Chapter 426
After leaving Dong Zhuo's residence, Lv Bu went to the military camp. Although Lv Bu enjoyed a warm life at home recently, Lv Bu did not forget that the foundation of his life is his martial arts and brave subordinates.

Today, the army that Lu Bu really controls is not too many. There are more than 5000 veterans of Bingzhou, including 5000 Bingzhou wolf cavalry. These cavalry can be regarded as Lu Bu's old team. Army, [-] infantry and cavalry each.

Of course, Lu Bu's duty is to train these soldiers and horses well. In addition, Lu Bu is also the chief instructor of an elite army under Dong Zhuo's command, which is Dong Zhuo's [-] elite cavalry Flying Bear Army.

Dong Zhuo’s inspiration for forming the Flying Bear Army came from the more than 1000 children from his hometown led by Lu Bu when he was rampant on the grasslands. The Northern Xinjiang Army’s reputation has risen over the years, especially the reputation of several soldiers and horses under Gongsun Xu’s command. This makes Dong Zhuo very happy. is uneasy.

A few years ago, the Xiliang army was indeed a rare elite in the world. The Xiliang cavalry coupled with Xiliang's tall horses was indeed the first-class elite in the world at that time. There are only Bingzhou wolf riders and Youzhou's white horse Yicong.

Compared with Bingzhou wolf cavalry and Baima Yicong, the biggest advantage of Xiliang iron cavalry is the number of people. Compared with Xiliang, Bingzhou and Youzhou at that time can only be described in poor words, but at that time, Youzhou and Bingzhou were adjacent to each other. Because of the grassland, it is often invaded by the Huns and Xianbei, which means that these two places cannot afford large-scale cavalry.

And Dong Zhuo was in charge of Xiliang at that time, he had subdued the Qiang people, and the name of Xiliang Dong Devil was so resounding that no Qiang people dared to provoke Dong Zhuo at that time. , Dong Zhuo recruited a large number of Han and Qiang warriors from the Xiliang area to join the army and formed the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

Dong Zhuo did not give these cavalry more formal training. In Dong Zhuo's view, the best training ground is the battlefield, so the cavalry under his command are all warriors who survived the battlefield. The harsh living environment and cruel competition, Coupled with the harsh battlefield, the Xiliang iron cavalry at that time was already strong.

It has to be said that Dong Zhuo's methods at that time were really very clever. He saved himself a lot of expenses, but at the same time he got a strong army.However, this situation could not last forever. When the soldiers and horses under Gongsun Xu's command gradually showed their heads, Dong Zhuo realized that the Xiliang iron cavalry had been thrown away.

Today, apart from the old and powerful Baima Yicong, the famous and powerful army in the Northern Xinjiang Army, the Fengxuan Army under Gongsun Xu's command has undoubtedly become the number one army in the world. The trap camp trained by Shunyi, and the Huben Army recently formed by Gongsun Xu, both have impressive records.

Especially in this battle of Hetao in the Northern Expedition, the selection of the forward army was too popular. Whether it was returning thousands of miles to aid, going deep into the enemy's rear, or defeating a strong enemy head-on, etc., the selection of the forward army almost did not fall in the first battle, and Every battle must be won.

After Dong Zhuo collected this information, he realized that his advantage in the army no longer existed. The Xiliang Iron Cavalry might be stronger than a few years ago, but the strength of several strong troops in Northern Xinjiang has surpassed the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

This is not just a problem of equipment and soldiers. The key is that Dong Zhuo has not put too much energy into army training. He still follows the old way, and the disadvantages brought about by this old way have already appeared.

Compared with the northern border army, the biggest disadvantage of Xiliang iron cavalry is that there is almost no military discipline. On the battlefield, Xiliang iron cavalry can fight crazily, and sometimes even fight the enemy endlessly, but off the battlefield, Xiliang iron cavalry is like bandits Similarly, they killed the people and plundered the village, almost doing everything.

Although Dong Zhuo's original intention was to maintain the combat effectiveness of the Xiliang iron cavalry through this method, the consequences of this method were so serious that Dong Zhuo had to pay attention to them.

After some deliberation, and with the help of the generals of the consulting department, Dong Zhuo understood that the only one in his army who could compete with Gongsun Xu's forward selection army was his personal guards, the Iron Armored Army.

But the Iron Armored Army has only 3000 people, which means they can play an important role in a battle with tens of thousands or even 10,000+ people, and their main duty is to protect Dong Zhuo's safety. Will shoot.

For this reason, Dong Zhuo made up his mind to form a stronger cavalry. Regarding the cavalry's tactics and performance, Dong Zhuo felt that no one in his troops could compare with Lu Bu. This is why he handed over the Flying Bear Army to Lu Bu for training. one of the reasons.

In addition, many people in the Feixiong Army were selected from the original Bingzhou soldiers. Moreover, the Feixiong Army is just a title. In fact, the Feixiong Army is divided into light and heavy cavalry. The wolf cavalry of Qianbing Prefecture are fast-moving light cavalry, while the carefully selected [-] Xiliang iron cavalry are equipped with new armor and formed a heavy cavalry.

Lu Bu's main task is to train five thousand wolf cavalry. They are Lu Bu's subordinates and are familiar with the tactics of wolf cavalry, so it is much more convenient to train. Many adjustments have been made to the deficiencies.

The Feixiong Army is destined to be a strong army. Dong Zhuo had originally hoped that the Feixiong Army could resist Gongsun Xu's forward selection army. Dong Zhuo even thought about waiting for the Feixiong Army to go on the right track before continuing to expand, and even surpassing the northern Xinjiang ace Pick the striker.

After Lu Bu came to the barracks, he first went to inspect his own camp. Zhang Liao and other generals trained sergeants in the army as usual. Recently, there was no fighting in Chang'an. Many soldiers and horses under the general's command even relaxed their training, but Lu Bu did not allow his own training. The subordinates slack.

After inspecting the camp, Lu Bu explained to Zhang Liao and others, and then led the cavalry to the camp of the Feixiong Army. His main duty was to train the Feixiong Army. This was also the task Dong Zhuo gave, and Lu Bu had to complete it.

After finishing his day's work, Lu Bu went home early. After he got home, he found out that his cheap father-in-law, Lord Wang Yun, had come again. Lu Bu didn't dislike his father-in-law. Lu Bu is also very happy to have a good relationship with himself.

After being courteous, Wang Yun suddenly said to Lu Bu: "General, do you know what the Grand Master is doing today?"

Hearing the news about Dong Zhuo again, Lu Bu frowned, then shook his head and said, "I have been in the barracks today, and I don't know much about the news from outside. Please tell my father-in-law."

"Oh, General, you are too honest." Wang Yun said anxiously: "Today the Grand Master came to my house suddenly, saying that he wanted to chat with me about family affairs, but in fact he was thinking about my inquiring about Diao Chan, which is even more disgusting. What's more, the grand master actually said that he sent you to the barracks, and asked me to invite Diao Chan back to let him meet, general, the grand master's meaning couldn't be more obvious."

"What?" Lu Bu said angrily, "How could the grand master treat me like this, how could he treat me like this."

"Don't worry, general. Now is not the time to get angry. Fortunately, I found an excuse to evade it today. But, general, I can't hide from the first day of the junior high school, but I can't hide from the fifteenth day. The grand master will definitely pay back this first time." There will be a second time.

Now the grand master still has a place for you, of course he will not do anything to you, but once the training of the flying bear army is completed, I am afraid that the value of the general's existence will be gone. At that time, what will the grand master do? I can't even predict it. "

Hearing Wang Yun's words, Lu Bu shook his head and smiled, "Hehe, I'm afraid my father-in-law said something wrong. The grand master wouldn't be so stupid. So what if the Feixiong army is well trained. There is no suitable commander. The combat power of the Xiong army can't be displayed, at most it is stronger than the average cavalry, I don't think the grand master will be stupid enough to do this.

Besides, I, Lu Bu, have never done anything wrong to the grand master. In the past few years, I have worked hard without credit, and the grand master has seen it all. He would not treat me like this. "

After Wang Yun listened to Lu Bu's explanation, he suddenly felt that he had underestimated Lu Bu. Before, he thought that Lu Bu was a warrior, a general who only knew how to use force to solve problems. Knowing is not enough.

Wang Yun immediately understood that he had to create a misunderstanding between Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo. However, before that, Wang Yun felt that Dong Zhuo had to do something, otherwise Lv Bu would not believe that Dong Zhuo would attack him. .

"Perhaps the grand master won't do anything to you, but there are many villains around the grand master. There must be many people among the old generals of the Xiliang army who are jealous of you. General, you should think clearly, you are now a member of the Feixiong army. The chief coach is equivalent to being the only person who can mobilize the Feixiong army except for the grand master.

It is impossible for the grand master to hold on to the Feixiong Army all the time. That is to say, the actual control of the Feixiong Army is in your hands. Don't the other generals be jealous?Master, is this really good for you?The general was originally a surrendered general, so what the grand master did would push you to the forefront. Even those generals who have no ill intentions towards you, I am afraid they will alienate you now and become hostile to you, general.

In my opinion, this is the grand master's method. He just wants to isolate you with this trick. General, you probably have no choice but to obey the grand master wholeheartedly. General, this is the grand master's Strategies. "

Lu Bu was already deep in thought at this time. It is true that judging from the current situation, his situation is indeed like this. Since he took charge of the Feixiong Army, his status seems to have risen, but at the same time, he has become more hostile to the generals of the Xiliang Army faction. And Dong Zhuo must be happy to see this situation.

"I don't have any complaints about what the grand master did. As long as the grand master doesn't let me down, I can't let the grand master down."

"Well, no matter what, the general is really loyal and brave, I will find a way to make up for it, I hope the grand master will not do something stupid, then I will leave, if there is a situation, I will find a way to inform you. "

After Wang Yun left, Lu Bu put away those unhappy things. Compared to now, these are all rumors. As long as Dong Zhuo hasn't done anything unfavorable to him, Lu Bu feels that he should not be sorry for Dong Zhuo first.

(End of this chapter)

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