Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 491 Cao Cao enters the city 1

Chapter 491 Cao Cao enters the city 1
Zhang Liao received the military order to transfer troops to support Zang Ba in the afternoon of the same day, but because he had too many things on hand, and it was almost dark when he received the order, even if he transferred troops, he might not have time in the sky. Hei arrived at Xiaozhai before, so Zhang Liao ordered to send troops to Zang Ba the next morning.

But he didn't expect Cao Cao to launch a strong attack on Xiaozhai that night. Zhang Liao was in charge of the defense at the tower.

"Could it be that something happened to Xiaozhai." Zhang Liao exclaimed, "No wonder the military commander asked me to send troops to support Xuan Gao. It seems that the Cao bandits have really made a move. But should we send troops now or not?"

When Zhang Liao was in a dilemma, Chen Gong trotted all the way to the top of the city tower. He looked at the fire in the sky and said, "Wen Yuan, you must be cautious at this time. You should send someone to find out first, in case it is Cao Cao's way of luring the enemy. count.

Did you send someone to inform the lord why the lord has not come over until now.This matter is related to Puyang's comfort. If it is not handled well, Cao Cao may take advantage of the loophole and attack him. At that time, you and I will not be able to bear the responsibility. "

Zhang Liao replied embarrassingly: "I have sent someone to inform the lord, but the lord is already drunk, and I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up for a while. When attacking Xiaozhai, the scouts even saw the mountain burning in Xiaozhai."

"Then it can't be wrong." Chen Gong replied: "Cao Cao is very good at using troops, and we can't figure out the truth. I guess it is true that he attacked Xiaozhai, but at the same time he must have set up a war on the way." Lay an ambush.

Such a conspiracy, but we have to follow his routine, hum, what a Cao Cao.Wen Yuan, how many troops have been summoned now, and how many troops can be dispatched to rescue Xiaozhai besides defending the city? "

"Now we can mobilize [-] troops." Zhang Liao replied, "It is the elite soldiers that the last general has assembled in the afternoon, and they are preparing to support Xiaozhai. In addition, the last general has [-] cavalry in his headquarters, which can also be mobilized now." "

"Okay, that's enough." Chen Gong said: "In this way, Wen Yuan, we must leave enough manpower to guard the city. You can ask the lord first if you can send troops to resist Cao Cao. Cao Cao's army is only [-], and he will keep at least half of it. People guard the camp.

If you attack Xiaozhai with less than 5000 people, I am afraid it will not help. If there are too many, our army will definitely find out, so I guess that the Cao army that Xuan Gao has to face now is either 1 or [-]. The army that lays an ambush on the road is about [-] at most.

You lead [-] elite soldiers and [-] cavalry from your headquarters to rescue first, only take the avenue, and don't covet the short path. Judging from the terrain along the way, there is no suitable place to set up an ambush on the avenue, and Cao Cao will probably intercept him halfway.

There is a small hill more than ten miles out of the city, which is the most suitable place for blocking. Cao Cao will definitely deploy troops there, and you should bring more torches.

If you can defeat Cao Jun, you will go directly to rescue Zang Ba, if you are held back by Cao Cao, you will fight steadily.Remember, Wen Yuan, you can't be defeated no matter what, Cao's army will never be much larger than you, don't fall for his tricks.

The last point you have to remember, Wen Yuan, in order to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to swindle the city, tonight Puyang City is only allowed to leave and not enter, and troops are not allowed to return to the city until dawn. I will explain everything to the lord later, you can Dare to lead troops out of the city to face Cao Cao. "

"The last general takes orders." Zhang Liao clasped his hands and replied, "Then I will leave this place to the military adviser. I will go and ask the lord for orders first."

After speaking, Zhang Liao immediately ran towards Lu Bu's mansion. Such a large-scale troop deployment absolutely required Lu Bu's permission, otherwise he would be punished even if he made meritorious service.

Not long after, Zhang Liao led an army of [-] out of the city to rescue Xiaozhai. Just when reinforcements were sent from Puyang City, Cao Cao quickly spread the news to Cao Cao after realizing Anpa's good work.

After going out of the city for seven or eight miles, Zhang Liao has not encountered any enemy troops. This place is only two or three miles away from the hill. Zhang Liao guessed that Cao Cao would definitely set up an ambush there, but he is not sure who will lead it now. soldier.

"Soldiers, the enemy is sure to stop us in the front." Zhang Liao shouted to all the soldiers in the army: "Cao Cao attacked our small stronghold tonight because he did not dare to fight our army head-on. When we meet the enemy, just ignore it." Fight the enemy bravely, Cao Jun is not afraid."

"Kill, kill, kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C..." the whole army roared and marched forward. At this time, Cao Cao was indeed in formation on the hill. Six thousand troops had formed up on the hillside, and there were a thousand ambush soldiers on the left and right sides of the forest. .

However, these two thousand ambush soldiers were not used for surprise attacks. Cao Cao also knew that one or two thousand soldiers would not be of much use. Then launch a general attack.

In addition, Cao Cao also arranged for 2000 people to set up an ambush in front. Their task was to cut off the retreat of the enemy's reinforcements. As long as they defeated the enemy on their own side, the 2000 men and horses from the rear would fight out together, and the enemy would not be defeated.

Soon, Zhang Liao saw bright lights on the hillside ahead, and Cao Jun's torches were almost everywhere.

"General, judging from the torches, the number of enemy troops in front is no less than [-], and I'm afraid there will be more." The lieutenant general said to Zhang Liao: "The torches are scattered all over the mountains and plains, and it is impossible to count them. General, what should we do?"

"Oh? Really, no less than 1 people?" Zhang Liao laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, soldiers, don't be frightened by Cao Jun's suspicious tactics. Look, there are quite a lot of torches all over the mountains and plains. But don't you think there is a problem with the distance between the torches?
Cao's army is small, that's why they took out so many torches to intimidate us. The army just marches forward, don't be intimidated by the enemy's formation. I expect Cao's army to be no more than 8000 people. The army moved forward. "

Zhang Liao deliberately yelled loudly in order to let everyone know that not only his subordinates, but even Cao Cao across from you have heard what he just said.

"What a good Yanmen Zhang Wenyuan." Cao Cao praised: "I saw through my arrangement at a glance. He is really a good general, but he followed that thief Lu Bu. Come on, pass the order, and the ambushes on both sides will kill now. Just wave the flag and shout. But, don't get close to the enemy for now, wait for my general attack order."

The military order from Cao Cao's side was immediately conveyed to go first. At this time, the former army on Zhang Liao's side had already fought with Cao Jun, and the two sides fought hand-to-hand in the dark night.Since Cao Cao had not been here for a long time to set up an ambush on the hill, and there were not many obstacles he could arrange, the most important thing in this blocking battle was the fighting of the soldiers.

After fighting for a stick of incense, Cao Cao found that Zhang Liao had a good command and a method of advancing and retreating. In this dark night, his commanding ability was not affected by half. If this continues, it may be difficult for Cao Cao to hold on.

"He is really a good general." Cao Cao nodded with his eyes narrowed and said, "Come on, send out the signal, and lay out the ambush, and when the enemy's morale is in chaos, we will defeat them in one fell swoop."

Soon, the mountains on both sides of Zhang Liao's army were shouting for killing, and then torches appeared in the mountains. Judging from the torches, the total number of Cao's troops in the mountains on both sides was no less than 5000, and now Zhang Liao's side The soldiers panicked a little, and now they are surrounded on three sides. If they delay for a long time, they may be cut off from retreat.

"Hahaha, Cao Cao is short-sighted." Zhang Liao laughed and said, "Don't worry all the soldiers, this is also Cao Cao's plan to suspect soldiers. If there are really so many ambush soldiers, why is Cao Cao exposed now? Although there are continuous shouts of killing, But they never approached, these two lines of ambushes are just a cover, come and set fire to the mountain, I will make his ambush soldiers turn into roast pigs."

Cao Cao was still anxiously waiting for Zhang Liao to retreat, but he was waiting for the fire in the mountains on both sides. Now Cao Cao couldn't hold back anymore, and he immediately ordered the ambush soldiers on both sides to come back. Ambushes will be burned.

"Humph, come here, order the ambush troops from the rear to attack Zhang Liao from the rear." Cao Cao ordered again: "I will defeat you in a dignified way, and attack from both sides. Let me see how capable Zhang Liao is."

Just as the morale of Zhang Liao's army settled down, they heard earth-shattering shouts of killing from behind. Judging from the sound, the enemy army was coming from behind.

"This Cao Cao is really a master at using troops." Zhang Liao exclaimed: "If it weren't for his lack of manpower tonight, I'm afraid I'm in a situation where I'm surrounded by enemies. Come on, the 2000 men in the rear army immediately turned to the formation. All the cavalry were immediately transferred to the formation. Come in the middle of the shape."

Zhang Liao's reaction was not slow, but Cao Cao's attack was faster. While the ambush came from behind, Cao Cao also launched a counterattack from the front. It was obviously difficult for Zhang Liao to deal with such a situation alone.

At first, Zhang Liao's side was the main attacker, and Cao Cao has been holding firm, but now the situation of both sides has changed dramatically. Cao Jun's attack is very fast, and we can only rely on [-] infantry to resist. In the next battle, if he really can't resist Huo, he will prepare for an iron cavalry surprise attack.

"General, the enemy's offensive is fierce, and our army has suffered heavy losses." A school lieutenant in front ran over and reported to Zhang Liaohui: "Our army has no obstacles such as repelling horses, and there is no trench to stop the enemy. Now the brothers are relying on flesh and blood. The body resists."

"There is more than half an hour before dawn, and the lord will lead the troops here soon." Zhang Liao ordered the generals around him: "Persist for another hour, the enemy's number is equal to ours, and they can't hold on, come here , Send the last reserve team up, you first block the attack of the Cao army in front, and now I will lead the cavalry to defeat the Cao army in the rear."

After observing for a period of time, Zhang Liao found that the number of Cao's troops attacking his rear was not large, otherwise it would be impossible to attack and have not advanced a few steps. At this time, his front army is really difficult to resist, so he can only start from the rear. Open up the situation here.

The ambush that Cao Cao arranged in front originally consisted of 2000 soldiers. After the fierce battle in the middle of the night, they are now at the end of their strength. When Zhang Liao's [-] cavalry charged, they could no longer hold back and were all defeated. In this way, Zhang Liao After the army's front and back flanking dilemma is resolved, he can turn to deal with the Cao army in front wholeheartedly. This battle is really a bit tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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