Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 438 Li Guo Counterattack 2

Chapter 438 Li Guo Counterattack 2
Ordinary people will fight when they are in a hurry, let alone these Xiliang soldiers, they have been living a life of licking blood since they were in their teens. If they are afraid of death, it is disrespectful to Xiliang warriors. Respected.

The people in Xiliang are fierce and fierce, and there has never been a shortage of brave men. Now Li Jue and others have released news that Chang'an has sent troops to kill the Xiliang army that once went to Luoyang. shook.

Those soldiers of the Xiliang army who fled home are now panicking. If it was before, at least Dong Zhuo would lead them, but now, they are scattered. If the Chang'an army arrives, no one will be able to escape.

Just when these soldiers of the Xiliang Army were panicking, Li Jue and others raised the banner of avenging Dong Zhuo. The soldiers of the Xiliang Army finally found their backbone. Fight, there are so many people together anyway.

Soldiers of the Xiliang Army gathered under the command of Li Jue and other generals. In a few days, Li Jue and others gathered more than 7 troops. The envoy he sent to contact Niu Fu also brought back news that Niu Fu had already prepared to send troops. If they don't make contact here, they also plan to commandeer Chang'an to avenge Dong Zhuo.

Moreover, since Niu Fu's subordinates had already assembled, he couldn't wait now.Not only did Li Jue have to gather an army of [-] before he was willing to send troops, the key was that they hadn't raised enough food and grass, and it would be meaningless for them to go to Chang'an even if they didn't have enough food and grass.

After learning about the situation, Niu Fu was unwilling to wait any longer. He felt that he had a [-] army, which was enough to win Chang'an in one battle. Therefore, when Li Jue's envoy returned, Niu Fu also sent a letter stating that he must first to attack.

With Niu Fu taking the lead, Li Jue and others became more confident in attacking Chang'an. Although Niu Fu didn't want to wait for them to join them, it didn't matter. It was good to have Niu Fu in the lead, at least it could buy them a lot of time.

While Li Jue and other generals were still convening the old troops to raise food and grass, Niu Fu had already set off with an army of [-]. This time, he planned to follow the example of his father-in-law Dong Zhuo to enter Chang'an, and it would be best if he could hold the emperor To make the princes.

It's a pity that Niu Fu only saw that he had an army of [-], but he didn't realize whether his talents were enough. When Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang, at least he had a think tank with him, Li Ru, otherwise Dong Zhuo would not have won it so smoothly. Luoyang.

As for Niu Fu, he has only relied on Dong Zhuo's care to get his position today. Otherwise, with his ability, he might be able to command thousands of soldiers at most.

At this time, Niu Fu was immersed in his dream. He fantasized that he could capture Chang'an and become the second grand master.

Chang'an also received the news of Niu Fu's dispatch of troops. The court officials who were still celebrating Dong Zhuo's beheading were dumbfounded. They thought that killing Dong Zhuo would bring peace to the world, but they didn't expect that Niu Fu appeared now. The key is that he has one hundred thousand troops in his hands, almost as many as Dong Zhuo's garrison in Chang'an.

In the court hall, all the officials were silent now. When it came time for them to come forward, all these people became dumb. Wang Yun was also full of sadness at this time, he did not expect revenge to come so soon.

Lu Bu said he was ill and did not come to the court these days. Most officials in the court did not like him. It would be best if he did not come to the court. However, at this moment, these people hoped that Lu Bu could appear.

"Report" A soldier came up to report: "Your Majesty, General Lu Bu went out to hunt yesterday, and I'm afraid he won't be back until tomorrow."

"Ah, I'm not in Chang'an, what should I do." Liu Xie looked at Wang Yun and said, "Master Situ, this Niu Fu has already led his army to kill him."

"Your Majesty, don't panic." Wang Yun knelt down and saluted: "I will send someone to call General Lu Bu back to the city. As long as the food and grass are ready, I believe that General Lu Bu can lead the troops to battle tomorrow, and the bandit army will definitely be defeated in Chang'an. The siege is self-solvable."

"This, is this true?" Liu Xie asked: "Is General Lu Bu angry that I didn't reward him generously enough? Is he angry in his heart, and will he lead the army not far away?"

"Absolutely not." Wang Yun replied, "I know General Lu Bu well, and he will never forget his duty for personal reasons."

"That's good, that's good." Liu Xie said, "Leave everything to Master Situ."

After hearing this, Wang Yun could only sigh and not speak. What he just said was simple, but actually it was quite difficult to do it. At this time, Wang Yun couldn't help but look at the few officials who criticized Lu Bu a few days ago At a glance, if it weren't for them, Lu Bu would probably not be awkward with him now.

After the dynasty was over, Wang Yun visited Lu Bu in person. Although he was told at the gate that Lu Bu had left the city to hunt, Wang Yun still asked to come in to see Diao Chan. When he saw Diao Chan in the back living room, Wang Yun hurriedly said, "Diao Chan Ah, hurry up and take me to see Fengxian, Chang'an is in critical condition, so don't delay for a moment."

"But, adoptive father, Fengxian has already..."

"This kind of lie is enough to deceive others. I know that Fengxian must be at home. Don't talk about it. Take me to see Fengxian."

Diao Chan was so entangled that she had no choice but to bring Wang Yun to the back garden. Lu Bu was playing with her son and daughter. Seeing that Lu Bu was really at home, Wang Yun hurried forward and said, "Fengxian, you can let the old man find you." It's so painful."

Lu Bu said without turning his head, "Master Situ is so busy, how could he have time to think of me? Could it be that Sir Situ is in some trouble again?"

"Hey, Fengxian, don't mock the old man." Wang Yun walked up to Lu Bu and said, "I know you are angry, but this time is unusual. If you don't want to lead the army, Chang'an will definitely die." Bao, even your family members will be in danger at that time.

His Majesty already knew that his rewards to you were not generous enough, and he also admitted that he was unfair to you. Now His Majesty knows that he was wrong. Those ministers who framed you have been reprimanded by His Majesty, and all the rewards that belong to you will be delivered immediately.

Fengxian, it would be wrong if you get angry again.As a courtier, how can you treat state affairs as a trifle? What will you leave for others in the future?Besides, the Xiliang army is now attacking aggressively. They are using the slogan of avenging Dong Zhuo. Almost everyone wants to kill you and hurry up.

If you don't stand up now, I'm afraid some people will have an excuse to criticize you. Fengxian, listen to me, just be wronged this time, as long as you can repel the Xiliang army, those people in the court will no longer have What can I say, His Majesty must rely on you the most at that time. "

"Hehehe, that sounds really good." Lu Bu sneered and said, "Don't worry, Lord Situ, as you said, the Xiliang army is now using the slogan of revenge for Dong Zhuo, and many of them want to kill me. I have no reason not to stand up.

However, I have a few requests, and I hope Lord Situ can pass them on to His Majesty. If these requests cannot be agreed, I am afraid that even if I am willing to lead the army, the chances of winning will not be great. "

"You said, as long as it is reasonable, the old man can agree to you now."

"First, reward the soldiers of the three armies. The last time we wiped out the remnants of Dong Zhuo, many meritorious soldiers did not receive the rewards they deserved. Some villains who only know how to flatter horses were promoted to rank. All the soldiers under my command are full of anger. If we don't let them calm down their anger now, it will be troublesome on the battlefield."

"It's simple, even this old man can agree to you. Meritorious officers and soldiers should be rewarded generously. Last time, some people were in the middle, otherwise this situation would not have happened."

"Second, since I want to lead the army, the soldiers of the three armies have to obey my orders. My subordinates can say that I can command them well on the battlefield, but some people may not be sure. I am afraid that these people will be bad at the time." matter."

"What do you want to do?" Wang Yun heard a hint of unfriendly tone, he thought for a while and said: "If someone really dares to do this, I will be the first to let him go, just say what you want, It's okay, I'll back you up."

"There can only be one commander in the army." Lu Bu squinted his eyes and said, "Anyone who dares to disobey the general order will be dealt with by the military law. I want to be in charge of the life and death of the soldiers of the three armies, otherwise some people will always play sloppy eyes on me. I don't want to have to argue with them on the battlefield."

"This, well, as long as you don't go too far, I will try my best to fight for you."

"Thirdly, Sir Situ, I want to keep [-] subordinates, and then recruit another [-] soldiers to guard Chang'an. Chang'an is the most important thing, and there must be no loss. I will leave my confidant General Cao Xing to assist Lord Situ in defending the city. Master Situ must ensure the safety of our rear."

"Hehe, you kid, you are worried about your family, right?" Wang Yun shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, I will let your subordinates guard your mansion, and no one else will come near it. As for the matter of guarding the city, the old man It will definitely be done well, and will never distract the frontline soldiers."

"Okay, that's the best." Lu Bu stood up and looked at Wang Yun and said, "It's not too late, I will lead an army of [-] to fight against Niu Fu tomorrow, Master Situ will help me raise food and grass now, I will go to the barracks to gather soldiers to discuss the military situation."

"Okay, no problem, the old man will do it now." Wang Yun nodded and replied: "Fengxian, don't worry, this time we will work together and we will definitely defeat the enemy."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yun was busy raising food and recruiting soldiers non-stop. There are not many veterans staying in Chang'an now, and the enemy army has hundreds of thousands. Lu Bu didn't ask to take all the veterans out of Chang'an city. It was sensible enough, otherwise, in order to increase the confidence of defeating the enemy, Lu Bu could have demanded that all the established veterans in Chang'an City be taken away.

The next day, after Wang Yun prepared the food and grass, Lu Bu led the army and set off. This time the expedition was related to the safety of Chang'an and the majesty of Liu Xie. He cooperated very well to help Lv Bu go to the expedition, otherwise Wang Yun would not be able to raise the food and grass for the army in one day.

After all, the Xiliang army refused to give up just like that. Lu Bu still had to face this powerful army.

(End of this chapter)

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