Chapter 941
In Xiliang, in the territory of Longxi, Gongsun Xu came here directly after he led his army to Xiliang. Since he had greeted Yan Liang in advance, outsiders did not know that Gongsun Xu had arrived in Xiliang.

In a house in a deep mountain and old forest, a beautiful woman is mending clothes in the yard. This house is located in the middle of the mountain, and it is considered very quiet, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and flowing water flowing. This kind of place is most suitable for retirement or seclusion.

Suddenly, a fierce dog tied in the courtyard roared towards the outside, and the woman was also startled. Just as she was about to go out to have a look, the gate of the courtyard was pushed open.

"You are..." No outsider has been here for a long time, and there are not many people who know this place, and the woman wonders why there is an outsider here.

"The official has met the empress,,,,,,"


Gongsun Xu found it with great difficulty. He learned from Yuan Xi that Liu Bian lived in seclusion and rushed here non-stop. As soon as he came in, Gongsun Xu saw Tang Ji mending clothes in the courtyard.

"You finally found it." Tang Ji looked at Gongsun Xu and his party and said, "My husband went to the mountain, and Mr. Wang was with him."

"Well, then I'll wait for him here." Gongsun Xu naturally knew that Mr. Wang was Wang Yue, and only Wang Yue had the ability to take away the emperor and empress when the Youzhou Palace was in chaos.

Tang Ji can be regarded as a woman who has seen the world, and Gongsun Xu has always maintained the etiquette of emperor and minister to Liu Bian, so she is not afraid, and, in the current situation, it is useless for her to be afraid.

"This is a new tea in the mountains, the general has a taste..." Tang Ji didn't dare to neglect Gongsun Xu, after all, his official position was there, and, in terms of seniority, he was still Liu Bian's sworn brother, and He is Liu Bian's brother-in-law, and his status is not low.

"How have you been all these years?" Gongsun Xu picked up his teacup and asked, "I have been sending people to inquire about your news, but there is no clue. After the chaos that year, Mr. Wang also disappeared, so I suspected You are still alive, fortunately I found you today."

"It's all thanks to Mr. Wang's life-saving grace." Tang Ji replied: "After that turmoil, my husband was also disheartened, and then begged Mr. Wang to take him away. At that time, everyone in the court had ulterior motives, and Mr. Wang was also afraid A similar situation happened again, so I brought us here. This is the secluded place agreed by Mr. Wang and his old friends. Outsiders will not know. These years, we have lived in a very peaceful and real way."

"It's indeed a good place to live in seclusion and keep healthy." Gongsun Xu nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang must have a new understanding, so he has to come here to live in seclusion. I don't know what state Mr. Wang has reached now... "

"Hahaha,,,,,," a voice came from afar: "It's such a joy to have a friend come from afar, General, it's been a few years since we left, I never thought we would meet here."

Although the voice came, no one could be seen, Gongsun Xu shouted to the outside of the house: "Mr. Wang, please come in and talk."

The guards outside were already on high alert at this time, and they would not let anyone in without Gongsun Xu's permission, so it was necessary for Gongsun Xu to say hello to them. In addition, this sentence was also addressed to Wang Yue.

As soon as the words fell, several figures jumped over the hill and jumped from the house.

"Brother,,,,,," Liu Bian ran over from behind Wang Yue and shouted, "I didn't expect you to come here."

"My minister pays homage to His Majesty." Gongsun Xu was about to salute, but was hugged by Liu Bian.

"There are no monarchs here, let alone an emperor, only you and my brother." Liu Bian laughed and said, "You and my brother, do you still have to take care of those red tapes? I thought I would never meet outsiders again in my life, but I didn't expect you to find me gone."

"I also just happened to know your whereabouts." Gongsun Xu patted Liu Bian on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few years, you've grown up, and you've grown stronger, so what do you call the two gentlemen behind, you won't introduce me. "

There were two old men standing beside Wang Yue, who seemed to be about the same age as Wang Yue, but the three of them exuded a sense of simplicity. Gongsun Xu vaguely felt that this was the state of returning to the original nature pursued by warriors. The ones who stood together were definitely not idle people. Gongsun Xu guessed that they should also be martial arts seniors.

"This is Mr. Tong Yuan, and this is Mr. Li Yan." Liu Bian introduced, "These two are close friends of Mr. Wang, and I have followed the three gentlemen to study and learn all these years."

"It turned out to be two seniors. This junior is rude." When Liu Bian said the names of these two people, Gongsun Xu already knew the exact identities and detailed information of these two people.

Tong Yuan is the master of Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu. Gongsun Xu has inquired about it many times. He was called the Spear God decades ago, but unfortunately he couldn't live in seclusion later. The title of Spear God was taken away by Han Rong. Li Yan was also famous decades ago. People who moved the world, and those who knew him called him the God of Swords. Han Rong hadn't earned the title of King of Swords at that time.In addition, since these two married women from the Yan family in Jizhou, they can be regarded as brother-in-law, and Yan Liang is a direct descendant of the Yan family in Jizhou, so they are the younger generation of these two.

"Since ancient times, there have been few heroes." Tong Yuan said with a smile: "I heard the name of the great general more than ten years ago. At that time, you were still a minor general. Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, you have grown to such a degree. I heard that when the general formed the army, he set iron laws. The army was born to protect the people. As long as they are soldiers of the Northern Frontier Army, they must not disturb the people.

I admire the general's style of loving the people like a son. If I were a few decades younger, maybe I would follow the general to travel the world and change the well-being of the people in the world. "

"Come on, your apprentices Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu are serving under the general's command." Li Yan said with a smile: "Those who know know that you are praising the general, but those who don't know think that you are flattering and paving the way for your two apprentices." .”

"Hahaha, come on, I have to be criticized by you for saying a word." Tong Yuan smiled and said, "Wen Heng and Bujun are not your juniors, so why don't you pave the way for them?" .”

"Okay, okay, there are distinguished guests here today, so you can avoid arguing once." Wang Yue said with a smile: "Don't be offended, the general, my two friends have always been like this, and after breaking through the extremes of martial arts these years, they can do things as they please. "

"Breakthrough to the extreme of martial arts, could it be that the three,,,,,,," Gongsun Xu said in amazement, "I admire you, the three are really the supreme martial arts in the world."

"Hahaha, this is too exaggerated." Wang Yue shook his head and said, "The three of us are still a step too late. Speaking of Martial Dao Supreme, someone is more suitable for this title than us, but it's a pity that I haven't seen him for more than 20 years. "

"You mean Zhu Ping, the halberd-painting king of Xiliang?" Gongsun Xu asked, "He is Lu Bu's master, but isn't he already dead?"

"He, heh heh, he shouldn't be dead, but from the eyes of the world, he might be considered dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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