Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 410 Approaching Fancheng 1

Chapter 410 Approaching Fancheng 1
In Fancheng, Huang Zu had received the news that Sun Jian led the army to set up camp. Facing this old opponent, Huang Zu had made up his mind to defend the city. If possible, Huang Zu sincerely hoped that Sun Jian's army would not approach the city wall of Fancheng.

Regarding the ferocity of the Jiangdong soldiers, Huang Zu still had lingering fears.Since this period of time, Sun Jian has frequently led his army to attack Jingzhou, and Jiangxia is the only way to Jingzhou. Every time Sun Jian leads an army to attack, he must first come to Jiangxia to compete with Huang Zu.

At first, Huang Zu thought that he would be able to suppress Sun Jian with his superiority in military strength, and at least he could draw with Sun Jian. However, whenever the two armies fought, Sun Jian always took the lead and was not afraid of death. The soldiers were also extremely fierce. Even though the number of Jiangdong soldiers had always been small, they always suppressed the larger number of Jiangxia soldiers.

Even after retreating to the city wall, Huang Zu couldn't resist the Jiangdong soldiers' offensive. There were no war horses in Jiangdong, and Jiangdong soldiers were best at siege warfare and forest warfare. In addition, these soldiers under Sun Jian's command had followed him for many years For the Jianghuai elite, attacking cities and villages was commonplace for them. Therefore, even if Huang Zu had the advantage of a city, he would often not be able to withstand the fierce attack of Jiangdong soldiers.

This is also where Sun Jian dared to lead [-] troops to attack Jingzhou. Compared with Jingzhou soldiers, Jiangdong soldiers are too elite. Besides, sergeants from other parts of Jingzhou rarely went to the battlefield. Compared with those veterans on the battlefield, they were far behind.

Facing the enemy head-on, Sun Jian dared to attack Jiang Xia's soldiers who were several times his own. This is Sun Jian's confidence. When Sun Jian led [-] Jiangdong soldiers to attack, he was so frightened that he hid directly in Fancheng.

In the past, Sun Jian would lead thousands of soldiers to fight at most. This is the first time that this kind of posture is really the first time. Huang Zu doesn't think that the [-] Jiangxia soldiers under his command can resist the opponent's [-] elite soldiers .

In the Jiangdong army camp, in Sun Jian's command tent, all the generals gathered here, and Sun Jian was giving them combat orders.Sun Jian was quite satisfied with the high spirits of his subordinates seeking war. This was like the soldiers he brought out. Compared with those Jiang Xia soldiers who were afraid of war, Sun Jian was very satisfied with his subordinates.

After discussing tomorrow's battle plan, Sun Jian stared at his subordinates and asked, "Tomorrow will be our army's first battle in Jiangxia. Do you have anything to add?"

Everyone lowered their heads to think, and after a while, Huang Gai stood up and said, "My lord, Huang Zu in Fancheng has become a tortoise. If our army attacks by force, I am afraid that we will suffer huge losses. It's possible, Huang Zu suffered a lot from us a few times before, and we probably won't get much advantage in tomorrow's battle."

The other generals nodded, Huang Zu was already scared by them, and they also felt that Huang Zu would not be so stupid as to go out of the city to fight against their side again, but if their side attacked tomorrow, it would be a waste of the lives of the soldiers. , They feel that such words are not worth it.

Sun Jian also nodded, and then said: "That's right, Huang Zu is timid and fearful, the reason why he went out of the city to fight us before is because he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and I also think he won't fight us directly tomorrow.

I have already sent people to investigate today. The walls of Fancheng are tightly guarded. There are guards at every five steps and sentries at every ten steps. There are archers on almost every crenel. In my opinion, Huang Zu is going to be a tortoise to the end. Hehe, This thief is really thick-skinned, and he can do such courageous things. "

"Then, my lord, will we continue to follow the plan tomorrow?" Huang Gai was afraid that Sun Jian would be arrogant, and if he attacked by force, how many lives would be lost at the gate of Fancheng.

"No matter what Huang Zu thinks, we still have to meet him tomorrow, hehe, even if he wants to be a turtle, I will break his shell." Sun Jian sneered: "Tomorrow will follow the plan. If things are difficult, you can retreat with your camera, and don't love to fight."

"Promise." All the soldiers took orders, and they were relieved with Sun Jian's words. It seems that my lord didn't have the heart to fight Huang Zu to the death. As for how to win Fancheng, it will have to be tomorrow. I found out after trying it out.

The next day, Sun Jian led [-] soldiers in a warship to cross the river to fight. Fancheng was built along the river, and it was a city on water. Now that Huangzu was hiding in the city, Sun Jian had to use the warship to attack the city.

Far away, the sound of war drums came from the walls of Fancheng. The weather was fine today, and there was no fog on the river. Going to hide and hide.

The warships stopped five hundred steps away from the city. Sun Jian was going upstream, but now the wind was not in his favor, so he had to wait until the wind turned.

At this time, Huang Zu was already standing on the city wall staring at Sun Jian. He stared at the warship where Sun Jian was in the distance and muttered to himself: "The tiger in Jiangdong dared to resist the entire Jingzhou in Jiangdong alone. It is really heroic. I don't believe it." If you dare to lead an army to attack, I can afford it, but can you afford it?"

Sun Jian couldn't hear Huang Zu's exclamation. He was waiting for a fighter opportunity. After the battle flag turned, Sun Jian immediately ordered: "First team, advance."

The first wave of 300 people set off on ten assault boats. Each soldier only held a single sword and a shield, and all of them were shirtless. This is a water battle. If you wear armor, you may lose your life. All soldiers are lightly armed. Jane Cong, as long as something goes wrong, they can escape from the battlefield as quickly as possible.

When the front row of assault boats approached the knights in the city for a few steps, Huang Zu couldn't bear it any longer. He would not let these fierce soldiers approach his city wall. The archers on the city wall started to shoot arrows into the river after receiving the order .

Due to the long distance and the strong wind on the river, most of these arrows have lost their aim. Even if some of the arrows can reach the assault boat here, they will lose their strength, and they cannot harm the soldiers on the assault boat at all. harm.

However, in this way, the rain of arrows all over the sky also prevented Jiangdong soldiers from advancing. If they want to get close to the city wall, they have to face these arrows. The closer they are to the city wall, the greater the risk and the greater the chance of death big.

Sun Jian in the distance also saw the opponent's reaction, he didn't expect Huang Zu to come up with such a move, Jingzhou is really rich, dare to waste arrows like this, compared to Huang Zu's side, the soldiers on Sun Jian's side look much poorer , The soldiers who attacked the city in the first wave didn't even bring bows and arrows, which put them in a situation where they were beaten.

Since Sun Jian hadn't given the order to retreat, the [-] soldiers in front still had to move forward. They leaned on each other and held up their shields to block the arrows. The further they went, the more arrows they faced. It didn't take long for more than a dozen soldiers to be injured by arrows. There were no obstacles on the boat, and these wounded soldiers could only be placed behind others for the time being.

When advancing to forty steps, a small half of the soldiers were already injured. The enemy's arrows were too dense, and the Jiangdong soldiers were purely beaten and did not fight back. These charging warriors would inevitably be injured.

At this point, Sun Jian also knew that there was no need to attack. He said to the messengers around him: "Command, retreat, don't attack again."

When they heard the sound of retreating drums, the soldiers who were still persisting in front finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time the charge was really aggrieved, and it was almost powerless to fight back. The arrows on the opposite side never stopped. He didn't even have a chance to look up.

After the first group of soldiers withdrew, Sun Jian gave another order: "Send the second group up to try, and bring more shields for cover."

It seems that Sun Jian still doesn't give up, he really doesn't believe it, does Huang Zu really only know this trick?Sun Jian wanted to test it out today to see how much Huang Zu had improved.

It's a pity that the second group of soldiers failed to gain anything. At a place more than 30 steps away from the city wall, 100 soldiers in the second group were injured. method, Sun Jian would not be so stupid as to send his subordinates to die.

The retreat horn sounded again, and the second group of soldiers withdrew without even touching the city wall. Sun Jian stood on the battleship, staring at the tower in the distance. At this time, Huang Zu on the tower was also Staring at Sun Jian, the eyes of the two met across the air.

After a while, when Sun Jian was about to order the third team of soldiers to go forward, Huang Gai on one side immediately knelt down and said, "My lord, Huang Zu will definitely not fight with us in the field. It will be useless for our army to send soldiers forward again." Ah, this battle can't be fought like this, the lives of the soldiers can't be wasted like this."

The rest of the generals also knelt down after hearing this. Although they didn't speak, the meaning was obvious. Even if they sent a few more teams of soldiers forward, it would be futile. Huang Zu planned to use bows and arrows to exhaust himself to the end.

Finally, Sun Jian's order was still not issued, he sighed, and then said: "Come here, move the warship forward two hundred steps, I want to see if this Huang Zu really wants to be a turtle."

Huang Gai and others couldn't understand what Sun Jian meant, but the order was well executed. The warships of the Jiangdong Army moved forward, and Huang Zu on the tower also saw it. In his opinion, Sun Jian should be angry It seems that they intend to rely on the cover of large warships to attack the city, but this seems to be difficult for Huang Zu.

Before Sun Jian's warships approached the two hundred paces range, Huang Zu issued an order: "The enemy warships are not allowed to approach the city wall for seventy paces, and the soldiers of each battalion are free to shoot."

Except for the archers, the only [-] crossbowmen in Fancheng were also brought in. The crossbows always shot farther than the bows and arrows. In addition, the crossbowmen were on the city wall or on the archery, occupying the advantage of geographical advantage. Some excellent crossbowmen can even use the river wind to shoot arrows a hundred steps away.

When Sun Jian was a hundred steps closer to the city wall, sporadic arrows had already been shot at the boat, and Huang Zu planned to use bows and arrows to consume them all.Such a battle situation is obviously not good for Sun Jian, and, judging from the current situation, Sun Jian really has no power to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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