Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 945 Controlling the Western Regions 1

Chapter 945 Controlling the Western Regions 1
After staying in Xiliang for ten days, Gongsun Xu led an army of [-] to set off. Zhang Fei led the way for the army. Gongsun Xu personally led the main force of the army to follow up. The hostile forces in the territory were defeated, so this march was very fast.

After rejoining Wen Chou's 20 troops, Gongsun Xu continued to appoint Wen Chou as the vanguard general after discussing with the generals, and led [-] troops into the Western Regions. The food, supplies and rear.At the same time, [-] troops mobilized from Hetao, Grassland, Liaodong and other places are also gathering in Xiliang. This is the follow-up of the Western Expedition Army. Sufficient troops are definitely not enough. Gongsun Xu is determined to open up the Silk Road, so it is reasonable to mobilize [-] troops to march west.

Many people think that this is an unnecessary war. After all, the Han army has already occupied a large area of ​​territory on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and so many overseas islands are also under the control of the Han Navy. Just in terms of territory, the current Han has surpassed the former. towards.

Moreover, many people feel that the most important thing now is to unify the world. Jiangdong and Xishu are still separatist forces. If these places are not taken down, the great man is not complete.

But Gongsun Xu actually gave Jiangdong and other places enough time to breathe at this juncture. He didn't start the battle across the river. No one could guess what Gongsun Xu was thinking, and no one dared to guess.

The Western Expedition went smoothly at the beginning, and it wasn't until Anxi sent another 20 troops that the two armies fought in the Western Regions. The stalemate lasted for more than a year, until the Anxi army first failed After being defeated by the army commanded by Gongsun Xu, the Anxi army was defeated.

Gongsun Xu sent his generals to lead [-] fine cavalry to hunt down the Anxi Kingdom's defeated army. This battle finally ended with the Anxi Kingdom's defeat.None of the sixteen countries in the Western Regions dared to disobey Gongsun Xu's order. They had the idea of ​​paying tribute to the Han Dynasty a year ago, but who would have thought that the Anxi Kingdom would intervene to make the war stalemate for so long.

The Anxi Kingdom used 30 troops, hundreds of thousands of horses, camels, cattle and sheep, but as the war came to an end, the Anxi Army also wiped out these families.Anxi is no longer what it was when it was strong. The 30 army is already the elite of Anxi. The defeat of this 30 army also means that it may be difficult for Anxi to form such an elite army in a short period of time. up.

Jiangdong, the south bank of the Yangtze River, Sun Ce would come here every day after finishing his official duties to overlook the opposite bank, which has become his habit.After Gao Shun guarded Jingzhou, the Jiangdong army could no longer find an opportunity to harass the Jingzhou army. Not long after Gongsun Xu left Jingzhou, Gao Shun ordered Zhang Liao, Song Xian and others to lead the army to take the four counties in the south of Jingzhou. Liu Bei also entered Shu at about this time, avoiding the sharp edge of Gao Shun's army.

For more than a year, news of Gongsun Xu's great victory has been heard from the other side of the Yangtze River. The Western Regions are already under control. With a series of preferential policies, those poor children who have no way out will go to the Western Regions with the army, where they will have their own world. Gongsun Xu has paved the way for them, just waiting for them to realize their gold mining dreams.

"Bo Fu,,,,,," Zhou Yu walked over and said, "The army on the other side is getting stronger and stronger."

"Who said it wasn't?" Sun Ce said with a wry smile, "Do you know? When I was in Youzhou, my elder brother once told me that he wanted to take down the grasslands, enter the Western Regions, and go to the world. Domination of the world is not the end, it's just an end." At first, I didn’t understand. At that time, I thought that Jiangdong was my territory, and the big man was the whole world. Hehe, now that I think about it, the eldest brother must have a feeling of playing the piano with a cow at that time. I didn’t understand his ideal, hehe ,,,,,,"

"Perhaps, only the general knows best." Zhou Yu nodded and said, "The Western Regions are already under the control of the general, and the legendary Anxi Empire has also been defeated. According to the news brought back by the caravan, General Zhao Yun He even led the cavalry under his command to fight all the way to the border of the Parthian Empire, and they didn’t come back until the general ordered them to withdraw the troops. The 30 elites of the Parthian Kingdom were basically wiped out. Perhaps, in the near future, Parthian will become history too…”

"I really want to gallop on the battlefield with my eldest brother. He is the commander in chief of the army and I am the general in front of the battle. Hehe..." Sun Ce's eyes showed a trace of helplessness, and he sighed and said, "It will never be possible, alas, Gongjin, how are you preparing for the matter over there?"

"You can leave at any time, the construction over there is not bad now,,,,,,"

"When the elite army from the other side comes, we basically have no power to resist." Sun Ce looked ahead and sighed, "To be honest, we don't need to wait for the big brother to mobilize the army, just Gao Shun, plus Jingzhou's army, is enough It is enough to break through our Yangtze River defense line, and once they set foot on the south bank of the Yangtze River, it is impossible for us to stop them."

"Have you figured it out?" Zhou Yu asked: "We have two choices, stay here, stay here, and fight the enemy for life and death, and the blood will be spilled on the battlefield, or, according to the previous plan, we will leave and we will never leave." not coming back."

"I'm not afraid of death." Sun Ce said with a smile, "However, we don't need to lose our lives here, and my subordinates don't need to waste their lives here. Even if the army from the other side comes, the people of Jiangdong will not suffer. But if we swear to resist, most of the people in Jiangdong will be displaced, so why not rely on those aristocratic families? Hmph, I’m afraid that when we bleed and die on the front line, they will demolish us from behind, or even sell us.”

"You can't leave without fighting." Zhou Yu said slowly, "Otherwise, you and I will regret it for the rest of our lives."

"That's natural, hum, my Sun Bofu will not lose to anyone, as long as the army from the other side dares to come, I will dare to fight, Jiangdong children, why are you afraid of the world..."

In the territory of Xiliang, a large number of caravans and migrating teams gathered here. The situation in the Western Regions gradually stabilized. After the main force of the Han army entered the Western Regions, it began to wipe out the remnants of the enemy. Pray for the protection of the big man.

However, Gongsun Xu did not agree. What he needs is not attachment, but assimilation. For a few decades at most, this place will also become the territory of the children of the Han family. The sixteen countries in the Western Regions are already history. What Gongsun Xu has to do is to migrate a large number of refugees Come and settle here and fully integrate the local residents into your own civilization.

All the children of the Han family who are willing to settle here can get free land, can be protected by the army, and can even marry more beautiful women from Hu people. This series of favorable conditions is attracting many ambitious people. The children of the Han family came,,,,,,

(End of this chapter)

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