Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 935 Disarmament Strategy 1

Chapter 935 Disarmament Strategy 1
On the south bank of the Yangtze River, Sun Ce stood on the edge of the river and overlooked the front. The surging water of the Yangtze River came rushing in, and then went down the river and never returned. Even though it was so far away, Sun Ce could vaguely see the situation on the other side.

"Bo Fu, let's go back." Zhou Yu came up to persuade: "There is no other way, the initiative of this war is not in our hands, and we don't have the capital to take the initiative to start a war. Unless they come, otherwise, we can only do this." wait."

"If the eldest brother is determined not to attack, do we still have a chance?" Sun Ce still maintained a posture of looking far away, his eyes were full of confusion, and he said slowly: "Let's gather all the troops and material resources in Jiangdong, plus Liu Bei. The strength, this is the capital to fight to the death with the big brother,,,,,, "

"If they don't attack, we might not even be able to come back." Zhou Yu smiled wryly, "In terms of strength, background, and development, the other side of the river is far ahead of us. Our only chance to come back is after the generals occupy Jingzhou. We fought across the river in one fell swoop, but we all underestimated the general.

You should know what kind of enemy is the most terrifying. It is a great blessing in life to meet an opponent like the General in this life, but there is also a great tragedy. It was calculated, one link after another, if we want to resist, we have to take advantage of the moment when he miscalculates a little bit, but unfortunately, he didn't give us such a chance. "

"How are you preparing for that matter?" Sun Ce nodded and said, "In just two or three years, when the army on the other side crosses the river to fight again, we won't even have a chance to resist, so we must lay the groundwork as soon as possible." retreat."

"The trustworthy subordinates and their family members are being transferred. This matter is being handled very secretly. No one else will know except you and me. Don't worry." Zhou Yu stepped forward and looked at the front from a distance and suddenly smiled: "Uncle Fu, if there is such a day, would you be willing?"

"In my whole life, the person I am most sorry for is Eldest Brother." Sun Ce replied: "When that day comes, Elder Brother may not necessarily kill me, but his subordinates definitely don't want me to live. I don't want to see Eldest Brother, and I have no face to see him , not to mention that he was in danger at that time, it was already like this, what else is there to be willing to part with, Gong Jin, how about you, are you willing?"

"Perhaps, this is the best choice for us,,,,,,"

In the territory of Xiangyang, since the northern border army entered, it has been very lively here. Merchants from the south and the north have been gathering here to do business. In the past, due to the restrictions of various princes, most merchants always had a hard time doing business across the border. The lack of flow of goods made commerce less developed.

But now, the north of Jingzhou is considered unified, and these regulations do not exist, and Gongsun Xu encourages trade, and now the Western Regions are almost opened up, and many businessmen are even discussing the establishment of caravans to the Western Regions.

In the hall, Gongsun Xu and the generals are having a meeting again. Meetings like this happen almost every day. There are many things to be resolved in the army. At this time, even Zhang Fei, who wields knives and guns, can scream at the enemy The fierce generals also have to pick up the brush to work.

"Disarmament is imperative." Jia Xu still had that expression of unwillingness to say a few more words, but today, because of Gongsun Xu's repeated demands, he had no choice but to say: "Our army has too many troops. With 10 troops, the combat power varies from good to bad, and it takes too much money and food to feed such a large army, which is simply a waste.

In my opinion, the best way is to select the whole army. Except for some elites to retain all the personnel, the rest of the soldiers and horses are all disrupted and rearranged. Army, Jingzhou Army, etc., they all belong to the same army, but they are stationed in different regions. They are all brothers in the same robe. There is no need to make such a clear distinction, which will only make the soldiers feel unfamiliar. "

"Wen He is right. Disarmament is necessary." Guo Jia stood up and said, "Besides, our army is indeed no longer just the Northern Army. From now on, the Northern Army will be just a number. Inspiring the morale of the army and ensuring the cohesion of the army, I think there should be a unified title."

"This matter is easy." Pang Tong echoed: "The general is from the north. Although the soldiers in the south are in awe, there is indeed a situation where the cohesion is not strong enough. If the general can deter them with another identity, I believe that the general will They will all swear allegiance to the general."

"What's the explanation?" Gongsun Xu asked: "Shiyuan has any good suggestions, so let's talk about it together."

"In today's world, the struggle for hegemony is coming to an end." Pang Tong suddenly knelt down and said, "The great general stands on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and all the people of Li people admire him. Whoever does not worship the general in the army has long since disappeared. I am afraid that he is not alive now. His Majesty did not leave any heirs during his lifetime, and no one could inherit the throne.

If we look for the descendants of Emperor Gaozu from the people to inherit the status, I am afraid that most of the soldiers in the army will not be willing. They see the hope of following Mingjun,,,,,, "

"Subordinates, etc.,,,,,,," Zhang Fei and others were the first to kneel down. These generals were the first batch of subordinates who followed Gongsun Xu. Over the years, Gongsun Xu has also sought for them what they deserve. However, if Gongsunxu is proclaimed emperor now, then they will have the merits of being a dragon. It is not as simple as being a general. I am afraid that all the generals present can be named marquises.Gongsun Xu's interests are their interests, as long as Gongsun Xu stands tall, they can also rise with the tide.

"Everyone get up,,,,,,"

"Invite the general to ascend the throne,,,,,,"

"I'm talking..." Gongsun Xu slammed the table and roared, and everyone in the hall was startled. Then, Gongsun Xu slowed down and said, "The topic of today's discussion is disarmament and restoration of people's livelihood. The economy, let’s not talk about anything else for now.”

"Nuo,,,,,, "Anyone can feel Gongsun Xu's anger, but anyone who is familiar with Gongsun Xu knows that Gongsun Xu's anger seems to be great, but he doesn't intend to blame anyone. , several counselors nodded after looking at each other, and they stopped insisting at the moment.

"I have an idea." Gongsun Xu continued: "There are indeed too many soldiers in the army. Even after removing the old, weak, sick and disabled, there will still be a large number of troops. These soldiers can't do other things except fight. If the army is disarmed, most of them may become bandits and bullies, and they may even be coerced by others, so we must still control the lieutenants."

"Then, are we not disarming?"

"No, disarmament is certain, but we can set up military settlements." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "The Central Plains has been in war for many years, and most of the land has been barren. We rely on the army to develop..."

(End of this chapter)

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