Chapter 927
It was getting late, and the river not far away was soon shrouded in thick fog, but this did not affect the two sides who were fighting. On the audience stage, the audience had already eaten and most of them had rested. Gongsun Xu had ordered The soldiers burned the fire and held up the torches. Even in this night, the center of the venue was brightly lit.

Wenpin and Gao Wei were not idle at this time, and both sides sent out scouts to lurk out in the dark. Although there will be no major battles at night, necessary intelligence collection is still necessary.

"It's so boring,,,,,," Huang Yueying has been watching here patiently for a whole day. During the day, except for the fight between the two sides, which was a bit interesting, the rest of the time the audience There was almost nothing to do. Fortunately, Gongsun Xu temporarily added a few programs at another venue, otherwise the audience would have been trapped to death.

"War itself is very boring." Pang Tong stepped forward and said with a smile: "You are not interested in these things, so it's hard for you to come here to join in the fun."

"Who knew it would be like this, didn't it mean,,,,,,"

"Woo,,,,,," the warning horn sounded suddenly, and then, the battle drums came from the camp by the riverside, which was a unique early warning signal for the navy. Gongsun Xu gradually narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the water village. It's a pity that the fog was too thick, and it was getting late, so it was impossible for him to see anything no matter how good his eyesight was.

In the middle of the venue, Wenpin's subordinates quickly calmed down after a short period of panic. This Wenpin's method of commanding troops is not bragging, and he has less than 1000 people at hand. Even if there is real chaos, he can calm down. The mood of the soldiers is good, but looking back at Gao Wei, what the [-] sergeants should do or do will not be disturbed by the outside world at all. Unless the signal for the end of the exercise is sounded, they will be the same as the red soldiers on the opposite side. Enemy of life and death.

"Report,,,,,," a soldier ran up to the audience stand and knelt in front of Gongsun Xu and said, "A large number of enemy ships suddenly appeared on the other side of the river. They are closer to the shore of our army and may land at any time."

"What are the navy doing?" Gongsun Xu said angrily, "Order Huang Zhong to line up for battle and not allow the enemy to come ashore."

"The two generals Cai Mao and Zhang Yun have been ordered to attack and are now commanding the water army to fight on the shore." The orderly replied: "Is our army preparing for war, and whether the lord needs to be transferred."

"Hmph, what a big deal." Gongsun Xu shook his head and smiled, "Bo Fu, Bo Fu, you choose to attack at this time. Aren't you clearly planning to come here to mess with me? Dian Wei, summon the Tiger Army, I want to go there have a look."

The audience next to them heard that there was a war, and most people's faces changed. The Jiangdong navy has already attacked. If they are allowed to fight, the lives of everyone here will be in danger. Many people are thinking Are you going to leave now?

"Hahahaha, everyone, I wonder if you are interested in watching the battle with me." Gongsun Xu turned around and looked at the crowd behind him with a smile: "You guys are not satisfied with the military exercises, how about taking you to see the actual combat?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for these people to reply, Gongsun Xu walked down from the auditorium under the protection of the Huben army, and went straight to the water village in the distance. Said that they discussed with each other and followed. The water village is not far from here, and there is an audience stand over there. How can you make a living under Gongsun Xu's hands?

"Let the arrows, let the arrows..." On the shore, Cai Mao and Zhang Yunzheng commanded the archers to shoot. Of course they didn't want the enemy to approach, no matter how they want to ensure the safety of Gongsun Xu now, besides, this is theirs The opportunity to perform, if they can leave a good impression in front of Gongsun Xu this time, then they will definitely be assigned to better positions in the subsequent battle across the river. The two brothers are now also fighting for their own future.

"My lord, why are you here?" In the distance, Huang Zhong saw Gongsun Xu and hurried over and said, "It's just a thief, don't worry about me, my lord. The enemy troops don't dare to approach the shore yet."

"There is a lot of fog on the river, how do you judge the number and position of the enemy army." Cai Mao and Zhang Yun also ran over at this time, Gongsun Xu looked at the foggy river and asked: "The situation of the enemy army is unknown, how do you retreat the enemy? "

"Although the heavy fog hinders our army's realization, it does not affect our army's counterattack." Cai Mao quickly replied: "The enemy's drums have already betrayed their position. In addition to snatching warships, the naval army is fighting. It is to use bows and crossbows to fight, our army has tens of thousands of archers, and there are enough arrows to deal with the current situation."

"Are you trying to say that you haven't even seen the shadow of the enemy army, are you wasting arrows now?" Gongsun Xu looked at Cai Mao and the two and said angrily, "Is this what you call a water battle?"

The two of Cai Mao knelt on the ground and did not dare to answer. However, the two of them are now convinced of one thing, that is, Gongsun Xu does not understand water warfare. In this kind of scene, the situation of the enemy army is unknown. Of course, arrows should be used to block it. Furthermore, naval warfare has always been based on long-distance shooting with arrows. Unless the ships approach and compete for the opponent's ships, soldiers and sailors will go hand-to-hand. As in the current situation, what are you doing if you don't shoot arrows?
But Cai Mao and the two dared not speak clearly, Gongsun continued to ask urgently, Cai Mao replied helplessly: "Navy warfare has always been like this. The two of us have commanded the navy for many years. How can we not know the situation? Please learn from the general... ,,,"

The meaning of these words is obvious. Cai Mao said it tactfully, but directly pointed out that Gongsun Xu didn't understand water warfare.Gongsun Xu was not angry when he heard this, he pointed to the river, then looked at Cai Mao and said, "Really? Then I will try it today.

Han Sheng, order the soldiers to set up the trebuchet, and prepare kerosene and fire starters for me. I want to see what is on the river. In addition, prepare some small boats. The boats are full of dry firewood and hay, waiting for my order at any time. "

Huang Zhong quickly conveyed Gongsun Xu's order. The army already had a lot of catapults in reserve. Soon, under Huang Zhong's command, the soldiers prepared all the catapults. Gongsun Xu pointed to the river and said: "Wherever the drums sound, you shoot there. The archers stop shooting and stand back."

After the archers retreated, the sound of drums on the river was heard again, and the trebuchet was launched soon. There was a piercing sound when the stones were flying in the air, followed by the sound of hitting and falling into the water.

"Who told you to throw stones?" Gongsun Xu pointed at the captain of the catapult and said angrily, "Throw oil for me, Cai Mao, and order the soldiers to change the long poles. If there are unknown ships approaching, they must be pushed away with long poles. People, get me a bow and arrow."

According to Gongsun Xu's order, the soldiers operating the trebuchet put an altar of kerosene on it, and then threw it at the place where the sound of the drum came. Gongsun Xu kept paying attention to the situation on the river until the soldiers brought his bow and arrow, A sneer appeared on the corner of Gongsun Xu's mouth,,,,,,

(End of this chapter)

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