Chapter 319
At this time, Dian Wei was like a god of war descending from the earth, and an evil ghost alive. Facing tens of thousands of enemy cavalry, he actually regarded them as worthless horses whose hooves had been cut off, or horses whose heads had been severed, or Hun soldiers with missing arms and legs. , coupled with the mutilated corpse, Dian Wei had no opponent standing beside him.

The Xiongnu soldiers who charged in front couldn't help taking a few steps back. Facing such a fierce enemy general, they didn't dare to step forward to fight. Just for a while, more than 50 cavalrymen on their side were killed by this man on the spot. Beheading, the death was extremely tragic. Many soldiers who were not dead were crying in pain, and many people's intestines flowed out.

But Dian Wei didn't stop, he took a breath, then roared again, and then went to the place where the enemy's formation was denser, several commanders came back to their senses and wanted to order the soldiers to besiege Dian Wei, Dian Wei heard After confirming the positions of these commanders, the sound identification bit immediately jumped out of the battle circle, and then took out four short halberds from his waist and threw them in four directions.

There were four screams, and the four thousand commanders hiding in the Huns were all shot and fell off their horses. Dian Wei seized the opportunity to slash at the enemy with a saber.

Losing the command of the commander in chief, coupled with Dian Wei's ferocity deterred the Hun army, the Hun soldiers were killed and retreated steadily. The party that was charging was now hunted down, and thousands of troops were killed hunt down.

Immediately, more than 100 warriors jumped out of the Huben army behind Dianwei, and they also joined in the slaying. Under such circumstances, the Hun soldiers were beaten helplessly.

In the distance, Gongsun Xu looked at it and couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding: "Excellent, who can resist the evil of the past."

The charge of the Xiongnu soldiers was blocked, and it was meaningless to stay where they were. Many soldiers had already been beaten and ran back. This time the charge was actually repulsed.

The Xiongnu Shanyu saw that his personal guard was beaten back again, and he roared madly: "Who is this general? The might of one man is better than my thousands of horses. Whoever can kill this general, I will call him a king!" Commander."

Many people have recognized Dian Wei's identity from the armor on his body. Although they don't know what Dian Wei's name is, but during the first battle, Dian Wei kicked a horse away in front of the two armies, and then Another Hun warrior was torn apart.

At that time, after the Huben army withdrew, they did not show their faces again, and not many people in the Xiongnu army remembered Dianwei, but now, Dianwei once again showed his power in front of the two armies, and the Xiongnu army remembered him. .

Dian Wei's viciousness dealt a great blow to the morale of the Huns warriors. Just when Shan Yu's personal guards were preparing to continue their charge, the Xiongnu Shan Yu finally gave an order: "Come on, send another 5000 people forward. Let me crush the enemy infantry."

Although the people around Shan Yu were astonished by the order, what else could they do after the order had been issued? Of course, they must carry it out unconditionally.

In order to crush the 5000 infantry positions on the opposite side, the Xiongnu had already mobilized [-] Shanyu's personal guards and [-] cavalry. Qian Danyu's personal guard is the most powerful existence in the Xiongnu army.

Gongsun Xu also realized that something was wrong. The Huns successively increased their troops to attack the positions of the Huben infantry. No matter how brave the Huben army was, it would always be defeated. Wei, in order to stabilize the situation, Gongsun Xu also had to order the whole army to prepare.

Finally, another attack by the Xiongnu army began. This time, 5000 Hun cavalry led the charge, [-] Shanyu's personal guards formed the central army, and the additional [-] Shanyu's personal guards served as cover. The position of [-] people on Wei's side seems a bit weak.

However, the morale of the Huben army is getting higher and higher. How many troops can fight the Xiongnu cavalry to this level in today's world, with [-] infantry against the enemy's [-] elite troops? The [-] infantry regiment that went deep into the grassland and was surrounded by the Huns may not be as powerful as the Huben army today.

Dian Wei was still curled up behind the shield, and the bows and arrows of the Huns greeted them as if they didn’t want money. These bows and arrows were not the animal bones and bronze arrows of the past. The weapons used by the Shanyu’s personal guards and the elite Huns were all the Huns The best among them, although it can't shoot through the battle armor of the Northern Border Army, it is not difficult to inflict damage.

Even Dian Wei, who was wearing three layers of heavy armor, had to prevent stray arrows from hitting the vital points. When the enemy cavalry was fifty steps ahead, a soldier would report the distance. When the enemy army approaches, he will surely kill again.

After a while, the cavalry of the Huns approached the position of the Huben army. Dianwei once again fought against the gods. The warriors of the Huns who charged at the front were stabbed one after another. Hun cavalry offensive.

However, Shan Yu's personal guards in the middle army were not affected. They continued to march, bows, arrows and weapons greeted these warriors. Facing the attack of tens of thousands of enemy troops, Dian Wei and the others were driven back after all. position.

However, the offensive of the Xiongnu army was also slowed down, and the last five thousand Shanyu's personal guards, who were the killer's trump card, gradually showed their ferocious features.

At this time, the Huben army only had to be beaten. Although there were [-] cavalry behind them with bows and arrows to cover, tens of thousands of soldiers on the enemy's side fought back. Under such circumstances, the two cavalry were also suppressed.

At the critical moment, Gongsun Xu finally led his army out. After shooting a round of arrows and throwing a short spear in his hand, the three thousand tiger and cardinal troops plunged into the formation of the Huns. Yu Qinwei lost more than 2000 people at once under Gongsun Xu's attack.

The formation of the Xiongnu army was almost pierced. Gongsun Xu's 3000 men were unstoppable and killed the Xiongnu army without any power to fight back.

Dian Wei took advantage of the situation to counterattack, and the Xiongnu army showed signs of being defeated.

At the critical moment, the Xiongnu Shanyu ordered his subordinates to support them one after another, and if they couldn't stop them, they would surround the enemy.

The advantage of the number of Huns on the side of the Huns was obvious. The [-] Shanyu's personal guards could barely block the attack of [-] tiger and cardinal cavalry.

Dian Wei also led the tiger-been army to attack forward, hoping to rescue Gongsun Xu's [-] cavalry. The infantry on the side cannot use their full strength.

The 5000 cavalry covering the rear also frantically rushed towards the formation of the [-] Shanyu's personal guards. More than [-] horses from both sides fought together, one layer next to the other.

Gongsun Xu, who was surrounded in the middle, naturally understood his situation at the moment, but unexpectedly, instead of counterattacking backwards, he merged with Dianwei's infantry. If you rush back, you will fall into the enemy's siege again.

Gongsun Xu's long spear was flying in the air. No matter how brave the enemy soldiers were, no one could stop Gongsun Xu for a round.

Several thousand commanders of Shan Yu's personal guard yelled at the soldiers one after another to besiege Gongsun Xu. In the melee, Gongsun Xu could still see all directions and listen to all directions. After confirming the positions of several enemy generals, Gongsun Xu roared angrily. :"cover me."

Immediately, brave tiger and cardinal cavalry stepped forward to block all the enemy troops for Gongsun Xu. Taking advantage of this gap, Gongsun Xu hung the long spear on the saddle as quickly as possible, then quickly took off the pulley bow, and made three chain arrows in one move. , The three commanders of the enemy army fell to the ground in response.

The formation of the Xiongnu army was a bit loose because of the lack of command of three centurions ahead. Gongsun Xu was so powerful that his pulley bow was pulled away one after another.

At this time, Shanyu's personal guards in front of him had random thoughts, and Gongsun Xu held his long spear and roared: "Go forward without hesitation, behead the leader of the enemy army, kill..."

The generals of the Huben Army charged towards the chaotic formation ahead, and the cavalry of the Huben Army with sharp eyesight and quick hands threw their short spears one after another. Out of the siege.

Ahead, the Xiongnu Shanyu's face was clouded with gloom. He watched Gongsun Xu lead his army out of the encirclement and immediately ordered: "All generals, go."

The 4000 Shanyu's personal guards, who were the last mobile force, immediately rushed out with [-] people. Of course, they couldn't let the enemy approach here. If Shanyu was in any danger, there would be no need to fight this battle.

The Xiongnu Shanyu stared at the chaotic battlefield with his eyes in a terrible complexion. At the same time, he kept yelling at the messenger: "Where is King Youguli's troops? Why? , Don't you know that our army is fighting the Northern Xinjiang Army desperately?

Then send me an order, if he doesn't arrive at the battlefield within half an hour, I will cut him down with my own hands, go quickly. "

Shan Yu's anger was not unreasonable, he could not defeat the enemy even though he had all the advantages, just now, Gongsun Xujing almost led people to rush to his side, in his estimation, King Youguli should have arrived long ago Here, right now, there is no one in sight.

Twenty miles away, groups of cavalry dressed as Huns are running wildly. The one at the front is wearing a white robe, holding a painted halberd in his hand, and a white BMW under his lap. This person is Tai Shici, the general of Northern Xinjiang. .

He led [-] servants pretending to be Hun cavalry to hunt down Hun scouts and messengers. Five miles away, Wen Chou was yelling at the army to speed up. They received the news late, and the route was not clear. When it comes to the continuous smoke of war in the distance, Tai Shici may still take a detour.

The Xiongnu messengers, but several teams of scouts had already discovered that King Youguli's troops did not exist, and they all wanted to send information back. In order to ensure the concealment of the army, Tai Shici had to lead his troops to hunt down the enemy.

At this time, Gongsun Xu was fighting with the Xiongnu army. The [-] Northern Army cavalry was besieged by the enemy's [-] cavalry.

The Huben infantry led by Dian Wei managed to rendezvous with two thousand cavalry, but fell into the enemy's siege again.

Gongsun Xu's 1 Huben guards had been besieged by more than [-] Shanyu's guards. In such an intense battle, it was impossible to tell the winner.

(End of this chapter)

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