Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 494 Cao Cao retreats 2

Chapter 494 Cao Cao retreats 2
The soldiers of the two armies fought hard, and the whole Puyang was shaken.

"My lord, the way back is cut off, so we have to go to the north gate." Li Dian said to Cao Cao, "If we don't retreat, our army will be caught in a pincer attack. It will be difficult to retreat at that time. My lord, please give me an order." .”

"No." Cao Cao waved back: "The west gate is guarded by our soldiers, it is absolutely impossible to be cut off like this, our army can only go to the west gate.

The north gate is heavily guarded by the enemy army. If we go to the north gate now, we will fall into an ambush on all sides. Send an order to open up the retreat path and kill us. Ximen's brothers will definitely meet us. Order the soldiers not to mess around , keep the formation, and fight steadily. "

How could Cao Cao not know the enemy's purpose? Now it seems that the way back is cut off, but at least there is still a glimmer of hope. His arrangement at the west gate will definitely come in handy.

Moreover, Cao Cao felt that there was a loophole in the opponent's layout. If he was really caught in the trap and was ambushed, why would the opponent send Ximen out generously? Puyang City will definitely change hands.

This can only explain one thing, Chen Gongmou's layout skills are indeed very strong, and now Cao Cao has indeed fallen into Chen Gong's calculations, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and Chen Gong's overall layout must have made a mistake.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao fought so hard to attack Ximen. In his opinion, this mistake must be on Ximen's side. The enemy's army is only about [-] now, so it is impossible to completely trap him to death.

There are at least 6 soldiers and horses in the city, but if Chen Gong really wants to set up an ambush, how can it be possible to only deploy this number of troops, unless Chen Gong has other plans.

Zhang Liao anxiously said to Chen Gong in the prefectural office: "Master, there is something unusual. My lord did not arrive at the west gate on time. Now the west gate must be guarded by the enemy. I am afraid it is impossible for our army to wipe out Cao Cao."

"How could this be?" Chen Gong questioned: "My lord leading [-] elite cavalry to Liyang is just a cover. According to the plan, my lord should go back to lurk when I arrived in Liyang yesterday evening. Could it be that there is something wrong with my lord?" .

Wen Yuan, reinforcements from the North Gate will arrive soon, you must persevere, and you must not let Cao Cao go.It's really hateful, according to the plan, the lord should have stormed the Cao army at the west gate when Cao Cao sent a signal from our side, but now it's a good thing, let Cao army control the west gate. "

"The last general is going to mobilize the cavalry now." Zhang Liao replied: "Master, the terrain in the city is not suitable for cavalry to fight. The last general is willing to lead [-] cavalry from the north gate to the west gate to attack Cao's army."

"That's very good." Chen Gong nodded and said, "In this way, if you order five thousand cavalry, you must kill Cao's army outside the city, and don't care about the affairs of the west gate. If Cao's army retreats to defend the west gate, you block the west gate. Don't let them escape.

I am besieging Cao Cao in front. If he breaks out, we will block Cao Jun at the west gate. Remember, Cao Jun must not be allowed to open the way back. "

"The last general will do it now." Zhang Liao immediately went down to dispatch troops after receiving the order. The military situation is urgent now, and he cannot be delayed. Moreover, the situation is already showing signs of anxiety. Will soon escape.

Furthermore, the troops Cao Cao arranged at the west gate were definitely not just for display. Zhang Liao also guessed that it would be difficult for him to trap Cao Cao. Zhang Liao was able to disrupt Cao Cao's arrangement at the west gate, so Cao Cao would still be surrounded even if he succeeded in breaking through.

Thirty miles to the west of Puyang City, two cavalry were fighting fiercely. Lu Bu, who was supposed to appear at the west gate of Puyang City according to the plan, was now fighting with Xiahouyuan's [-] cavalry.

Before, Cao Cao felt that the number of cavalry in his hands was insufficient, and he needed more cavalry to guard his two wings, so Cao Cao transferred Xia Houyuan from Yanzhou. Unfortunately, these two cavalry were here. hit.

There is absolutely nothing to say about Xia Houyuan's marching speed. According to normal estimates, Xia Houyuan should have arrived tomorrow afternoon, but he led his subordinates to rush over at night.

It was already late and it was not suitable for fighting at all, but after Xia Houyuan found out that the opponent was Lu Bu, he charged without saying a word. Something must have happened to Lu Bu's marching so anxiously in the dark night.Of course Xia Houyuan couldn't guess what was going on, but he knew that it was right for him to pester Lu Bu.

"Cao Xing, you lead two hundred cavalry back and report to the military division." Lu Bu said to Cao Xing beside him, "Clarify the situation here to the military division, and leave the affairs of the city to Wen Yuan and the military division. We must take down Cao Cao tonight. .”

"The last general takes the order." After Cao Xing took the order, he hastily gathered two hundred cavalry and rushed towards Puyang.

And here Xia Houyuan is not idle either, he has sent someone to Cao Jun camp to report the news, his original intention is to report the situation here to Cao Cao, fighter opportunities are always available but not available, Xia Houyuan wants to take this opportunity to let his lord Send troops to encircle and suppress Lu Bu. After all, Lu Bu has only [-] cavalry around him now, and I have been fighting with him for so long. As long as reinforcements arrive, there is a chance to take Lu Bu down.

Neither side knew that something was wrong outside the city, and the battle inside the city had been going on.

Yu Jin saw the flames and shouts of killing in the city, and immediately led his troops to rescue Cao Cao. He couldn't control the city tower for the time being, and Xiahou Dun outside the city guarded the city gate. This is his retreat. If he entered the city, he could not lose the city gate no matter what.

"Kill..." Not long after, Zhang Liao led [-] cavalry to the west gate. Xiahou Dun didn't delay when he saw a fire dragon appearing in the distance. He immediately led his men and horses to line up. This army is definitely not a friendly army.

Fighting was going on inside and outside the city. The soldiers on both sides were fighting desperately. Cao Cao in the city held his position. Before the enemy reinforcements arrived, he finally joined Yu Jin. The two armies killed the enemy here. Then retreat towards the west gate.

"No, Cao Cao has escaped." Chen Gong shouted: "Come here, quickly send [-] cavalry to support General Zhang Liao outside the city. Since the enemy army came to reinforce them from the west gate, the defense on the west gate must be weak. General Zhang Liao will definitely be able to trap the enemy at the west gate."

Chen Gong's guess was correct. In terms of force, Xiahou Dun may not be afraid of Zhang Liao, but in terms of the ability to march and fight and the two armies to confront each other, Zhang Liao is obviously stronger.

Don't look at Zhang Liao's side with only 1 cavalry, but he learned a trick from Cao Cao, and each cavalry carried more torches, which resulted in the illusion of an army of more than [-].

Zhang Liao immediately ordered the whole army to charge when he saw Xiahou Dun was in formation. His purpose was to make the enemy retreat into the city and cut off their retreat.

Xiahou Dun was unable to withstand the charge of the opponent's cavalry. For the sake of prudence, he immediately ordered the whole army to control the west gate and guard the city gate, so that Zhang Liao's cavalry could not attack.

After the battle was not long, Cao Cao finally led his army to kill. After learning the situation outside the city, Cao Cao immediately ordered to attack the enemy army outside the city, and he must not let the enemy army block his retreat.

There were only 5000 troops on Zhang Liao's side. Although they were all elite cavalry, they couldn't stand the crowd on Cao Cao's side. Soon, Zhang Liao's side was beaten and retreated, and his defense line was about to be breached.

At the critical moment, a roar came from outside the city: "Cao Cao, you also have today, let's see how I, Lu Bu, kill you today."

It was Lu Bu who asked Xia Houyuan to rush over. After all, Xia Houyuan couldn't resist Lu Bu, and his allies had been unable to come, so he finally gave up and led the army to find the camp of the allies.

On the way here, Lu Bu happened to meet the three thousand cavalry sent by Chen Gong to support Zhang Liao. Now Lu Bu had quite a number of people around him. When he arrived outside the city, he happened to see Zhang Liao was about to lose his hold.

"Eat me with an arrow." Lu Bu shot an arrow directly at Cao Cao's location. Under the faint light of the torch, Lu Bu seemed to see one of the opponents being shot and fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Jun broke out like crazy, and Chen Gong in the city also commanded a large army to kill. Lu Bu's cavalry had no time to line up, and many Cao Jun broke through the encirclement and killed them.

"Kill me." Lv Bu yelled and rushed into the chaotic army. Anyway, he couldn't trap the opponent, so he might as well take advantage of this time to wipe out the enemy's vital forces.

"Where is Cao Cao? Where is Cao Cao?" Lu Bu yelled angrily while fighting, "Get out, you want to kill me, come on, come out and kill me now."

No one responded to Lu Bu, the point is that no one dared to respond to him.The soldiers of Cao Jun were busy breaking through the siege, and in the dark night, the soldiers of the two armies were in a mess.

"Lu Buxiu is going to be rampant, watch me Xu Chu fight you."

"Xiahou Dun is here too."


The generals of the Cao army all came to besiege Lu Bu. They knew that if they wanted to break through now, they had to trap Lu Bu. If not, Lu Bu would most likely command the cavalry to chase them down.

"Give me all to die." Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd and fought with the enemy generals. The opponent dispatched several generals one after another, but Lu Bu ignored them.

Xu Chu, Xiahou Dun, Li Dian, Le Jin, Yu Jin and others surrounded Lu Bu to fight, but they couldn't do anything to Lu Bu.In the melee, Lu Bu became more and more courageous in the battle, and there was a tendency to overwhelm the enemy generals.

After defeating all the generals of Cao Jun, Lu Bu discovered that most of Cao Jun had broken through the siege, so he immediately led his army to chase and kill them, and would ask every time he caught an enemy.

"Where is Cao Cao?" Lu Bu asked Cao Jun who was bowing his head in front of him, "If you tell me, I will spare you."

"The one riding the yellow horse is in front." The other party said: "The fire in the city just now, Cao Cao's horse was burned to death, and a yellow horse was temporarily replaced."

After hearing the news, Lu Bu immediately went to chase and kill Cao Jun who was riding a yellow horse in front.

After Lv Bu was far away, the man looked up at the front and said to himself: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous, I didn't expect Lv Bu to be so brave, several generals under my command couldn't stop him, and let him catch up to me. "

The battlefield became more and more chaotic, and this person quickly disappeared into the night.In tonight's battle, both sides will win or lose, but Cao Cao's side will lose slightly more.

(End of this chapter)

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