Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 486: Battle in Yanzhou 2

Chapter 486: Battle in Yanzhou 2
In the territory of Mount Tai, Cao Cao's army is marching, and Yu Jin, as the vanguard of the army, is exploring the terrain ahead.As for Xia Houyuan, because his marching speed was too fast, now he has thrown off the large troops and arrived in Yanzhou, half a day faster than the expected two days.

"Report,,,,,,," a messenger galloped over and shouted: "My lord, there is a battle report from General Xiahou."

Cao Cao immediately took it over and took it apart for a quick look, then Cao Cao laughed and said, "Okay, hahaha, Miaocai is really fast, and now Miaocai has arrived in Yanzhou and fought against the rebels in Yanzhou.

Miaocai defeated [-] enemy troops and captured more than [-] people.And also rescued many clansmen, hahaha, it seems that there is no strong enemy in Yanzhou. "

"Oh, wouldn't that be beautiful." Cao Ren laughed and said, "Master Wen sent news that there was no ambush in Mount Tai, it seems that Lu Bu never thought of sending troops to ambush our army.

A mere Lv Bu is brave but not resourceful, and his talent is nothing more than that. If he set up an ambush on Mount Tai, how could our army pass through so easily.

My lord, it seems that Yanzhou is not in serious danger. The day our army arrived in Yanzhou was when these traitors were crowned heads. Finally, please go to capture Lu Bu before the battle. "

Cao Cao was still browsing the information, when he saw that Lu Bu had withdrawn his troops and refused to defend Puyang, Cao Cao frowned and said, "It seems that things are beyond my expectation, hehe.

Yanzhou and Puyang have been divided into two factions, and Lu Bu only got one Puyang after making such a big commotion. Is this Lu Bu really so stupid? "

After hearing this, Cao Ren couldn't help being curious that Lu Bu only wanted Puyang.

"My lord, I would like to lead a partial army to capture Lu Bu." Cao Ren asked for orders again: "I will go to Puyang, and my lord will lead the army to recover Yanzhou. In this way, the rebellion will be put down within one month."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "No, the main battlefield is not in Yanzhou, Lu Bu, you have a big appetite, heh heh, I want to see what you can do."

All the generals were confused. Shouldn't the main battlefield be in Yanzhou?Yanzhou has such a large territory, and his foundation is basically in Yanzhou, so why is it that the main battlefield is not Yanzhou now?

"Gentlemen, what do you think of Lu Bu?" Cao Cao looked at the crowd and asked, "Now that Lu Bu is recruiting troops and buying horses, the number of troops has increased to no less than [-]. What do you think Lu Bu wants to do?"

"It turned out to be like this." Cao Ren exclaimed, "My lord, the last general is willing to lead his troops to resist Lu Bu, so as to buy time for the lord to recover Yanzhou. Even if Lu Bu has an army of [-], the last general is confident that he can hold out for a month."

Cao Ren's words were equivalent to issuing a military order. If Cao Ren failed to complete the mission by then, Cao Ren would be dealt with by military law, but since Cao Ren dared to say it, he must have some confidence.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Cao Cao waved his hand and said, "Zixiao, you lead 1 horsemen and Miaocai's [-] cavalry as a partial division to trap Yanzhou.

Yanzhou has only [-] troops, and they are all improvised troops. With your talents, you can trap the rebels in Yanzhou.You must not only trap them, but also take the opportunity to spread the news that I have led the army to Yanzhou, and you must suppress the opponent in terms of morale.

In addition, many members of the Cao clan and Xiahou clan have fled Yanzhou. You must find a way to find them all, and you must not miss one person, as well as the family members of those you understand? "

"My lord, just Lu Bu, this,,,,,,"

"Shut up, didn't you see it?" Cao Cao said angrily, "Lü Bu gathered his army in Puyang, how could our army be able to take back Yanzhou with peace of mind, so what if we take Yanzhou? At that time, Lu Bu will definitely lead his army to attack .

As long as we can defeat Lv Bu, drive him away or kill him, the Yanzhou rebels will be defeated without attacking themselves, and we will be able to regain Yanzhou without any effort.

Hmph, this fellow Lu Bu deployed heavy troops just to fight me. I want to see what this guy is capable of, so he dared to provoke me like this.

Zixiao, remember your mission, you must cooperate with me and trap all the Yanzhou rebels.In addition, according to Feng Xiao, most of the family members of the generals have been found, and now only the children of Miaocai are left.

Miao Cai will definitely not go looking for it, you must find a way to find Miao Cai's family.When there was a famine, Miaocai donated all the food in the family, but starved to death of one of his children. I have always felt guilty about this. I must not let Miaocai suffer such pain again, understand? "

"No, the final general will definitely complete the mission. Please rest assured, my lord." Cao Ren cupped his hands and replied, "The Yanzhou rebel army is nothing to mention. The final general only needs [-] soldiers and horses. Miaocai's [-] cavalry are still sent to assist the lord in the attack." Let's go to Yanzhou.

Most of the cavalry under Lu Bu's command are the elites on the battlefield, and he will definitely go out of the city to fight when the time comes. If the lord does not have enough cavalry, he may suffer a loss.

Yuan Rang, the six thousand cavalry in Miaocai's hands have all participated in grassland training. With them, the lord's chances of winning will be greater. It would be a waste if Miaocai were to stay with me. "

"Okay, just follow orders." Cao Cao shook his head and said, "Yuan Rang's [-] cavalry, plus my [-] cavalry, are enough to fight Lu Bu.

Besides, you also said that Lu Bu's cavalry are all elites on the battlefield. If we rely on the cavalry to fight with him in the field, then I will use my own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

As long as Lu Bu dares to fight in the wild, I will definitely break the cavalry with my steps.Well, that's it, you go to gather troops and rush to Yanzhou first, and after passing through Mount Tai, you and I divide the troops, and I will definitely trap Lu Bu to death under the city of Puyang. "

"Promise, the general will make the Yanzhou rebels stay in the city and dare not go out." Cao Ren immediately went down to count the soldiers and horses after receiving the order.In every battle, Cao Ren would lead the army as the commander of the partial division.

Every time, will Cao Ren appear on the frontal battlefield, because Cao Cao is in command of the frontal battlefield, what Cao Ren has to do is to lead a partial army to help Cao Cao win every battle.

For every victory, few people would mention Cao Ren's contribution.Because Cao Ren had almost no credit for his achievements on the frontal battlefield.Even credit for achievements on other battlefields is hard to remember.

However, Cao Ren's position among Cao Cao's generals is irreplaceable.This is not what Cao Cao said, nor was it bragged by any general, but Cao Ren proved his strength with his actual actions.

Cao Cao has countless advisers and generals, and even Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, etc. Xiahou clan or Cao clan members, none of them can replace Cao Ren.

Because these generals are just generals, and Cao Ren, every time he goes out as the commander-in-chief of a partial division, he is the commander-in-chief of an army.Its status is second only to Cao Cao, and the most important thing is that Cao Ren is currently the only subordinate in Cao Cao's army who can give him a lot of military power.

In Yanzhou, in the camp of Xiahouyuan's troops, Xiahouyuan was thinking about how to march at this time, so that the follow-up large troops could have a foothold before arriving in Yanzhou.

"Report,,,,,," a soldier ran in and knelt down and said, "General, we have already contacted the military division. My lord's family is now on the military division's side, and now there are still a few cities on the military division's side. Are you going to meet up with the military division?"

"Xun Yu is a very clever man, he must know our army's difficulties now." Xia Houyuan shook his head and said: "It is not good for the war to join him at this time, what our army has to do now is to open up the situation in Yanzhou and serve as our lord." Pave the way for the attack.

How about this, send [-] cavalry to send all the family members of the rescued soldiers to the army division, and the rest will continue to attack Yanzhou with me. I don’t want to defeat all the rebels in Yanzhou, but we must let all the rebels in Yanzhou know , the lord has led the army back. "

Several lieutenants nodded in unison, and they also felt that this was the best way.

After a while, after discussing everything, Xia Houyuan asked his subordinates, "Do you have any news about my daughter?"

"This..." Everyone didn't know how to answer, but in desperation, Xiahouyuan's eldest son stepped forward and said, "Father, we brothers and I fled together at that time, and the two younger sisters happened to be away from home at that time. Should be safer than us.

After this battle is over, we will send a large number of people to look for them, and we will definitely find them. Father, don't worry, the bandits don't dare to mess around in Yanzhou, and my sister will be fine. "

Xia Houyuan has five sons, but only one daughter, and another niece who has been living in his home. The eldest son and son Xian have joined the army to fight.

As for this daughter and niece, they are Xiahouyuan's favorite jewels. Xiahouyuan loves them even more than his youngest son. If something happens to these two children because of this incident, I am afraid that Xiahouyuan will be restless all his life.

Xia Houyuan had two daughters back then, but there was a food shortage at that time. In order to save others, Xia Houyuan sent out all the food in the family, but starved to death of his youngest daughter. This incident has always made Xia Houyuan feel guilty.

As for his niece, it was Xia Houyuan's promise to a clan brother.This clan brother was kind to save Xiahouyuan's family. Later, this clan brother passed away early due to heavy soldiers. He had a son back then, but Xiahouyuan didn't take good care of this nephew, so that he lost him.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan regarded this niece as his own, because he could not let this child have any accidents.But it is good now, because of this rebellion, the two most favored children have disappeared. These are two girls. If they are caught by those bandits, what will happen to them.

"Forget it, life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky." Xia Houyuan sighed: "You all go down and get busy, the Lord's affairs are more important, and the situation must be opened before the Lord's army arrives."

"No." Everyone stood up and replied.

Most of the generals left to attend to their own affairs, but Xiahouyuan's eldest son stayed behind.He understands the pain in his father's heart now, the incident back then is a foregone conclusion, and the wound in his father's heart can no longer be healed.

But now if such a thing happens again, it will be a bigger blow to his father. He stayed and stayed on the side, in order to take care of his father.

(End of this chapter)

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