Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 424 Great Changes in Chang'an 1

Chapter 424 Great Changes in Chang'an 1
Dong Zhuo's recent life can be said to be very good. No one from the Guandong princes came to trouble him. Xiliang was enough to bother him, but Han Sui and Ma Teng in Xiliang have become enemies. Dong Zhuo knew everything about it and the result.

When Ma Teng was beaten by Han Sui, Dong Zhuo wanted to send Niu Fu to take advantage of the opportunity, but the two sides remained at a stalemate. In the end, Gongsun Xu sent invitation letters, and both parties were invited to Hetao to negotiate. I realized that I had no chance to make a move.

At that time, Dong Zhuo was not only troubled by the situation in Xiliang, but also shocked by Gongsun Xu who took Hetao so quickly, especially when Gongsun Xu invited Han Sui and Ma Teng to negotiate with Ma Teng in a strong tone, Dong Zhuo almost couldn't sit still up.

But in the end, although Han Sui and Ma Teng didn't continue to fight after they came back, Dong Zhuo also realized that they were already seriously injured, and the strong Gongsun Xu actually didn't have much spare energy to take care of the situation in Xiliang.

Dong Zhuo regretted that he had lost the best opportunity to weaken his opponent, but Dong Zhuo also understood that even if he seized this opportunity, he would have to take a huge risk. At least Gongsun Xu would not let him take advantage of it. Opponent, Dong Zhuo really didn't want to take any chances.

On the second day after receiving the news that Sun Jian had died in battle, Dong Zhuo called himself "Father Shang" in the court hall, and used the guard of honor of the emperor when he went in and out.

His behavior is nothing more than to show one thing, although there are many heroes in the world, but no one can do anything to him.This is Chang'an, it's my territory, and I am the master here.

In addition, Dong Zhuo also enshrined the Dong clan, regardless of age, as Marquis.Perhaps, this is what Dong Zhuo thinks that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. He wants his family to be prosperous for a while, and he wants everyone in the world to fear him.

Although Dong Zhuo can't occupy the palace on the bright side now, he doesn't care.At 250 miles away from Chang'an, Dong Zhuo used 25 civilians to build "Meiwu".

In order to enjoy all the happiness in the world, Dong Zhuo also collected countless gold and silver treasures in Meiwu, and many treasures in the palace were transported here secretly by him.Moreover, let the family members live in it, so that the safety of their own family members must be guaranteed. Dong Zhuo is really happy now.

Because he was busy enjoying life, Dong Zhuo didn't stay in Chang'an long enough. He usually went to and from Chang'an once every half a month or a month.

In order to warn those officials in Chang'an who were not of one mind with him and those aristocratic families, Dong Zhuo did not forget to use bloody means to intimidate and suppress them.

Once, Dong Zhuo was on the road to entertain the ministers, and it happened that hundreds of soldiers were sent from the north.He actually ordered people to gouge out the eyes of the soldiers, or stamp their hands, or boil them in a big pot.

Dong Zhuo's cruelty terrifies all officials, even those officials who have the courage to overthrow Dong Zhuo's rule are also afraid from the bottom of their hearts. Dong Zhuo has never been soft-hearted, as long as he finds an excuse, he will show his The cruelty, drew his butcher knife.

In fact, Dong Zhuo is now lawless and has no scruples. What he cares about is his own power and his majesty. In his eyes, the emperor is just a doll, let alone those officials who beg for mercy from him.

It's not that Dong Zhuo doesn't want to kill those officials who disagree with him, it's just that sometimes he needs an excuse to do things, even if the excuse is difficult to hold, he still needs to put on a show.

Another time, when Dong Zhuo was having a banquet in the prime minister's mansion, Lv Bu came over and whispered a few words in his ear when Dong Zhuo was having a big banquet with all the officials. Everyone, how do you think the rebellious officials and thieves should be dealt with?"

Everyone understood that Dong Zhuo was looking for an excuse to kill someone. No one dared to answer him, because no one could guarantee whether he was going to kill himself. When everyone was silent, Dong Zhuo suddenly shouted: "I'll tell you , Rebellious ministers and thieves deserve to die."

Before everyone could react, Dong Zhuo had Sikong and Zhang Wen dragged down and beheaded.All the officials were scared out of their wits, but he talked and laughed freely, and did he exaggerate himself a few words.

This is the benefit of power. Of course, this benefit is only for Dong Zhuo. For other officials, Dong Zhuo's concentration of power has only brought them endless disasters.

No one can restrain Dong Zhuo, and nothing can make Dong Zhuo scruples. He feels that he has become the master of the world.When Dong Zhuo became more and more addicted to the happiness that power brought him, he became more and more empty day by day.

Now Dong Zhuo has become a person with no pursuit and no goal. He doesn't even know what he should do tomorrow. He has tried all the fun he can think of, and there is nothing that can excite him.

However, he is also afraid of losing everything he has now, and even more afraid that he will become nothing, and eventually die without a place to bury him. Therefore, Dong Zhuo has suspicious eyes on everyone around him, especially those who are yin and yang to him. Dong Zhuo was even more worried that they would suddenly draw out a knife to assassinate him like Cao Cao did.

Perhaps, Dong Zhuo never thought that he would become what he is now. In the past, when Dong Zhuo was young, he was also a hero. He also had his own ideals and pursuits, and he also treated his subordinates with loyalty and patriotism.

At that time, for those subordinates who sincerely followed him, Dong Zhuo was willing to slaughter the only cow in his family to reward his subordinates. Stay a little longer. At that time, as long as he heard that the Xiongnu went south and the Hu people violated the border, he would immediately prepare his army for war and rescue the suffering people.

However, these things have become distant memories for Dong Zhuo. Sometimes Dong Zhuo himself would be woken up by nightmares in the middle of the night, and he would feel afraid and helpless. Moreover, this feeling of fear and helplessness was swallowing up. With all his strength and courage.

At this time, Dong Zhuo misses his high spirits and pride when he was young. At that time, Dong Zhuo had nothing, but he was full of blood and ambition. Many times, Dong Zhuo felt that he should be the happiest at that time, than From now on, Dong Zhuo feels that life at that time was actually better.

However, no matter how much power Dong Zhuo has, he can't change his destiny. He can make himself richer and more luxurious, but he can never find himself when he was young. He has lost his original self forever.

In addition to enjoying gold, silver, jewelry, fine clothes and fine food, Dong Zhuo likes nothing more than beauties. He has used various means to get all the famous beauties in Chang'an into his little bed, but recently, Dong Zhuo has become obsessed with an unknown woman. Song Ji, this person is Lu Buxinna's concubine Diao Chan.

Dong Zhuo didn’t really care much when he heard reports from his subordinates that Lv Bu led someone to rob Wang Yun’s house of a singer. , especially Lu Bu who surrendered halfway.

Lv Bu's behavior did not cause much trouble, but someone revealed to Dong Zhuo that Lv Bu robbed someone who is rare in the world, no matter in terms of appearance or figure, there is no second person in the entire Chang'an City.

At the beginning, Dong Zhuo just listened to it. There were so many beauties in his hand that he couldn't even count them.However, when Dong Zhuo got tired of playing with these captured women, he felt dissatisfied again, especially at this time someone told him that the singer Lu Bu snatched was indeed as beautiful as a fairy, and Dong Zhuo was really tempted.

In fact, Dong Zhuo knew very well in his heart that if he went to seek someone from Lu Bu for no reason, I am afraid that Lu Bu would not give it to him. Moreover, Dong Zhuo had no idea about this beauty who had never met before, and he didn't know what she was going to do. What does it look like.

For the sake of prudence, Dong Zhuo summoned Wang Yun and chatted with him about Diao Chan many times.Wang Yun, who was now nominally Lu Bu's half-father-in-law, was worried about how to drive a wedge between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu. Now that Dong Zhuo took the initiative to ask him about Diao Chan, how could he let go of this opportunity.

Fortunately, Wang Yun specially invited the best painters to paint some paintings for the most beautiful singers in the house. When Dong Zhuo mentioned Diao Chan, Wang Yun deliberately gave these paintings to Dong Zhuo.

This gift was a big deal. Dong Zhuo, who didn't care much at first, suddenly became obsessed. The Diao Chan in the painting is indeed as beautiful as a fairy. Dong Zhuo felt that the people he collected were nothing compared to the Diao Chan in the painting. a notch.

Wang Yun was also very insidious. He deliberately told Dong Zhuo that Lu Bu had snatched Diao Chan away from his house. He had originally planned to give Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo. When he invited Lu Bu to drink, he happened to bring up this matter, and Lu Bu felt very itchy. , Fei forced Diao Chan to come out to perform dances, but she fell in love with Diao Chan and snatched him away.

As soon as Dong Zhuo heard this, Dong Zhuo became angry. Lu Bu knew how to rob his woman. Although Diao Chan did not belong to him at that time, Wang Yun said that Diao Chan was originally meant to be given to him, that is to say, Diao Chan was destined to be his from the very beginning.

After chatting with Wang Yun about this matter, Dong Zhuoyue became more and more angry. Such a beautiful woman was snatched away by Lu Bu, and Lu Bu was so fast, she took her as a concubine shortly after she got it back. This is not obvious. I am afraid that I will ask him for someone.

Moreover, when Dong Zhuo opened those paintings again, he felt that he must meet the woman in the painting. The people in the painting are so beautiful, so how beautiful should the real person be? Dong Zhuo was not reconciled, and the entire Han Dynasty With everything under his control, he didn't believe that he couldn't get this woman.

After thinking about it for a while, Dong Zhuo decided to go to Lv Bu's mansion to meet this woman. Even if Lv Bu refused to let go now, he would go to see the real person. If it is really rare in the world, Dong Zhuo feels that he should not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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