Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 407 Discussing Jingzhou Together 2

Chapter 407 Discussing Jingzhou Together 2
Jiangdong, Sun Jian’s headquarters, at this time Sun Jian has led his army to the northern area of ​​Yuzhang, and Jiangxia is further ahead. After crossing the river, he will face the Jingzhou navy. The battle is imminent, and all the soldiers in the camp are doing Last effort.

In Sun Jian's big tent, Sun Jian had just finished discussing the military situation with the generals. Some generals left and went to work. After all, they still had a lot of things to deal with before the war, and the emotions of the soldiers also needed to be taken care of.

When only Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Sun Ce were left in the tent, Sun Jian nodded to the three of them and said, "Don't be so polite, come, sit down and chat."

Anyway, there are only a few people now, and everyone is usually open in private, so Sun Jian's words did not attract many excuses.Sun Jian kept staring at the map, and then he asked Cheng Pu, "Demou, tell me, what are our chances of winning this battle, and we must tell the truth."

Cheng Pu nodded and replied seriously: "According to the general, the chance of our army's victory in this battle is only [-]%. Our army set off with too much fanfare, but the logistics side was slow to catch up, which delayed our army's victory." marching speed.

Jingzhou must have received news of our army's dispatch, and our army has lost the best time for a surprise attack.To put it simply, our army has lost the opportunity. If we want to fight this battle well, I am afraid that we will have to slowly lose with the enemy. "

Sun Jian nodded and replied, "That's not bad, and the analysis makes sense. Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Cheng Pu nodded and said, "What we are going to face next must be Jiangxia's Huangzu. We all know Huangzu very well. If it weren't for the high walls of Jiangxia City and Liu Biao giving him food and grass Support from the Internet, hehe, this guy really might not be able to last until now.

We have not dealt with Huang Zu for a day or two. We all know the troops under Huang Zu's command. The only thing he can do is the [-] sailors, but compared with our navy, their navy Too inferior.

If we can lure Huang Zu out to fight, then we can take Jiang Xia very quickly, and maybe force Liu Biao to lead the army to fight in person, but Huang Zu has also suffered a lot from us. It would be very difficult to lure him out, maybe Liu Biao had already given Huang Zu a death order not to allow him to go out to fight, and that was the difficulty. "

"Our army attacked about 2 people, including 1 sailors. If we were to fight head-on, I would be sure to defeat Huang Zu's [-] sailors on the water." Sun Jian narrowed his eyes and said, "However, most likely Huang Zu was If you want to be a coward, if you don't give him something sweet, I'm afraid he really doesn't want to leave the city."

Cheng Pu and the others nodded. Sun Jian's words were more to the point, but how to lure Huang Zu out.

After a while, Sun Jian continued: "I intend to divide my troops to attack Jiangxia. Although Jingzhou has received news of our army's departure, they probably don't know the exact number of our army yet. In order to lure Huang Zu to fight, our army must Do not show weakness to the enemy."

"My lord, what do you mean?" Cheng Pu questioned, "Divide the troops into two groups? Our army has a small number. If we divide our troops again, the strength of the two groups will be weak. This is a risk."

Sun Jian sneered, and then he continued: "This is what war is all about. Winning is a good way. Besides, if we can't get a bargain from Huang Zu, can't I withdraw in time? If Huang Zu dare not go out of the city to fight I will fight decisively, so how can he have the courage to chase me, Demou don't need to be too anxious."

Then, Sun Jian turned his head to look at Sun Ce and said, "Ce'er, you will be full in a few months, so it's time to get your writing. From the day you were born, you have writing. Your grandfather gave you writing The character chosen is Bofu, from now on, you will be Sun Ce and Sun Bofu."

Sun Ce nodded excitedly. Finally, it was almost the end of the day. From now on, no one would say that he was a child. However, this choice of characters was also a big deal. It's finalized.

"You've grown up too, so it's time to get out of my protection." Sun Jian stroked Sun Jian's head lovingly and smiled, "Bo Fu, I'll give you five thousand elite cavalry, and you dare to lead the army to attack Jiang Xia alone. Quickly answer me, the military is not a joke, if you make a mistake, you will be dealt with by the military law, there are no fathers and sons in the army, and I will definitely not show mercy when the time comes."

Without any hesitation, and without any hesitation, Sun Ce took the order directly on one knee and said: "The last general, Sun Ce, is willing to share the general's worries. If he cannot complete the task, the last general is willing to be dealt with by military law."

"Okay, okay, this is my Sun Jian's son, this is the good man of my Sun family." Sun Jian patted Sun Ce on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Before the army set off, your uncle Sun Jing led his nephew to worship in front of the horse. I didn’t listen to you who advised me not to use troops rashly to avenge a momentary revenge, and even brought you into the army and left other nephews behind, do you know why?”

Sun Ce shook his head, he really didn't understand why his father would go his own way like this, it really didn't fit his father's character.

"Do you know, as far as the entire Sun family is concerned, there are not many people who are determined to forge ahead." Sun Jian said with a smile: "Your uncle is too cautious in his actions, which is doomed to his great achievements.

Among you brothers, your second brother, Sun Quan, has a soft personality and is destined to be a conservative person. It may be okay to let him handle internal affairs in the future, but if you want him to do the things of expanding the territory, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

Your third younger brother, Sun Yi, has a personality slightly similar to yours, but this kid is more reckless than you, he doesn't know how to act, and he will hardly achieve great things in the future.It was really good for you to let you study with the general at the beginning.

At least, you don't want to cause trouble like you did a few years ago, and you are willing to use your brain and observe things carefully.Bofu, you can make such great progress, I am very happy as a father, this is why I only took you to fight alone, son, I know that you have always aimed for the general, the general is the hero among men, but I, Sun Jian His son is at least the general of tigers and bears.

This time, you have to face the difficulties by yourself. You and my father and son joined forces to fight against the enemy. This little Jiang Xia is nothing to worry about. The mere Huang Zu is just a stepping stone for you. "

Having said these words, Sun Ce only felt that his blood was boiling. Ever since he had seen Gongsun Xu's demeanor, he had never wanted to lead the army alone on the battlefield, but his father had been suppressing him and not giving him this opportunity.

However, it is different now, the opportunity has come, and I can lead the army to fight in a legitimate way. From now on, I don't have to be the son of a rich family in the eyes of others, and I am no longer the second generation ancestor.

"My son will definitely not let my father down." Sun Ce met Sun Jian's eyes and replied: "Jiangxia Huangzu, how can I stop my father from marching into Jingzhou, as long as my father gives an order, I will personally lead the army to capture Huangzu and dedicate it to my father. "

"Hahaha, yes, I am ambitious, that's what my son of the Sun family should do." Sun Jian laughed loudly and said, "Tomorrow we will divide our troops. You will lead [-] cavalry and [-] elite infantry to bypass Chaisang and attack Huang Zu's right side. , remember, your team is a partial teacher, so don't expose it unless it is absolutely necessary.

I will lead the main force to fight Huang Zu, and you can only fight when the enemy's attention is here.Bo Fu, listen, you only have one chance, if you fail in one blow, you must lead your army to join me, don't act recklessly, understand? "

"My son understands." Sun Ce took the lead and said, "My son will definitely make Huang Zu feel frightened when he hears about it."

"This is the first time you have led an army in battle. It would be a lie to say that you can rest assured. You have unlimited potential, but you don't know how to tap it yourself. I will let Demou fight with you. Demou is my old subordinate and also mine. Brother, his order is my order, if you disagree at a critical moment, you should obey your Uncle Demou, understand?"

Sun Ce nodded, then turned to Cheng Pu to salute and said, "Please give me some advice, uncle."

Cheng Pu didn't feel like an elder, he immediately supported Sun Ce and replied, "Young master, you can't do this, and I will definitely try my best to help you in the end."

After the matter was settled, Sun Jian said: "Okay, the things that should be discussed today are almost discussed, Bo Fu, you go down and prepare now, the three thousand cavalry are the elite trained by you, and they are also the best." Your personal soldiers, I believe you will let them explode into twelve points of combat effectiveness, as for the two thousand infantry, you can figure it out yourself, and you can pick people now."

After Sun Ce took the order to retreat, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai showed anxious expressions, and Cheng Pu said directly: "My lord, the young master is too young, will this be..."

Sun Jian waved his hand to interrupt Cheng Pu's words, and then he sighed and replied: "Oh, this kid is going to grow up anyway, besides, he is not young anymore, the one in Beijiang went to the battlefield to kill people at the age of 11, and his strong general Most of them joined the army in their teens, and even we killed pirates in our teens.

Could it be that in my son's generation it will not work?This kid has great potential, so he needs to be polished even more. This is a good opportunity, Demou, I will hand him over to you, and take good care of him for me. "

"The general understands, please rest assured, my lord, with me here, the young lord will be safe." Cheng Pu seemed to understand Sun Jian's painstaking efforts, and of course he would not let his lord down.

Although Jiangdong is far away from Jingzhou, Sun Jian took the lead in sending troops. Yuan Shu, the initiator of the crusade against Jingzhou, was not idle at this time. After sending Ji Ling to lead 2 infantry and cavalry, he ordered the towns near Huainan to hurry up. Surrender.

Even those bandits who occupied the mountain as king also received Yuan Shu's surrender letter. With the prestige of the Yuan family and Yuan Shu's current strength, he really has the qualifications to order these green forest people to work for him, let alone in this kind of situation. When foreign aid was needed, Yuan Shu didn't mind those bandits coming to submit to him.

As the number one general under Yuan Shu's command, Ji Ling is indeed superior. Of course he understands the truth that soldiers are precious and fast, and he knows in his heart that Jingzhou must have taken precautions against him. If it is delayed, it will not only consume more food and grass, but I am afraid that it will not be able to enter at the border of Jingzhou.

Therefore, in Ji Ling's mind, a plan was brewing.

(End of this chapter)

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