Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 483 Battle in the Central Plains 1

Chapter 483 Battle in the Central Plains 1
Gongsun Xu has been dealing with things in Hetao during this time, so that he can only learn about the situation in Xuzhou through letters.Now that several major princes in the Central Plains are fighting in Xuzhou, it is absolutely false to say that Gongsun Xu doesn't care.

No matter which of these people will win this victory in the end, Gongsun Xu believes that those who can survive will be his future enemies.Cao Cao will definitely be more difficult to deal with now than a few years ago, and Yuan Shao will not be as incompetent as before.

These heroes are now staged on the land of the Central Plains in such a heart-pounding battle, Gongsun Xu can't wait to lead the troops to watch the battle immediately.

But Gongsun Xu knows that this is impossible. The main reason why the major princes in the Central Plains dared to break out such a big battle in Xuzhou at this time is that the Northern Xinjiang Army is now focusing on the grassland, otherwise They will not choose to fight at this time.

The death of Cao Cao's father was indeed a trigger, but who is Cao Cao.The ability to judge the situation is probably better than that of Gongsun Xu. A hero like Cao Cao must be extremely determined. Of course, the death of his father and family made him very sad, but he will never be so sad that he loses his mind.

Regarding the Xuzhou battle, Gongsun Xu really has no way to intervene now.But he has his own way to add fuel and vinegar.

If a war breaks out, it will definitely consume a lot of strategic materials. Although Gongsun Xu also restricted the flow of armor and weapons into the hands of the princes of the Central Plains, the obsolete goods in his hands can still be sold to them.

Furthermore, most of these princes have cavalry in their hands, and they all need a lot of horses.Xuzhou Mi's family came to Hetao to buy war horses at this time.

Gongsun Xu seized this opportunity to make a lot of money in the war. Whenever one side is absolutely weak, Gongsun Xu always doesn't mind selling him more things so that he can persevere or have a chance to win the battle. .

As long as the war continues to be stalemate, or both sides fight extremely anxiously, their strength will be consumed a lot, which is a good thing for Gongsun Xu.

Regarding the war over there, Gongsun Xu had already handed it over to Guo Jia to handle it, but what he got was a letter with information about the various forces and a summary of each war after the end.

On No. 16 days after Li Ru went back, an urgent message from Bingzhou was quickly sent to Gongsunxu.

"The battle has exceeded my expectations." Gongsun Xu sat in the big tent and said to himself: "I didn't expect them to have a scuffle among the princes all of a sudden.

It seems that only Cao Cao, Tao Qian, and my uncle Liu Bei participated in the war in history. Fortunately, from north to south, none of the more powerful ones was left behind.

Yuan Shu sent troops from Huainan to the north. Could it be that Jiangdong and Jingzhou are so stable?Alas, I don't know what's going on there. "

While Gongsun Xu was still staring at the map and worrying, Dian Wei's voice came from outside the tent and said, "My lord, please hurry up to [-] li in Bingzhou. The military adviser will call the name and send it to the lord as quickly as possible."

"Oh? Why are you in such a hurry." Gongsun Xu asked, "Is there something wrong with the battle situation in Xuzhou, or is there something wrong with Youzhou? Quickly show me."

Dian Wei opened the curtain and walked in, offering the unopened letter with both hands.

Gongsun Xu took it over and opened it for a look, then his face became serious. Then, Gongsun Xu ordered: "Quickly, go and call Jia Xu and Xi Zhicai, I have something to discuss."

"No." Dian Wei also saw the urgency of the matter, so he immediately went down to convey the order.

"Hey, it's good now, things are getting worse, Cao Cao, Cao Cao, let's see how you end up now." Gongsun Xu stared at the letter and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Lu Bu to come up with this trick, but Yuan Shao is still so unreliable. Spectrum, what a teammate like a pig."

"The lord called us, but what is the emergency?" After a while, the voices of Xi Zhicai and others came from outside the tent.

After they all came in, Gongsun Xu handed them the letter and said, "Something happened in Xuzhou. Take a look, it's such a big deal now, we should find a way to do something." "

Jia Xu and the others took a look, their faces became serious, and then it was Xi Zhi who said: "This is written by Feng Xiao himself, I think there is nothing wrong with it.

This Cao Cao, this time can be regarded as a big loss.He was actually taken aback by Lu Bu, and now most of his hometown is occupied by Lu Bu, it depends on how he ends up now. "

"I don't know when Lu Bu got in touch with Zhang Miao. I'm afraid he has already been interested in Yanzhou." Gongsun continued: "Information says that Lu Bu is also learning from Dong Zhuo now, and hired a literati as his adviser. This person is Chen." palace.

Lü Bu had been confronting Yuan Shao before, and Yuan Shao was afraid that Lv Bu's cavalry would not dare to confront him. The two sides had been in a confrontation for more than ten days without incident.

But he didn't think that this was a deliberate appearance made by Lu Bu to confuse Yuan Shao.Yuan Shao also thought that Lu Bu didn't want to fight him to the death, so he relaxed his vigilance.

As a result, Lu Bu led [-] elite cavalry to sneak attack.Lu Bu's subordinate Zhang Liao and other generals led another [-] cavalry to attack Yuan Shao's troops in turn, but Yuan Shao was caught off guard.

Yuan Shao's vanguard was defeated, and because they didn't understand Lv Bu's intentions, Yuan Shao was even more afraid to do anything. In order to prevent Lv Bu from attacking again, Yuan Shao ordered people to reinforce the camp, so that they could not hold out.

As a result, Lü Bu did not attack Yuan Shao for more than ten consecutive days. It was only when Yuan Shao sent someone to inquire about Lv Bu's whereabouts that he realized that Lv Bu had already led his subordinates away. "

"In this battle, Lu Bu fought beautifully." Xi Zhicai said: "Lü Bu's troops are all cavalry, and they are very mobile. He succeeded in a sneak attack with a small number of cavalry, which made Yuan Shao dare not send troops to resist.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Bu led the brigade to camp overnight and headed for Yanzhou.Zhang Miao and Lu Bu probably had contact with each other a long time ago, otherwise they would not have broken through Yanzhou and occupied Puyang so quickly.

Cao Cao's retreat was cut off at once, but Yuan Shao was still hiding in the camp at that time, thinking that he could not hold on.Hehe, from my point of view, this plan is probably in the hands of Chen Gong, and his ability to plan the layout is not bad. "

"It seems that Cao Cao is not very kind to Zhang Miao." Jia Xu took over the conversation and said, "Back then Zhang Miao and Cao Cao fought side by side to defeat the Yellow Turban.

It was probably because Cao Cao emptied him later, and then left him idle. Zhang Miao is not such a person who admits defeat so easily, so he must have been looking for opportunities to make a comeback.

Hehe, Cao Cao's attack on Xuzhou several times must have consumed a lot of reserves, and he had also mobilized a lot of troops in Yanzhou, otherwise he would not have been taken advantage of by Zhang Miao.

Lu Bu took advantage of the strong mobility of the cavalry to take Yanzhou, which is indeed very beautiful.However, Lu Bu's victory in this battle was only a narrow one. If Cao Cao had kept his mind at the time, maybe he would not have lost so badly. "

"That's right, Lu Bu did narrowly win." Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "The cavalry under his command are indeed veterans of the battlefield, but under the circumstances at that time, he had to face Yuan Shao and Cao Cao at the same time.

And the cavalry that he can take out is about [-]. Before that, he first led troops to attack Yuan Shao, and Zhang Liao and others led troops to harass Yuan Shao.

After finishing these tasks, he led his men to retreat overnight, and then attacked Yanzhou again.To carry out so many battles in such a short period of time, the cavalry under his command may be hard to bear.

In my opinion, after capturing Yanzhou, Lu Bu was already at the end of his battle. If he immediately withdraws troops to stabilize Yanzhou at this time, it would be a more prudent approach.

However, hehe, wealth and wealth are in danger, Lu Bu is definitely not someone who gives up so easily.Yanzhou was captured, and Cao Cao's remaining subordinates must have panicked.

At this time, most people must be thinking about saving their strength to find Cao Cao. As for holding on to the city and waiting for Cao Cao to return to help, it may be difficult for them.

These people were frightened by Lu Bu. It is indeed terrifying that Lu Bu can take Yanzhou in such a short period of time.It's a pity that these people were blinded by the appearance of the war situation, so that Lu Bu got Puyang again. "

"My lord, what you said is a bit unkind." Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "Lv Bu pursues the victory with a victorious army, whoever stays to resist at this time is a fool.

Even though Lu Bu's subordinates were exhausted at this time, their morale was high after all, so who could resist those remnants who were defeated.At that time, even if Lu Bu led three to five thousand cavalry, it was enough to take Puyang. "

"That's all I'm talking about." Gongsun Xu replied: "A general should know how to judge the situation. Now that Lu Bu won, he was of course the victor at that time, but if someone stood firm in Puyang at that time, he would be at the end of his battle. .

However, Cao Cao was not completely defeated. Xun Yu used tricks to keep the three counties of Juancheng, Dong'e, and Fanxian.From this point, it is enough to see that Lu Bu's army was at the end of its strength at that time, otherwise why he couldn't even take these three counties.

Could it be that Lu Bu still wants to wait for Cao Cao to come back and attack him? So, it depends on human effort. If I was on Cao Cao's side at that time, I would definitely stick to Puyang. "

"Cough, cough, my lord's big talk skills have improved." Xi Zhicai joked, "However, the lord asked us to come here to see Cao Cao's jokes. I think the lord has something to order. "

"Hehehe, you bastard." Gongsun Xu greeted everyone to sit down and said, "Don't worry about anything else, what do you think Cao Cao and Lu Bu will do next."

"Cao Cao must lead his army back to take back Yanzhou." Jia Xu squinted his eyes and said: "If he loses Yanzhou, then he will lose the capital to fight for hegemony. Besides, he still has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. He summoned those defeated subordinates, and his strength is still very strong.

It's just that Lu Bu's elite soldiers and horses now have Yanzhou and Puyang, and their morale is booming. In addition, Zhang Miao will call up many old troops. It may not be so easy for Cao Cao to regain Yanzhou.

Lu Bu is unstoppable, and it is impossible to be defeated in a short period of time. Cao Cao's quick victory may be impossible. "

"So, they will definitely be deadlocked for a long time." Gongsun Xu smiled sinisterly: "Then should we take this opportunity to do something..."

(End of this chapter)

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