Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 947: Countries in the Western Regions 1

Chapter 947: Countries in the Western Regions 1
After taking control of the Western Regions, Gongsun Xu did not stop there. Anxi did lower his stance. Under normal circumstances, Anxi, which has suffered huge losses, will definitely need a period of time to recover. After all, the 30 elite army is not so easy to lose. Lost, the Anxi Kingdom, unable to swallow this breath, secretly sent envoys to form an alliance with the Guishuang Kingdom, and the two discussed sending troops to the Western Regions, preparing for the annihilation of Gongsun Xu's army.

At this time, Gongsun Xu ordered to accept the supplies from the Anxi Kingdom, and at the same time appease the countries of the Western Regions. In fact, the sixteen countries of the Western Regions are just a collective name. In the Western Regions, there are still few countries in the true sense. They are all united by various tribes. Formation, when one of the tribes becomes quite powerful, the rest of the tribes become vassals, and then a country appears.

In recent years, the tribes in the Western Regions have not been doing very well. After the Silk Road was closed, they could not get supplies from the great Han. After losing the trade route, their special products such as cattle, sheep and horses could not be sold, and they could not get food, The tribes in the Western Regions who provided daily necessities such as salt and tea were also in distress, especially in recent years due to the continuous natural disasters and the sharp decline in pastures, the tribes in the Western Regions had to fight for the pastures.

In the Western Regions, it is difficult to survive. Rivers and pastures are so rare and precious. There is no tribe who does not want to occupy more points, and no tribe leader does not want to let his people live a good life.But human greed is endless, the weak want to become stronger, the strong want to annex the weak, and the war will never stop.

After Gongsun Xu took control of the Western Regions, he immediately called the leaders of the various tribes to come to discuss business matters. These tribes, regardless of size, actually had a certain number of cattle, sheep and horses on hand. Cattle, sheep and horses are the lifeblood of these tribes. What they eat, they use All of them come from cattle, sheep and horses, but the key point is that they can't just eat cattle, sheep and horses. After eating these livestock, they will be gone. If they can, they must be more willing to eat the grain brought by the big man.

"My lord, all the tribal leaders are here, and they are sitting in the big tent now, but they don't seem to see each other very well." Zhang Fei went to Gongsun Xu's tent to report: "Zilong and the others are now I am afraid that the lord will take the lead in entertaining these chiefs and discussing trade matters."

"Let Guo Jia, Zhen Yi, and Mi Zhu go to the tent to find out what the leaders have said." Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "Also, send someone to meet the caravans that came from Xiliang, the grassland and other places. It is not easy to rush over with food, tea, porcelain and other commodities, and we must not let them do anything here."

"Your subordinate understands." Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Also, my lord, have the follow-up troops of our army come with the caravan, and the general heard that Lu Bu has also come?"

"Hmph, your news is very well-informed." Gongsun Xu smiled and said, "Yes, he is coming, and my brother-in-law is also coming. That little guy is also very powerful now, and he is almost 14 years old now. Yes, I was taken by his father to train every day, and I suffered a lot. This time I was brought to the Western Regions to experience it. Depending on the situation, I may have to arrange a job for him."

"Lu Bu is really a worrying life." Zhang Fei said with a smile: "He gave birth to a young son the year before last, and he thought he would just stay at home and become a rich man. My son's future is busy, hehe, this time, I have to play with him."

"If you want to play, go to the battlefield." Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "According to my speculation, within three months, there may be another war here. What we need to do now is to finalize the business affairs and bring all the tribes in the Western Regions together. Only in this way can we completely control the Western Regions in the shortest possible time. Hehe, war is always the best way for national integration. Now that we have common interests, we are not afraid that the various tribes in the Western Regions will not follow us. Stand together."

"The lord is good at strategy, and the subordinates admire it,,,,,,"

"If you have time to talk nonsense here, you might as well hurry up and go to Zilong's gang for help. Just relying on your mouth that can blow and drink, you should be able to help Fengxiao and the others solve a lot of trouble."

"Hehe, okay, then I'll go now, I should be able to order good wine from Zilong and the others, the wine from the Western Regions is even more delicious, hahahaha,,,,,,"

"Anxi, Guishuang..." After Zhang Fei left, Gongsun Xu looked at the map and said to himself: "If you want to fight, then fight, not just the Western Regions, in the future, your territory will be all The territory of my great man,,,,,,"

In the big tent, more than 100 chiefs of various tribes are waiting for Gongsun Xu to appear. Everyone in the tent is whispering to each other, discussing business matters. Guo Jia, Zhen Yi and others are also making friends with the chiefs of several big tribes. , the rest of the generals, such as Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Huang Xu, etc., are not idle at this time. Even if Gongsun Xu does not order them to accompany them, they themselves will not let go of such a good opportunity.

These direct subordinates of Gongsun Xu are not just generals who command wars. Each of them has tens of millions of wealth. A small part of this property comes from Gongsun Xu's rewards and their salaries, and the rest comes from themselves. Family business.

Many years ago, Gongsun Xu instilled in his subordinates the idea that doing business is the best way to make money. Moreover, over the years, when Gongsun Xu rewarded the generals, he rarely rewarded land, and usually rewarded shops.

Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Huang Xu, etc. all have their own family caravans and their own territory. Needless to say, Zhao Yun, the family business is all taken care of by his wife Zhen Jiang, and the Zhen family itself is the business boss. So the Zhao family has made a lot of money over the years. Zhang Fei's family was originally in business, but later they broadened their channels, not to mention Huang Xu. You can't earn the current net worth. You know, during the time when Xia Houyuan was imprisoned in Youbeiping, he drank five or six jars of wine almost every day. A jar of wine probably cost hundreds of taels of gold. If it weren't for Huang Xu's wealth these years Well, he really might not be able to support such a father-in-law.

However, to be honest, the business leader of the big man is now the Gongsun family. The Gongsun family has penetrated into various industries such as arms, salt and iron, silk, ceramics, etc. However, outsiders think that the Gongsun family is just a wealthy family, but they don’t know. You know, this family has done business in every corner of Dahan.

"Zhongquan, how many have you negotiated?" Huang Xu grabbed Xia Houba and asked, "Hurry up, or someone will grab you if you are too late."

"I'm afraid I have too many orders, and I won't be able to honor them." Xiahouba was the first to do such a thing, and he himself did not expect that he could make such a fortune while fighting wars.

"Don't worry, I told your elder brother to go back and find a solution." Huang Xu replied: "My Huang family's caravan will come soon, and I will guarantee that all orders can be resolved by then, go quickly, Make a few more orders, and I will give you dividends when the time comes,,,,,,"

(End of this chapter)

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