of her eyes: "You're back too? How's your training going?"

Thinking of this, Mo Bingyou was furious. Originally, she ran after Jiang Shuiyan, but who knew that when she left the sect, she seemed to have disappeared from the Magnolia Realm.

A year later, she never found out where Jiang Shiyan was.

Both Baili Yunhan and Lin Kexin were a bit resistant to Mo Bingyou, especially Baili Yunhan, who was originally a master of women's clothing, felt that Mo Bingyou was eerie and terrifying, unlike ordinary people.

His little girl looked very natural, her watery eyes widened, and she said softly, "I'm going to cry because of you."

Mo Bingyou bared his teeth at him, and Baili Yunhan took a step back.

Bi Shuran also became vigilant, he always thought that this Mo Bingyou was not a good person.Especially when she looked at her senior sister, how could she look at another piece of fat?
Even though he was not as high as Mo Bingyou, he still stood in front of Jiang Shuiyan: "What are you going to do?"

Mo Bingyou gave him a cold smile, obviously not paying attention to him, Bi Shuran's hand was already on the hilt of the sword, thinking that Mo Bingyou was going to fight him.

Who knows, something shocking happened. When Mo Bingyou, who was still spooky just now, looked at Jiang Shiyan, her aura instantly became cute and soft, and even her hair covering her face became quiet. .

She also followed Baili Yunhan's example, and said pitifully, "Shisha, where did you go, I can't find you no matter what."

This is actually what Lin Kexin and others wanted to ask. Jiang Shuiyan is too good at hiding, and her points can't be seen from the scoreboard. How is the task done?

Mo Bingyou's overtures to Jiang Shiyan made Bi Shuran's eyes widen suddenly, staring at Jiang Shiyan suspiciously.

Why is senior sister so powerful, when did she take down Mo Bingyou?
Jiang Shuiyan knew her disposition and preferences, and when other people greeted her with a smile, she also responded with a smile, but facing Mo Bingyou, she pushed her face coldly and said, "Where am I going, I still want to be with you." Report? Stay away from me."

I thought Mo Bingyou would be angry, but who knew that she blushed all of a sudden, covered her cheeks with her hands, squatted on the ground, extremely excited.

Haha, that's the taste!It's been a year and nothing has changed!
Originally, the square was very noisy. I don't know who saw the man first and stopped talking. Afterwards, more and more people were silent and cast awe-inspiring gazes in a certain direction.

The noisy square became extremely quiet with the arrival of that man.

Jiang Shiyan and the others also noticed this phenomenon, and looked towards the visitor.I saw her froze for a moment, and slightly hooked her lips.

This is also an old friend, from the previous life.If Jiang Shuiyan remembers correctly, hundreds of years later, he will be the head of Wan Jianzong.

Cultivators rarely look too bad, so it is the same for Guqing.He belongs to the clear and handsome type, just like Qing Mochen with the ice face of Wannian, he has his own elegant fairy voice.

 It's updated, continue to ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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