Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 471: Huainan Yuan Shu 1

Chapter 471: Huainan Yuan Shu 1
A relatively quiet year passed like this, and Gongsun Xu stayed in Youzhou for a relatively long time.During the past year, the technological level of the Youzhou Craftsmanship Camp has risen one step after another.

The use of wind power and water power to replace manpower has greatly liberated a large number of labor forces. The production efficiency of most commodities in northern Xinjiang has been greatly improved. Just relying on doing business with other princes and grassland tribes, Gongsun Xu has already made a fortune.

Gongsun Xu rushed to Bingzhou again before he finished his work in Youzhou.The situation in the Central Plains has become chaotic again, and Gongsun Xu must take advantage of this time to make preparations.

"My lord, report from the front that Cao Cao has assembled an army of [-] to attack Xuzhou again." Guo Jia said holding the letter: "This is the third time Cao Cao has led his troops to attack Xuzhou.

According to Cao Cao's previous character, I am afraid that the people of Xuzhou will suffer again.Only [-] Danyang soldiers under Tao Qian's command can handle it, and the rest of the troops are vulnerable to a fight. "

"Is it going to fight again?" Gongsun Xu took the letter and said with a sneer, "Hmph, where is my Uncle Liu Bei now? He must not be idle."

"Liu Bei led his troops to Pengcheng, and it seems that he is ready to develop in Xuzhou." Guo Jia replied, "This is really not easy for Liu Bei. He has managed to gather so many troops in the past few years."

"Hehe, my uncle is indeed not easy." Gongsun Xu said, "However, it may be difficult to resist Cao Cao just relying on them.

Didn't Lu Bu write a letter yesterday asking for an excuse to go to Xuzhou?Write him back and I'll let him go.This guy Lu Bu has a lot of elite soldiers and strong generals, Cao Cao may not be able to resist him. "

"Cao Cao wouldn't be so stupid." Guo Jia laughed and said, "Brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, one wants to lead troops south and the other leads troops north. When these two troops arrive in Xuzhou, will Tao Qian still be able to defend Xuzhou?"

"What do you think?" Gongsun Xu asked back, "How long do you think this fight will last?"

"Haha, my lord knows it well." Guo Jia laughed and said, "My lord knows the characters of the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu better than I do, so it's okay to ask them to take advantage of it, but it's a bit difficult to ask them to really contribute.

If my expectation is not bad, Yuan Shu's army will be active in Yuzhou, and there must not be many who can actually reach Xuzhou. Yuzhou is a piece of fat, and the Yuan family has a good reputation in Yuzhou. Yuan Shu will not let this go chance.

It is impossible for Yuan Shao to develop to the north. All he can do now is to grab territory from Xuzhou and Beihai, so Yuan Shao may contribute a little bit.

One of the reasons why Cao Cao is so anxious to send troops now is to avenge his father, but the main reason is to expand his power.Yanzhou is the land of the Four Wars. If there is any unique advantage, Cao Cao must have trapped himself in Yanzhou. "

"What the military adviser said is true. If so, what should we do?" Gongsun Xu continued to ask: "Xuzhou will definitely continue to ask us for help. Our Northern Xinjiang Army can't just ignore it."

"Could it be that the lord wants to get a foot in the door too." Guo Jia said with a sly smile, "With the character of the lord, how could he miss such a good opportunity.

It's just that Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are not heroes. How could they not know this is a good opportunity? I think they must be on guard against us now.

If we want to go south, unless we are crossing the sea to fight, we must go through Yuan Shao's territory. Yuan Shao must not be so kind now.

Moreover, for more than a year, the princes' edicts to His Majesty have been vain and submissive, and now at this juncture, they probably will not take His Majesty seriously, and they don't know what the Lord is going to do. "

"Hmph, don't do anything for the time being." Gongsun Xu thought for a while and replied, "Even if we don't grab the land, it's okay, we can do business.

If they want to fight, they have to consume a lot of necessities, armor, spears, arrows and spears.Which of the things I produce in northern Xinjiang is not the best in the world.

Now is the best time to make a fortune, hehe, I can't just let them go.If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao refuse to buy it, then we will first sell the city defense equipment to Xuzhou and see what they do. "

"I always feel that things are not that simple, my lord, it's better for us to send someone to keep an eye on it." Guo Jia thought for a while and said: "I always think it's not that simple to make such a big commotion and attack Xuzhou.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, Tao Qian, and Liu Bei, the six major forces were all mixed together at once. Fortunately, Libeijiang is relatively far away, otherwise the lord will definitely join. "

"Hehe, you think I don't want to." Gongsun Xu shook his head and smiled, "It's not the time yet, and besides, the Hetao is a little quiet, I'm afraid I have to go there.

Now the Xiongnu must be stared to death, and the Huns cannot be given a chance to stand up.Ma Chao led [-] cavalry back to Xiliang, thinking that Ma Teng would be able to contain Han Sui.

Moreover, the grassland on the Qiang tribe's side seems to be a little unstable. It seems that some wars broke out within the Qiang tribe recently, and several small tribes were annexed by a newly emerging tribe.

I don't want things beyond my control to happen within my jurisdiction. I'm afraid such a tribe is not suitable to stay near the Hetao. "

"No wonder, no wonder my lord doesn't intend to send troops to the south yet. It turns out that something happened in the north." Guo Jia nodded and said, "Then in Xuzhou..."

"For the time being, let Yun Chang lead the troops to guard Zhongshan and watch. You stay in Bingzhou to take care of the overall situation. If you have anything to do, you can do it first." Gongsun Xu replied: "I have to leave for Hetao the day after tomorrow, and Bingzhou depends on you."

"The refugees in Bingzhou are already on the right track after they have migrated. My lord can rest assured." Guo Jia said with a straight chest, "I will definitely not let anything happen in Bingzhou."

Three days later, Gongsun Xu led the Huben army to Hetao, and the Xianbei side was temporarily quiet. After all, Zhao Yun led the army to patrol a circle before, and some Xianbei tribes were severely attacked.

It's just that the Xiongnu has always been the confidant of the Northern Xinjiang Army, even if the Xiongnu is very honest now.But Gongsun Xu knew in his heart that if the Xiongnu were not destroyed for a day, there would be no peace in the north of northern Xinjiang.

If it weren't for the focus on the Central Plains now, Gongsun Xu really wanted to lead the main force to destroy the Xiongnu directly.Since there is no such opportunity at present, Gongsun Xu can only adopt the method of cannibalizing the Xiongnu to annex them step by step.

Xuzhou is quite lively now, and several major princes gathered their troops in Xuzhou.Tao Qian is getting old, and he must not be able to control the situation.

Although Liu Bei and Lu Bu were invited to help, Tao Qian still felt unsure.Luckily, Liu Bei said that Lu Bu is not like Tao Qian at all, he came to Xuzhou mainly to find a better place.

There was no way, Tao Qian also knew that he could not order these two people, so Tao Qian specially promised Mount Tai and Peidi to Lu Bu and Liu Bei.

Anyway, Tao Qian couldn't control these two pieces of land. Instead of being taken away by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, he might as well give it to his allies now.

Only when their own interests are involved, Lu Bu and Liu Bei will go out to fight Yuan Shao and the others. Tao Qian still understands this simple truth. Asking someone to help will always result in some blood.

Lu Bu has already confronted Yuan Shao's army. Cao Cao is now leading the army to attack the city to the west of Xuzhou, while Liu Bei is now camping in Peidi to develop production.

Yuan Shu was the luckiest man. No one took care of the vast land in Yuzhou, so he just accepted it.It just so happened that Ji Ling came back with [-] elite cavalry, and they could finally be of great use now.

The battle went smoothly, and Yuan Shu had sent troops to Yuzhou for more than two months.When Yuan Shu commanded the army to snatch Yuzhou's territory, something happened to Yuan Shu's rear.

It seems that Yuan Shu's influence is developing a little fast. He is thinking of grabbing new territories without completely digesting the annexed territory. This is not a good thing. Now Yuan Shu may have some fat to eat Danger of spitting it out.

Yuan Shu has now set up his base camp in Shouchun. After Yuan Shu's governance, Shouchun is now regarded as a city with high walls and strong walls. Yuan Shu has lived a happy life here, but now this life is a bit uneasy.

"You're all talking, what's wrong with you, have you become dumb now?" Yuan Shu scolded in the lobby, "Don't you usually brag about how great you are, why do you stop talking when you really have something to do?"

Yuan Shu was really mad now, the prefect of Lujiang rebelled against him more than a dozen days ago, when Ji Ling had already led an army to attack Yuzhou, he didn't have any extra troops at hand to put down the rebellion.

Fortunately, Sun Ce took the initiative to ask for orders and was willing to lead his troops to attack the Lujiang prefect.Although Yuan Shu didn't have much hope for Sun Ce, Sun Ce gave Yuan Shu a step down when he was in a difficult situation.

These local forces who rebelled against Yuan Shu were not all on the spur of the moment, and there were shadows of aristocratic families behind them. Moreover, Liu Biao of Jingzhou is not a good guy, and he must have made trouble behind the scenes.

"These aristocratic families are always making trouble behind my back. I'm really pissed off." Yuan Shu continued to scold, "You trash, you can't think of a way. Hmph, Sun Ce knows how to share my worries. What are you doing for food?"

"Report,,,,,," the guard's voice came from outside and said, "General Sun Ce is begging to see the lord."

"Huh? Sun Ce?" Yuan Shu said to himself, "Mostly he felt that he was not sure of taking Lujiang, so he wanted to ask for more troops, or whatever, just give more, as long as Lujiang can be leveled."

"Xuan Sun Ce, come here." Yuan Shu said to the guards beside him, "Don't make General Sun Ce wait too long."

After a while, Sun Ce, who was wearing a battle armor, strode into the lobby.Although Sun Ce is still a young man in his 20s, his aggressive aura is not weak, especially the majestic aura between his brows, which Yuan Shu appreciates very much.

"Bo Fu, what do you think of your dusty appearance?" Yuan Shu asked, "You should have sent troops to Lujiang four days ago. Is there any trouble? Feel free to ask if you have any requests. As long as you can evaluate Lujiang Chaos, I will definitely support you."

Before Sun Ce could reply, some people in the hall had already started discussing that they were not very friendly to Sun Ce. Sun Ce was an outsider, did he have a big background, especially when Yuan Shu used Sun Ce as an example to criticize them just now. It seems that Sun Ce is in trouble now .

(End of this chapter)

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