Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 651 Eliminate hidden dangers 1

Chapter 651 Eliminate hidden dangers 1
"Well done, Dian Wei, lead the army to attack." Gongsun Xu stood in front of the team, so that the enemy felt that there was an opportunity. Who would have thought that Dian Wei had been leading the army on guard, and when the opponent made a move, he also urged Moved the horse.

After successfully disintegrating these Qiang leaders, Gongsun Xu did not encounter much difficulty in the next step. The combined strength of Baiyang Qiang and Bison Qiang was less than [-]. For Gongsun Xu, it was quite simple.

Dian Wei led 1 elites to attack the enemy army. Under the command of Dian Wei, the [-] elites managed to suppress the opponent's [-] people.

At this time, Hua Xiong on the other side also received an order. His task is to lead the army to keep an eye on other Qiang tribes. It won't be undercover.

Strength is the foundation. After Huaxiong's [-] troops stared at each other, those Qiang leaders who hadn't made a move could no longer find a chance to make a move. The next thing is to see the decisive battle between Gongsun Xu and these two tribes.

The leaders of Baiyang Qiang and Bison Qiang both took the lead. At this time, they knew that they had to work hard, otherwise, if the army's morale was scattered, they would have no chance to recover.

And Dian Wei led three or four hundred soldiers around him to act as the sharp knife troops of the army, tearing apart the enemy's attack and then separating them.

Outside the battlefield, Gongsun Xu took down his pulley bow, and then drew out a cloud-piercing armor-piercing arrow. In the past few months, Gongsun Xu has hardly used the cloud-piercing armor-piercing arrow. After all, this kind of thing is extremely difficult to make. If you use one, you will lose one. Gongsun Xu was even more reluctant to use it when he was reduced to the grassland.

The two armies were fighting fiercely, and Gongsun Xu aimed at the leader of Baiyang Qiang from a distance. The distance between the two was almost two hundred steps. At this distance, ordinary archers dare not say that they can concentrate on their targets.

Moreover, the distance is too far. Even if the archer has the strength to shoot the arrow so far, he must have the best bow. It just so happens that Gongsun Xu meets these conditions now.

In front of Gongsun Xu, more than 20 soldiers of the Huben Army held shields to shield him from the arrows flying from the battlefield, and at the same time blocked the sight of the people on the opposite side. They didn't know that Gongsun Xu would secretly snipe his opponent at this time.

Dian Wei was the God of Killing on the battlefield at this time, under his leadership, the sharp knife troops were invincible, and Dian Wei alone was more powerful than hundreds of soldiers on the other side.

"Who dares to stop me?" Dian Wei waved his double halberds and roared angrily. These Qiang soldiers and horses were indeed elite, but under Dian Wei's onslaught, no matter how powerful the elite was, it would be difficult to resist.

"Stop him for me." The leader of Bison Qiang really couldn't stand it any longer. All the defenses on his side were smashed by the sharp knife troops led by Dian Wei. If this continues, how can this battle be fought.

He led his [-] soldiers to kill Dianwei. These [-] soldiers were all warriors in his tribe, all of them were warriors who dared to fight tigers and bears. Maybe they didn't have the ability to fight tigers and bears, but, At least they have the courage.

When facing an invincible general like Dian Wei, such a warrior needs to come out to stop him. The leader of Bison Qiang is very clear about this, so he will charge up at this time.

It's a pity that they are facing Dian Wei, such a fierce general.When he was in the valley, Dian Wei was invincible among the Xiongnu army with his bare hands, and the same is true for him now.

The three hundred Bison and Qiang warriors were nothing but paper before Dian Wei. There was no unbeatable opponent for Dian Wei, and no Qiang warrior could resist Dian Wei's move.

"You, die." Dian Wei stared at the leader of Bison and Qiang and shouted, "Do you dare to fight?"

Facing Dian Wei's provocation, the leader of the Bison Qiang was also frightened, and it was really difficult for him to ask him to fight Dian Wei one-on-one, so he dared to hide behind and command his subordinates to charge forward.

"Okay, you're as timid as a mouse." Dian Wei shouted, "Come on."

Dian Wei's personal soldiers guarded his two wings and blocked the attack from the two wings for him, while Dian Wei himself was in charge of the frontal charge. The hundreds of warriors facing him couldn't resist Dian Wei's footsteps.

The leader of the Bison Qiang was forced to retreat while hiding in the rear. The distance between him and Dian Wei was getting closer and closer, but there were still dozens of Qiang warriors between them. It's still safe.

"It's now." When the distance between the two was only ten steps, Dian Wei jumped up from the horse, and then threw the halberd forward with his right hand. His target was the leader of the Bison Qiang in front of him.

As soon as the right-handed halberd was shot, the left-handed halberd also flew forward to block the opponent's retreat. All these actions were completed in an instant, and the leader of the Bison Qiang did not expect the opponent to make such a move.

The escape route was blocked, Dian Wei's move was really powerful, using his own weapon as a hidden weapon, generally if he got close, the opponent would definitely be hit on the spot.

However, the leader of the Bison and Qiang can be regarded as a character. He lay flat on the horse on the iron bridge in a daze, and then rolled off the horse. Dian Wei's double halberds only left two wounds on his legs.

Such a thrilling scene frightened the leader of Bison Qiang. Dian Wei was so strong that he had no room to fight back.The nearby Qiang warriors all got off their horses and wanted to help their leader up, but a more terrifying scene appeared.

Due to the obstruction of the horse, Dian Wei was always unable to break through the opponent's defense before, but when he jumped off the horse, his nimble footwork gave full play to his advantage.

In a blink of an eye, he avoided the Qiang cavalry along the road and came behind the leader of the Bison Qiang. At this time, the leader of the Bison Qiang had just stood up.

"Thieves will be killed." Dian Wei yelled loudly, and immediately made a few people here foolish. Before the other party could react, Dian Wei stepped forward and kicked the rest of the Qiang soldiers away, and then grabbed them with one hand. The leader of the Bison Qiang lived.

Such a warrior of the Qiang nationality was now held by Dian Wei like a chicken, and Dian Wei's murderous face suddenly moved twice.

Dian Wei smiled, but this smile made people think of resisting demons.

"Avenge me in your next life." Amid the astonishment of everyone, Dian Wei tore the other party in half, and the leader of the Bison and Qiang didn't even have time to let out a scream.

"Medium." Just when everyone was surprised, Gongsun Xu finally let go of the bowstring, and the cloud-piercing arrow flew out at lightning speed. The distance of more than 200 steps was not able to stop the cloud-piercing arrow. power.

When the leader of Baiyang Qiang looked at the iron arrow on his chest, he looked up at the sky, and then sighed: "After all, he is not his opponent."

With infinite nostalgia, the leader of Baiyang Qiang still closed his eyes. After he fell off his horse, Gongsun Xu immediately led a thousand soldiers around him to charge.

"The thief general is dead, surrender and not kill,,,,,,"

Gongsun Xu's charge indicates that the climax of this battle is coming.As the supreme commander of millions of soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang, Gongsun Xu will still take the lead when necessary. This is not only an encouragement to his subordinates, but also a deterrent to the enemy's heart.

In this era of cold weapons, the invincible general is still the object of worship of the soldiers, no matter whether he is an enemy or one of his own people, such as Lu Bu, although he is the enemy of many princes, for the soldiers under the command of those princes, Lu Bu His valor had indeed won their respect.

As for Gongsun Xu, the bravery he displayed at this time was no less than that of Dian Wei who was frantically fighting on the battlefield.Dian Wei has two halberds, which can attack and defend. When advancing and retreating, no one can stop him.

Gongsun Xu holds a lance in his right hand and a halberd in his left. Combining long and short, there is evidence for advancing and retreating.With mutual cooperation, no one can block his move.

When confronting the enemy, Gongsun Xu's long lance will always seize the opportunity to break the enemy's defense. Even if the enemy escapes Gongsun Xu's long lance by chance, but when the two pass by each other, Gongsun Xu's left hand It will always hook backwards, and the side branches of the hooked halberd will hang on the enemy's neck or other parts, and it will always bring a blood flower in the air.

This style of attack, the cooperation between the weapons, is more powerful than Dianwei's double halberds, if not less.Dian Wei wielded his double halberds, within three steps there was no one alive, but with the cooperation of Gongsun Xu's halberds, no one could stop him within five steps.

"This, is this the strength of Gongsun Xu in the northern Xinjiang?" The Qiang leaders who watched the battle nearby sighed: "I thought he was only good in strategy and military ability, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect him to be so brave. Who can stop such a brave general?"

Under the watchful eyes of the onlookers, Gongsun Xu led a thousand soldiers across the battlefield, and even smashed the enemy's formation to pieces. In addition, the two leaders of the enemy army were killed in battle, and the rest of the generals were either killed or frightened. Out of courage, Gongsun Xu finally surrendered these Qiang soldiers.

"Blow the horn and encircle the battlefield." Gongsun Xu ordered the army to operate. More than 1 warriors from the two tribes of Baiyang Qiang and Bison Qiang killed 3000 people in this one hour, including their two leaders. Now they are all corpses.

"You guys, surrender or not." Gongsun Xu rode his horse to the front of the rest of the Qiang soldiers and horses and shouted: "I, Gongsun Xu, keep what I say. Now surrender and submit to me. I will not treat you badly."

Under the deterrence of the Huben Army, these Qiang leaders had no reason to continue, and even the most powerful Qiang tribes were destroyed in this way. Do they have any reason to continue?

"I'll wait, willing to surrender." The remaining leaders all got off their horses and knelt in front of Gongsun Xu. At this time, Gongsun Xu was no longer as ferocious as before, but none of these leaders dared to look up at Gongsun Xu.

"Clean the battlefield and collect prisoners." Gongsun Xu rode away, and the leaders left with him. The remaining warriors of Baiyang Qiang and Bison Qiang became prisoners. It depends on Gongsun Xu how they will be treated next. mood again.

In the evening, in Gongsunxu's big camp, the remaining Qiang leaders gathered in Gongsunxu's tent.This big victory established Gongsun Xu's position here.

"You are all the masters of this grassland with a radius of five hundred miles." Gongsun Xu looked at these leaders and said, "I didn't come to seize your cattle, sheep and horses, nor did I come to slaughter your people.

You have surrendered to me, and I will not treat you badly, but all of this depends on your actual actions and loyalty in exchange.

Yan Xing, you performed well in this battle. You select 1000 people from the captives, and then I will allocate more than [-] people to you to make up the [-] soldiers under your command. I hope you will continue to work hard and don't let me down. "

(End of this chapter)

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