Chapter 499
Zhao Yun stepped forward and patted Pai Xiahoulan on the shoulder and said, "If you have anything to say, let's make it clear in person. I think Ah Juan really doesn't know the truth."

Xia Houlan nodded, and he held back the tears he was about to shed and said to Xia Houjuan: "Where is your father? No one should know that you live in your uncle's house, how could Xia Houyuan send someone to pick you up.

Is it because your father was greedy for life and afraid of death and failed to keep the secret, which made the Xiahou family find you? I knew what was so good about such a man. "

"Are you really my brother?" Xia Houjuan cried and said, "Then you must know about father and mother, right? Tell me what's going on? Why haven't I seen father and mother since I can remember? I asked Uncle, he never said anything, but every year he would take me to the back hall to offer incense."

"This bastard." Xia Houlan couldn't help cursing: "He didn't tell you the truth, it must be for the reputation of Xiahou's family, and he still refuses to admit his mistake, hum."

"That's not true." Xia Houlin interrupted at this moment and said, "My father didn't tell him for Sister Juan's benefit."

Everyone turned their heads to stare at Xia Houlin, it seemed that she knew the truth.

"Once when I was sleeping in my mother's room, I overheard my father and my mother talking about Sister Juan." Xia Houlin continued: "The elders of Xiahou's family don't know the identity of Sister Juan, they all think that Sister Juan is My sister was picked up by my father from outside.

My father said that he concealed Sister Juan's identity for his own safety. When Sister Juan's uncle's family suffered a catastrophe, it happened that my father sent someone to save Sister Juan and her two cousins.

Sister Juan's father is my uncle, but he passed away a long time ago. I heard from my mother that my uncle was a good man with love and righteousness. He died of illness because of a woman. This woman is Sister Juan's mother. "

Everyone was deeply moved when they heard this, and immediately, Xia Houlan continued to ask about Xiahou's family.It turned out that Xiahoulan's parents made a private decision for life when they were young, but they were not agreed by the elders of Xiahou's family.

Xiahoulan's father wanted to inherit the position of Patriarch, so it was impossible for her to marry a woman from an ordinary family, but the two continued to communicate in private, and Xiahoulan was born later.

When Xiahoulan's mother gave birth to Xiahoujuan, Xiahou's family finally sent a killer. They could not allow such an illegitimate child to exist in Xiahou's family.

As a last resort, Xia Houlan's mother could only flee to the north in desperation, and entrusted her newly born daughter to her eldest brother for adoption.

Xia Houlan's father was sent out by the head of the family at that time, and when he came back, he got the news that his wife and child died in an accident, and a fire took away the lives of three people.

For this reason, Xiahoulan's father felt very guilty in his heart. Years of self-blame, coupled with missing his wife and children, made Xiahoulan's father seriously ill, and eventually he couldn't afford it.

Xia Houyuan also learned the truth by accident, and he immediately told his elder brother. It was a pity that his elder brother only knew that his two children might still be alive, so he entrusted Xia Houyuan to find his children.

This loving and righteous man failed to see his child for the last time, and Xia Houyuan found Xia Houjuan after many inquiries.

After everyone knew the truth, they couldn't help sighing, but now it's a happy event for the siblings to recognize each other, and everyone is sincerely happy for Xia Houlan, especially Zhang Fei, now that he has a brother-in-law, the betrothal gift doesn't need to be given to Xia Houyuan.

"It seems that I blamed him wrongly." Xia Houlan sighed: "My mother said that the thing I don't regret the most in this life is getting to know him. Hey, it's all in the past. Since he's gone, what reason do I have?" to hate.

Sister, I will have my brother to take care of you from now on. You must have suffered a lot at Xiahou’s house. I heard General Yide said that you were still cutting firewood when I met you. It seems that Xiahouyuan is not very good. If he I really want to take good care of you, but why would I ask you to do something that the next generation will do. "

"Brother, uncle is very good to me." Xia Houjuan replied: "It's just that uncle also has his difficulties. Over the years, uncle has paid too much for me. Back then, he even sacrificed one of his children to save me. I owe you a lot. Uncle, this life is not over yet."

"It's okay, the elder brother is here." Xia Houlan comforted: "I will change what I owe him, and I will go to get back what the Xiahou family owes us."

Now the relationship between these two women and everyone has taken a step forward, Zhang Fei cheerfully ordered his servants to set up wine and prepare a banquet, today is a good day, Zhang Fei must celebrate it well.

Two days later, Gongsun Xu summoned the generals to discuss matters.Cao Cao has already received a reply. He is busy attacking Shandong to raise military rations. Naturally, he will not have conflicts with the northern army at this time. Moreover, Cao Cao is also willing to marry Gongsun Xu.

In any case, Xiahou's family is also Cao Cao's family. If this happens, it will definitely be beneficial to Cao Cao.

Gongsun Xu felt that the iron should be struck while the iron is hot. It is best to send someone to propose marriage in the next few days, and send someone to inquire about the situation in Yanzhou by the way, and get to know the bottom line of Cao Cao and Lu Bu.

"My lord is going to send those of us over there." Zhao Yun asked, "I heard enough meaning, it seems that it's not just as simple as proposing marriage."

"Hehe, marriage proposal is one of them." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "The most important thing this time is to find out about Cao Cao's situation. Our army knows a lot about Lu Bu's situation, but Cao Cao alone has less .

In recent years, Cao Cao has developed rapidly, and he has a lot of civil and military talents. We only know that there are many generals, and you should know it yourself.

Xu Chu, Xiahoudun, and Xiahouyuan are all warriors on the battlefield, Li Dian, Le Jin, and Yu Jin are all good generals. This is only Cao Cao's apparent strength, and there should be many unknown secrets.

This time you go, firstly, if the marriage is settled, secondly, I guess that Xia Houyuan and Cao Cao will make things difficult, no matter whether they want things or fight, you will follow.

In the future, we will meet Cao Cao at work on the battlefield, and you will fight against those generals of Cao Cao. I hope that you can find out the opponent's cards now, so that you will be more confident when you fight in the future.

So, you all have to go, Zilong is the commander in chief, I will let Feng Xiao go with you, Ziyi stay, you are going to Xuzhou.

Yide and Huang Xu are definitely going, evil, you also go this time, Xu Chu is the commander of Cao Cao's personal army, you go and try the details of this tiger idiot.

In order to ensure safety, I decided to send [-] Tigers and Ben troops to accompany me. Apart from your respective personal guards, I will select another [-] soldiers from the army. This time, you must deal with this matter with all your energy. "

"Haha, it's exciting." Zhang Fei laughed and said, "I, Zhang Fei, like such exciting things. I can fight, drink, and settle my marriage. It really serves multiple purposes, my lord. The task will surely be accomplished.”

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and replied: "This matter will be successfully completed in the end, hehe, Cao Cao is busy with Shandong affairs now, and Lu Bu is looking for trouble for him in Yanzhou, so I don't believe he still has time to mess with us. "

"This matter is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say." Gongsun Xu ordered: "I will explain the detailed plan to Feng Xiao, and you must obey orders when the time comes.

Ziyi and I are going to be busy with Xuzhou affairs, so we don't have much time and energy to take care of your side. Remember, you can't make the relationship stalemate, but you must find out the strength of the other party. "

"No." Everyone bowed their hands and accepted the order. They had long wanted to meet Cao Cao's generals. Now that there was such a good opportunity, everyone would definitely not let it go.

After everyone left, Gongsun Xu left Tai Shici to discuss the matter of going to Xuzhou. This time, the Mi family in Xuzhou was relocated in a big way. Gongsun Xu must have given some face, otherwise someone will come to seek refuge in the future.

Moreover, the Mi family and Gongsun Xu cooperated very happily when they were doing business in Zhongshan.As for why Gongsun Xu sent Tai Shici, there was actually a reason for this.

When doing business in Zhongshan before, the third miss of the Mi family also came with her, and by accident, Tai Shici actually fell in love with the third miss of the Mi family.

It's just that after the Zhongshan meeting, there was no further information on this matter, and Tai Shici never mentioned it.It was not until Tai Shici pleaded guilty to Gongsunxu in person that Gongsunxu understood the twists and turns.

It turned out that the two elder brothers of Miss Mi's family wanted to marry her to Gongsun Xu, so that they could have a relationship with Beijiang. Who knew that my sister fell in love with Gongsun Xu's general.

After understanding the cause and effect, Gongsun Xu could only smile wryly.Similar things happened in the eastern grasslands of Xianbei.

At that time, Murong Tiexiong, a Xianbei general under Zhao Yun's command, said that his sister Murong Xiaoman loved Gongsun Xu, so he wanted to marry his sister to Gongsun Xu.

In the end, everyone knew that Murong Tiexiong's younger sister was in love with Zhao Yun, but because his sister said that the other party was a man like a dragon, Murong Tiexiong thought it was Gongsun Xu.

Who ever thought that this woman said that because of Zhao Yun's name Zilong, of course this matter did not make a big fuss, in the end it was Gongsun Xu who fulfilled Zhao Yun's good deed and betrothed Murong Xiaoman to Zhao Yun as a concubine.

It's just that Murong Tiexiong lay in bed for a month because Zhao Yun beat Murong Tiexiong hard when he learned about it, and robbed his lord for a woman for no reason. If it got out, Zhao Yun should commit suicide Sorry.

Had it not been for Huang Zhong and the others to pull him back, and then Murong Xiaoman had sent out to intercede, Zhao Yun would have really killed Murong Tiexiong.

For this matter, Zhao Yun went to plead guilty to Gongsun Xu. Although Gongsun Xu did not blame him, but was happy for him, Zhao Yun still asked for punishment. For this reason, Gongsun Xu finally beat Zhao Yun with thirty army sticks. He was fined two years' salary.

Tai Shici also heard about this incident later, so he went to plead guilty with Gongsun Xu with a mortal heart. After Gongsun Xu learned about the situation, he didn't say much, and directly ordered Tai Shici to marry him, so He just wanted to take Tai Shici to Xuzhou to pick up Mi's family and move them to Jizhou. Gongsun Xu didn't want to lose a general for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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