Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 356 Disposal of Prisoners 1

Chapter 356 Disposal of Prisoners 1
When it was getting dark, Huang Zhong also led his army to the camp here. Huang Zhong's arrival stabilized the morale of the northern army. Behind Huang Zhong were the most elite cavalry of the five thousand new army. With the addition of reinforcements, the soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army are more confident to face the next trip to inspect the grassland.

Gongsun Xu was a little surprised by the arrival of Huang Zhongyi's support army. He thought it would be troublesome for Gao Shun to deal with the last camp of the Huns, but he didn't expect that Gao Shun didn't need so many soldiers now.

After Huang Zhong's explanation, Gongsun Xu finally understood why Gao Shun had the courage to send Huang Zhong to help him.

It turned out that Gao Shun led the infantry to arrive at that time, and after taking over the task of confronting the enemy from Huang Zhong, Gao Shun never relaxed his oppression on the Huns. It brought a lot of trouble, especially when Gongsun Xu was fighting the main force of the Huns, which made Gao Shun even more anxious.

Fortunately, a few days later, news came from Gongsun Xu that he had defeated the main force of the Huns. Gao Shun felt much more relaxed now. How could Gao Shun not be angry at such a good show like a decisive battle.

In order to keep the enemy safe, Gao Shun would send soldiers to harass them almost every day. Whether it was day or night, the Xiongnu army was also troubled by Gao Shun's trick.There is a saying that is true and false, and false is true, and false is true, and true is false.Gao Shun's harassment was always false and real. Although he was hit by the Xiongnu army a few times and failed to cause any damage to the enemy, but more often, Gao Shun's side still succeeded in sneak attacks one after another.

In the end, seeing the tense confrontation between the two armies, the military advisor Jia Xu proposed a plan to get Gao Shun to send people in disguise to sneak into the enemy camp. The army set fire to the cattle pens and sheep pens of hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep used by the enemy as food.

In addition, Gao Shun sent people outside the camp to storm the enemy's camp gates, making it impossible for the enemy to spare enough manpower to take care of the cattle and sheep running around. It dropped more than [-]%.

This time, the Xiongnu army was really worried and the northern border army was overjoyed. Without saying a word, Gao Shun sent all the cavalry in the camp to capture cattle and sheep. After that, Gao Shun immediately ordered to send [-] infantry to surround the enemy. Dig traps within [-] paces of the camp.

After a night of hard fighting, the Xiongnu army was already exhausted, and then lost food and grass, and the sergeants panicked even more. In addition, when the Northern Xinjiang army dug traps, they failed to send enough soldiers to stop them. As a result, this At the end of the day, it was difficult for the Huns to move an inch.

Gao Shun originally wanted to build fortifications to surround the enemy's camp, but the enemy's camp occupied a huge area, and the project was too large. In the end, Jia Xu suggested digging pits and laying traps to surround the enemy.

As a result, the camps of the Huns were full of horse pits and traps, as well as some crude fences, and there were ditches blocking the gates of the camps. The Huns were now trapped, and they had no chance to escape even if they wanted to escape. up.

Gao Shun stopped attacking the enemy, and turned to siege instead. The Xiongnu army ran out of food and grass, and the cavalry could not leave the camp if they wanted to break through the encirclement.Under such favorable circumstances, Gao Shun ordered Huang Zhong to lead the troops to support Gongsun Xu.

After knowing the cause and effect of all this, Gongsun Xu shook his head and said with a smile: "This group of Xiongnu army deserves to be unlucky. If they ran away earlier, there would be no such troubles. People who are targeted by Mr. Wen He may have to take off their skins even if they don't die. Coupled with the fact that the leader of the main party is known as a general, this Xiongnu army may become weak from hunger.

By the way, did Yide and the others take the king's banner of the Huns to surrender the Huns? It stands to reason that the affirmative party would not take advantage of such a good opportunity to surrender them. "

Huang Zhong laughed and said, "Zilong has already sent someone to send Wang Qi, but it is said that Mr. Wen He said that he will use this trick when the fighting spirit of the Huns is broken. If you use it too early, I am afraid that the Huns will surrender." In the future, I will find a way to make trouble, so as not to force them into a desperate situation, these people will not know what pain is."

"It seems that Mr. Wenhe holds grudges very much." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "I think he should be resentful that the Xiongnu army stopped him from coming to support our army and the main force of the Xiongnu army. Otherwise, Wenhe Mister can use this battle to become famous in the country, hahaha."

When Gongsun Xuzheng was happily chatting with Huang Zhong, Dian Wei opened the tent and walked in and said, "My lord, there are still more than 2000 people from those thorns who have not returned to the camp. Do you think it is time to send someone to summon them back?"

Gongsun Xu shook his head and replied: "No need, there are more than 7000 people in the frontline selection army who have not returned to the camp. They should have chased and killed them too far, so it's okay. I'll give them two days of dry food each. Come to think of it, they should Knowing when to come back, you take care of these people, this is all left over from Gongming's selection, I will leave it all to you."

"Don't worry, my lord. Although these people are a little bit disobedient, they all have some real skills. If only in terms of individual combat power, these people are all above the servant army under Gongming's command." Dian Wei laughed when he heard this.

At this time, Huang Zhong thought of the captured prisoners, so he asked: "My lord, I heard that our army captured a lot of prisoners in this battle. So far, our army has taken too many prisoners. Perhaps the Hun prisoners are all right?" Control, after all, Mr. Yuanzhi captured most of the Xiongnu tribes, and their families should basically be in our hands.

But these Xianbei captives are different. Their families and tribes are all in the Xianbei Grassland, and they have no side with us. If they are forcibly controlled, it may be a waste of food and grass. "

"Hey, well, think about it first, what do you think is the best way to deal with these Xianbei prisoners." Gongsun Xu smiled sinisterly.

Both Huang Zhong and Dian Wei shook their heads. In their opinion, what else can the captives do, if they are disobedient, they can only be slaves or coolies. Anyway, there will be no good things waiting for these captives.

Gongsun Xu looked at the map and said, "What if I want to put them back?"

"Huh? This is impossible." Dian Wei was surprised.

After hearing this, Huang Zhong thought for a while and replied: "Could it be that the lord wants to blackmail them."

"How can Han Sheng say it so badly? This is not extortion, but fair trade." Gongsun Xu replied innocently: "I have already sent people to identify the leaders and commanders of the captives, commanders of thousands, and so on. These officers should all have some family background, so what if I asked them to exchange cattle, sheep and horses from the tribe, they don’t have to change it.”

Hearing Gongsun Xu's explanation, Dian Wei understood that it must be a waste of food to keep these captives, but it would be a bit wasteful to send them to coolies. It is indeed a good choice for the enemy to exchange them with good things.

As for whether the tiger will go back to the mountain, not to mention Gongsun Xu, even Dian Wei now understands that the Northern Border Army is strong enough that no one dares to provoke them, especially these small grassland tribes. After the war, although the northern border army captured a lot of cattle, sheep and horses, they had to reward the meritorious soldiers and do business with the princes of the Central Plains. Of course, the more cattle, sheep and horses the better.

Doing so now is also the best choice. Moreover, these captives are already afraid of the Northern Border Army, and even if they encounter them on the battlefield in the future, they may not dare to directly confront the Northern Border Army.

But those tribes and their leaders need these soldiers to go back and work for them. This is the insidiousness of Gongsun Xu. Huang Zhong and Dian Wei, who knew him well, also praised his master's move. Now, those tribes should bleed profusely .

But this is also good, while weakening the enemy's logistical strength, it can also damage the morale of the enemy. Why not do such a good thing?Furthermore, the practice of selling captives was already popular on the grasslands.

The defeated and captured soldiers, the old and the weak, women and children are the wealth of the victors. They have the right to dispose of their captives, and selling them to those who need them is undoubtedly the most economical and practical way.

This is much better than beheading the captives directly. Moreover, Gongsun Xu just sold them to their own tribe. To put it bluntly, he asked them to come up with bargaining chips to redeem themselves, especially those leaders. And the commander, of course they don't want to be a prisoner, even if they lose everything, they still have to find a way to survive.

Dian Wei was the first to respond to Gongsun Xu's suggestion. This kid seemed to have discovered a treasure. He knew that these captives could be sold for money in this way. He felt that he should spend more time on the grassland. Grab some talent.

In fact, Gongsun Xu also had a deeper meaning in doing this. If these captives could be recruited, how could Gongsun Xu be willing to release these strong soldiers back, or even sell them to the enemies of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

But the twisted melon is not sweet. After all, these captives are not of one mind with me. They are indeed very different from the Hun captives. If Gongsun Xu controls their family members, it would be better to say, maybe there will be a chance to slowly subdue these people Unfortunately, Gongsun Xu did not have such an opportunity.

Furthermore, many captives were captured in this battle, and Gongsun Xu could not support these people. However, this does not mean that all captives will be bought back. Those who have family background, background or family members, their families will Redeem them back.

But what about those soldiers who have no family and are alone?Who is willing to redeem them? Those tribes have lost a lot this time. They can't afford so many cattle, sheep and horses to buy back all the soldiers that belonged to their tribe. Therefore, there will always be a group of soldiers left behind in the end. .

And these soldiers are the ones that Gongsun Xu can subdue, just like Xu Huang picked up the remaining captives before. When these prairie warriors are in desperation and facing death, they will make new choices about their lives, and Gongsun Xu wanted to appear at this time, give them hope, and then make them work for him.

Of course, there can't be too many soldiers like this. According to Gongsun Xu's thinking, he would have made a lot of money if he had more than 5000 soldiers. However, what will happen depends on the final situation.

(End of this chapter)

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