Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 473 Jiangdong Overlord 1

Chapter 473 Jiangdong Overlord 1
Sun Ce has repeatedly expressed his willingness to go to Jiangdong to quell the chaos for Yuan Shu, which really made Yuan Shu happy.Although Yuan Shu's current territory has expanded a lot, what he really has in his hands is limited.

Except for Huainan, and part of Yangzhou, most of the local aristocratic families in other places did not like him, but because of Yuan Shu's influence, they had to temporarily obey Yuan Shu's command.

To put it simply, Yuan Shu still manages his territory jointly with most of the great families, especially the land of Jiangdong, where the great families are deeply intertwined, and Yuan Shu's cronies cannot penetrate at all.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shu turned to develop northward. He has already acquired a lot of land in Yangzhou. The remaining sites are not because he doesn't want to take them, but those sites are like chicken ribs. It will attract resistance from most aristocratic families.

Moreover, the land of Jiangdong is not rich, so even if Yuan Shu took it down, it would not be of much use. Rather than that, it is better to give in to those aristocratic families. As long as it can be exchanged for their loyalty, Yuan Shu has nothing to be unhappy about.

It's just that this Lujiang riot made Yuan Shu see clearly the faces of those aristocratic families. They said good things on the surface, but secretly hid knives. Yuan Shu couldn't bear such a thing.

What's more, Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, still had some influence. Yuan Shu snatched part of Yangzhou's territory from him, but he didn't digest it in a short time, which gave Liu Yao a chance to counterattack.

Although Liu Yao has been driven across the river, he may still be beaten back.The key is that Liu Yao is a child of the Liu surname, he has stayed in Yangzhou longer than Yuan Shu, and his appeal in Yangzhou is also stronger than Yuan Shu.

This is Yuan Shu's main concern. After finally taking Yangzhou, he would never just let it out. Now most of the trusted generals and sergeants around him have been taken out by Ji Ling to attack Yuzhou. If someone goes to attack Liu Yao, the safety of Huainan will become a problem.

So when Sun Ce said that he was willing to lead troops to attack Liu Yao, Yuan Shu was really happy.

"Bo Fu, your father was as loyal and brave as you when he followed me." Yuan Shu said to Sun Ce: "I am very satisfied that you have this kind of thought. Tell me, what are your requirements and how many soldiers do you need to attack Liu Yao?" horse."

"A mere Liu Yao dared to be an enemy of the lord. He really overestimated his strength. As long as the general has seven thousand elite soldiers, he can wipe him out." Sun Ce said confidently, "As long as the lord can give me two thousand cavalry, the general will be able to fight against the enemy." Beat him until he dare not cross the river."

"Oh? With such ambition, Bo Fu is worthy of being the little overlord of Jiangdong." Yuan Shu said with a smile: "Then tell me, which battalion do you want? My Huainan army can't be transferred for the time being. I'm afraid you will transfer troops from another battalion. .”

"My lord's Huainan army is famous all over the world and shoulders the important task of defending Huainan. How dare the last general dare to mobilize it." Sun Ce thought for a while and said: "Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others and the four thousand soldiers in their battalion are from Jiangdong. People who are familiar with the terrain of Jiangdong, it is best to call them to fight.

In addition, the lord wants to give me two thousand cavalry and enough food and grass, so that I can trap Liu Yao to death in Qu'a, and remove this hidden danger in the south for my lord. "

"Oh? That's it." Yuan Shu's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect that Sun Ce proposed to call Cheng Pu's battalion, which made Yuan Shu a little unhappy.

Cheng Pu and others, as well as their soldiers and horses, were actually Sun Jian's old team. Although they had made great contributions to Yuan Shu this year, due to their status as outsiders, Yuan Shu didn't make much use of them.

When they came here, there were 8000 people, but after a year, many people fled the barracks, and in the end there were only 4000 people left.

Yuan Shu was not worried that these 4000 people would betray him. The key point was that the relationship between these 4000 people and Sun Ce was not normal. If Sun Ce subdued them again, it might not be a good thing.

However, compared to defeating Liu Yao and quelling the chaos in Jiangdong, Yuan Shu felt that this deal was still a good deal. No matter what, it was only 4000 people. His army was 10,000+, so what was the 4000 people worth.

Just when Yuan Shu was about to agree, a general stood up and persuaded him: "My lord, I'm afraid you have to think twice about this matter, General Sun Ce is exhausted, I think it's better for General Sun Ce to rest first.

The land of Jiangdong is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair. If General Sun Ce goes like this, he may suffer a big loss.Even if General Sun Ce has a reputation in Jiangdong, the world is unpredictable. If General Sun Ce can't solve the war for a while, it may take a long time. "

This person deliberately emphasized the tone of the word prestige, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.It may not be a good thing for Sun Ce to return to Jiangdong, especially if he leads his father's former subordinates. If he never returns, then there will be nothing he can do about it.

In fact, Yuan Shu also considered this point, whether it is worthwhile to let Sun Ce go back to Jiangdong.At that time, Sun Ce can't solve Liu Yao, and if the war continues to stalemate, he will have to transport food and grass over, and then he will suffer a lot.

As for whether Sun Ce would bring thousands of troops back to Jiangdong to fight for independence, Yuan Shu never thought about it.The Sun family had a bit of prestige in Jiangdong, but the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the prestige of the Sun family disappeared with Sun Jian's death.

Yuan Shu didn't think that Sun Ce alone could support the Sun family. Besides, even if he could support the Sun family, so what? Could it be that he could still dominate Jiangdong?

Moreover, he didn't believe that Sun Ce had this ability at all. Now that Sun Ce had no soldiers, no food, and everything had to be supported by himself, why would he want Jiangdong to become independent.

Besides, Yuan Shu felt that he could not completely win Jiangdong with his own ability, the prestige of the family, and the elite soldiers and generals under his command. How could Sun Ce rely on to win Jiangdong?
However, it would not be worthwhile to let Sun Ce go back like this, and Yuan Shu was not very willing. It would be better for a talent like Sun Ce to stay with him.

Sun Ce saw that Yuan Shu didn't seem to believe him, and he didn't seem to want to let him go back to Jiangdong, but this was his only chance. If he couldn't go back to Jiangdong now, it would be very difficult to go back in the future.

"My lord, I only want to fight on the battlefield for my lord and quell the rebellion. I haven't thought about the rest." Sun Ce said hastily, "Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Yao of Qu'a, and those great families in Jiangdong are all related to me." A mortal enmity, the final general wished they could be crushed to ashes.

These people are now provoking the lord again, how can the general sit idly by.Now that General Ji Ling is leading the army to conquer Yuzhou, it is the best time for the lord to open up the territory and expand the territory. We must not let these villains delay the lord's great cause.

Looking at the world, only the general of Northern Xinjiang can be compared with the lord.As long as General Ji Ling takes Yuzhou, the lord will dominate the southern half of the three major Han territories.

At that time, the Lord is already in an invincible position. He can attack Xuzhou and Yanzhou to the north, Jingzhou to the west, and the south and east will be the Lord's rear.

At that time, the lord is the number one prince in the world, how can others such as Cao Cao and Yuan Shao compare with the lord? "

Sun Ce deliberately emphasized the word "Daye", and he also saw that Yuan Shu was already moved.Especially when it was said that Yuan Shao and others were not comparable to him, Yuan Shu's expression was obviously different.

Sun Ce understood the truth of striking while the iron is hot, if he didn't make Yuan Shu let go at this time, there would be no chance in the future.

"My lord, I will get a treasure on the way back. This item is of great importance. In today's world, only the lord is entitled to own it." Sun Ce said while taking out a thing wrapped in silk.

Yuan Shu's eyes widened suddenly when he heard it. He had already guessed what Sun Ce was talking about, but he was still a little worried, so he said, "Can I take a look first?"

"Naturally, this book is dedicated to the lord, please take a look at it." After finishing speaking, Sun Ce handed over the things in his hand to the guard at the side.

After Yuan Shu got the thing, he couldn't wait to open it, but he didn't forget to cover it up. No one else could see clearly what was wrapped in the silk.

"Treasure, treasure, it's really a rare treasure in the world." Yuan Shu sighed, "Bo Fu, what do you want to exchange this treasure for?"

"In more than ten days, it will be the ancestor worship day of the general's family. As the eldest son of the grandson, the general should go back to preside over it." Sun Ce replied: "Besides, since the general left home more than a year ago, there has been no one since the general. I went back to pay homage to my father.

In the end, it's time to go back and have a look. It just so happens that this time I can go to decide Liu Yao as the Lord.This trip can be said to kill two birds with one stone.I only hope that the lord can give me enough money and food for soldiers and horses, and I will dedicate Liu Yao's head to the lord in the end. "

"That's it, um, that's fine." Yuan Shu stared at the treasure in his hand and said, "However, Bo Fu, I have limited soldiers, horses, food and grass, and I'm afraid I can't support you too much.

How about this, Cheng Pu's battalion of 4000 men and horses will be your commander, and I will allocate 2000 men and horses to you, and I will support you with [-] horses and enough food and grass.

As long as you can take down Liu Yao, I have another big reward.Bofu, going to Jiangdong is extremely dangerous, but I believe you will return triumphantly, don't let me down. "

"The final general will live up to my lord's entrustment." Sun Ce replied blankly, and at the same time bowed to Yuan Shu. No one could see what this young man was thinking, as if such a result could not make him happy.

Sun Ce finally begged for 6000 horses from Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu was not too stingy this time, and he gave [-] horses at once. In fact, Gongsun Xu's face was also included here.

Moreover, Sun Ce has delivered war horses to Yuan Shu from Northern Xinjiang a lot in this year, and those are all his trophies in the grasslands of Northern Xinjiang.These horses add up to no less than [-] horses, Yuan Shu gave him [-] horses now, in fact, he just returned some of the horses that belonged to Sun Ce to him.

As for the [-] soldiers that Yuan Shu allocated to Sun Ce, Sun Ce didn't seem to care much. After all, they were all other people's subordinates, and they might not be of much use on the battlefield.

What he valued were the four thousand Jiangdong disciples in Cheng Pu's battalion. Now, he finally had the money to return to Jiangdong.

(End of this chapter)

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