Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 688 Pursuing the young master 2

Chapter 688 Pursuing the young master 2
After running wildly for more than two hours, the elite five hundred tigers were gradually surrounded by their opponents.After all, there are nearly [-] troops chasing them, and these chasing soldiers are grassland elites. They know how to round up the enemy army on the vast grassland.

"The back road is cut off." The scout rode over and roared: "The left and right wings are also blocked. There are mountains and forests twenty miles ahead, and the enemy has almost blocked our road."

"Accelerate forward, the target, the forest ahead." The captain ordered: "Don't worry about the enemy troops behind and on the two wings, accelerate forward, quickly."

Such a wild run, even the best carriage can hardly bear it.What's more, the road conditions on this road are very bad, and it is not easy for the carriage to bear it until now.

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and then, the wheels of the carriage broke, and the entire carriage was torn apart in the wild run. As the carriage fell to the ground, there was a sound of exclamation from inside.

After the carriage fell to the ground, the captain immediately sent someone to rescue them, and he quickly got off his horse and rushed to the side of the carriage.A woman had died in the carriage, and there was something like a bundle in her arms.

"You, come here." The captain pointed to a soldier and said, "Protect this baggage, understand?"


"Everyone, surround him and speed up." The captain ordered: "Don't let the corpse fall into the hands of the enemy, take it away together, fast."

After a cup of tea, a group of Xiongnu cavalry rode to the side of the carriage. The leading commander dismounted and inspected for a while, and said: "There is blood, the person in the carriage must be injured, hurry up, they can't run away." up."

There were chasing soldiers in all directions, and the five hundred tiger and ben elite were surrounded. If they couldn't get into the jungle in time to get rid of the enemy army, then they would have to face the enemy army like a sea of ​​people.

"Find the traces of the enemy, and chase them quickly." Along the way, scouts from the Xiongnu army or the Xianbei army kept reporting news, and the whereabouts of the Huben army had been controlled by the opponent.

"Look, there is blood." A scout pointed to the blood on the ground and said, "It's not dry yet, the enemy is still nearby."

Soon, when the Huben Army was still five or six miles away from the woods, a group of about 200 Huns cavalry caught up with them.

"I found it, send the signal quickly." The two hundred Hun cavalry knew that they were not the opponent of the Huben army, but they rushed forward without hesitation to hold the Huben army, and at the same time sent a signal to call for nearby friendly troops Come to fight.

"The enemy is catching up." Captain Huben roared, "After the bow and arrow are broken, move on and protect the young master."

The two hundred Xiongnu army really couldn't do anything to the Huben army. They were attacked by the bow and arrows of the Huben army just after they approached for a while. After a little effort, the two hundred Hun cavalry lost dozens of people.

But precisely because the two hundred Hun cavalry were so entangled, the speed of the Huben army was slowed down by the eyes, and horns gradually sounded around them, and groups of Hun cavalry appeared in the sight of the Huben army.

"Stop them, come on, stop them, don't let them go,,,,,,"

The Hun cavalrymen who appeared all around looked like they were going crazy. They all saw the [-] Tigers fleeing for their lives, and they also saw the woman who looked like she was seriously injured and might even be dead.More Hun cavalry focused their attention on the vigorous cavalry in the center of the Huben Army crowd. He had a bag in his arms, and all the Hun cavalry knew what was in the bag.

"Take that burden and catch the living ones." A captain of the Hun army has already rode his horse over to command his subordinates to fight. Now the five hundred tiger and cardinal troops have no mercy on the horses, and they all whip the horses, hoping to escape Enemy hunt.

Suddenly, dozens of rather brave Hun cavalry rushed over with lasso and horse poles. They knew that it was almost impossible to get close to the Huben army and snatch people. They are quite powerful, and the bows and short spears in their hands are extremely lethal. Once they get close, their side is likely to be taken care of.

These dozens of chest-chested Hun cavalry didn't wave their weapons, nor bent their bows and arrows. They all kept their eyes on their targets in order to find the most suitable time to make a move.

Dozens of Xiongnu cavalry were flanked by hundreds of archers holding bows and arrows. They were really covering for their teammates. Whether they could get close to the Huben army depended on these hundreds of archers.

"Don't let them get close, bows and arrows..." Lieutenant Huben also saw the enemy's plan, and at this time he had to hold on no matter what. As long as he could escape into the woods, the enemy's arrows and large groups of troops would be destroyed. It's hard to come in handy, and then there will be a chance to escape on my side.

When the archers of the two armies were shooting at each other, these dozens of brave Hun cavalry finally made their move. They galloped wildly and increased the speed of their mounts to the extreme. With the horse rope and the horse pole, the Huben army has not as many troops as the opponent, and it can't resist for a while.

Finally, a Hun cavalryman's lasso caught the Huben army carrying the dead body. The Huben army was also very agile. He immediately cut the rope with a knife, but several other ropes immediately caught behind him. The corpse behind him was dragged down by those Hun cavalrymen working hard together.

Together with the Huben Army cavalry, they were overturned and flew away from the horses. Several Huben Army soldiers running behind immediately stretched out their spears and leaned together to catch the cavalry. An unowned war horse.

"Lieutenant, the body is lost." The cavalry roared, "I'll go get it back."

"Come back." The subordinate roared: "It's important to protect the young master, hurry up."

The Huben army cavalry took the weapons handed over by their comrades, and then accelerated their speed angrily. This is not the time to act arrogantly. Their task is to protect the young master. The mistress is dead, but the young master must not have any accidents.

"Continue to chase..." The commander of the Xiongnu army continued to order the pursuit, and now they only got a corpse, which could not satisfy them at all. If there was no one alive, what would they use to blackmail Gongsun Xu.

About three miles away, five hundred tigers can rush into the woods, and the Xiongnu army is about to block the last way of survival of the tiger army. It is a pity that the tiger army can be trapped so easily.

These thousands of Hun cavalry had no time to form a formation, and there were no effective fortifications. Under the command of the school lieutenant, the Huben army broke through their defense with a single charge, and then all the Hun soldiers rushed into the woods, leaving only The enemy army scolded in the back.

"Send people into the woods to search." Commander Wan of the Xiongnu Army ordered: "Send another 2000 people to escort the corpse to Shan Yu's side, and ask Shan Yu for instructions on the next step."

After entering the woods, the Huben army quickly got rid of the Hun army's search due to their small number of people. The Hun army commander wanted to set fire to the woods in a fit of anger, but once the fire started, It is also very likely that he will cover his opponent, so he can only order his subordinates to search in the forest.

The two thousand Hun cavalrymen here brought the stolen corpses and wanted to go back to announce the good news, but they ran into Zhao Yun's white-robed army just after they left for fifty miles.

Zhao Yun has the cavalry of the Sirius Army leading the way, so it takes a lot less detours than the Huns and Xianbei troops. However, the ghost mastiff used to track along the way has disappeared. Now Zhao Yun can't control so much, he All we have to do is to find the mistress and the young master as soon as possible.

"It's the cavalry of the Huns." The lieutenant rode over to report: "It's strange, how did they run back?"

"Could it be successful?" Zhao Yun said in surprise: "Stop them, catch a few alive for questioning."

The [-] white-robed troops were dispatched together, and the formation could be regarded as overwhelming. The [-] Hun cavalry quickly turned to avoid this fierce cavalry force.

But the speed and combat effectiveness of the white robe army are there. If the Hun cavalry wants to escape, they will have to pay a price.However, the luck of this Xiongnu cavalry was not too bad. It didn't take long for them to contact the large army. The rest of the main force of the Xiongnu army and the [-] Xianbei army also rushed here.

"Hahahaha,,,,,," the Xiongnu Shanyu led more than [-] elite cavalry to appear on the flank of the white robe army, and he had already received reports from his subordinates that he had succeeded.

"Zhao Yun, you are late." Xiongnu Shanyu laughed and said, "I have already captured them. Let me see what you can do to me. Come here, stop them, let's go."

Tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry and Xianbei cavalry blocked the way of the white robe army. The Xiongnu Shanyu knew the strength of the white robe army very well, so he didn't want to fight Zhao Yun at all. Now that he had obtained the body of Gongsun Xu's wife, the plan was over. Half the battle.

"Send 2000 people to bring this corpse to the leader." Xiongnu Shanyu said to the commander of the Xianbei army: "I have already verified that the cloak on this female corpse is from Gongsunxu. I know this cloak, and this The female corpse was indeed not long after giving birth, so it must be Gongsun Xu's wife.

We continued to arrest Gongsun Xu's son.The weather is still cold now, within ten days and half a month, as long as it is well preserved, this corpse will not rot, and it will be brought to the leader, hehe, when the two armies are at war, Gongsun Xu will see his wife's corpse, I'll see how long he can last. "

"Okay, just to be on the safe side, I'll take 5000 people back in person." The commander of the Xianbei Army replied, "I'll leave this to you. You must catch Gongsun Xu's son."

After more than two hours, it was getting dark, and Zhao Yun led his men to defeat the enemy. This time, Zhao Yun acted like crazy, beheading more than 300 enemy soldiers in the midst of the chaos, and forced the enemy's generals above a thousand Kill them all.

The prairie cavalry without the command of high-level generals could not last long. In the end, the scene became a one-sided massacre. Zhao Yun commanded the army to chase and kill for thirty miles. After killing more than 4000 enemy troops, they had to withdraw. After all, it was already dark, and the fierce battle continued If you go down, it won't do you any good.

"Clean the battlefield and look for camping sites." Zhao Yun ordered: "Move quickly, take the time to rest, and we will continue to set off after dawn. We must find the young master before the enemy succeeds."

"General, there is a situation." The deputy general rode over to report: "The prisoners are very restless, and they probably want to make trouble at night."

Zhao Yun's face was expressionless after hearing this, he just snorted coldly: "We don't need prisoners now, what are we doing with these restless factors..."

(End of this chapter)

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