Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 955 Going Together 1

Chapter 955 Going Together 1
"How's the battle in Jiangxia going?" In the hall, Gongsun Xu looked at his subordinates and asked, "There is no big problem in the future because there is a positive party in charge of the front-line war, but this time, our army pays attention to surprise attacks and surprises, in order to cross the river. Combat, we have been preparing for so many years, it is time to take Jiangdong in one fell swoop."

"My lord, the war on the east of the Yangtze River has already begun, but we have to guard against it in the west." Guan Yu stood up and said, "Liu Bei entered the land of Shu two years ago, and according to reports from spies, he has completely controlled the military and political power of the land. He must understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Coupled with Zhuge Liang's assistance, I am afraid that Liu Bei will take the opportunity to come out and make trouble.

Furthermore, anyone with a discerning eye knows that our army will enter Shu after taking Jiangdong. If there is no foreign aid, Shu will fall sooner or later. At the same time, Liu Bei must also be on guard. "

"That's right, Yun Chang is right." Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "Our army's raid on Jiangdong, the enemy may not be able to react in a short period of time, but after our army enters Jingzhou, the enemy's counterattack is certain. Will be strong, Yun Chang, I want you to guard Yidu, Wuling and other places to resist Liu Bei's army. Before our army takes Jiangdong, your task is to resist Liu Bei's army. Don't let him come out to disrupt the situation. Before our army takes Jiangdong Afterwards, your task is to open the way for our army to attack Shu."

"The last general takes orders,,,,,,"

"Zhang Fei, Huang Xu, you two should train the army immediately. Once our army occupies the stronghold on the opposite bank, you must cooperate with Gao Shun to forcefully cross the river and strive to entangle or defeat the main force of the enemy army." Gongsun Xu continued to order: "Ma Chao, you lead two thousand cavalry to Hefei. Zhang Liao has been preparing there for a long time. The battle on our side has already started. I think he has already started to move. When our army attacks at two o'clock, don't you let me Disappointed."


When Gongsun Xu was still assigning tasks, a soldier came in and said a few words in Gongsun Xu's ear. Gongsun Xu smiled and said, "Treat her well and don't let her have any surprises."

"Your subordinate understands." After the personal guards resigned, Gongsun Xu continued to discuss the military situation with the generals. Although they had discussed it many times, new situations were happening, and they must always be prepared to deal with emergencies.

At night, in Gongsun Xu's mansion, outside a house, Gongsun Xu's personal guards were closely guarded, and the soldiers patrolling back and forth did not show any signs of relaxation.

Gongsun Xu pushed open the door, and saw a young woman in strong clothes sitting there.

"Minnv has met His Royal Highness King Zhao,,,,,," the woman stepped forward and saluted, "I don't know why His Highness imprisoned Minnv here, it was getting late, Minnv should go home, and the family is very concerned , Minnv is also deeply disturbed."

Gongsun Xu smiled, then sat down and said, "Little sister, didn't Bo Fu mention me to you?"

"What His Highness is saying, the girl can't understand."

"Hehe, forget it if you don't understand." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "In this case, the jade pendant and the short sword found on your body should have nothing to do with you. It seems that they should be returned to their original owners."

"You, how can you do this." The woman replied: "How can you take back what you gave away, anyway, you are also King Zhao, why don't you even understand this bit of etiquette?"

"Yes, you can't take back the things you give away." Gongsun Xu took out a dagger and a jade pendant and said, "However, I asked Bo Fu to give these two things to my younger sister. Since you are not, Then you must have stolen this thing, how can you keep it as your own if it is not yours, I gave it away at the beginning, so I have the right to take it back."

"You, you bully people,,,,,,"

"Then do you deny it or admit it..."

"Your Highness, you, since you know your identity, why bother to ask?" This woman is Sun Ce's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang. Originally, she planned to lurk back to Jiangdong today to deliver the letter. They were all blocked, and even normal commerce and trade could not be carried out. In addition, the military secret service had already noticed Sun Shangxiang and his party, so when Sun Shangxiang made a move, Gongsun Xu's subordinates immediately arrested them.

"Bo Fu and I are sworn brothers, you can also call me elder brother." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "Of course you can't take back the things you give away, but you have to live with me for a while, and I will To send you to see Bo Fu."

"Is it just brother?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Gongsun Xu asked inexplicably, "I don't understand..."

"Forget it, you were probably just joking back then." Sun Shangxiang sat down generously and looked at Gongsun Xu and asked, "What do you want, are you using me to threaten my elder brother and the others?"

"Could it be that in your heart, I'm just so unbearable?" Gongsun Xu asked back: "Or, do you think that Bofu will mess up his arrangement because of you alone?"

"My elder brother is wise and powerful, so naturally he won't lose the big because of small things." Sun Shangxiang replied: "So I don't have much use for you, why don't you just let me go."

"That's not okay, you can stay in Xiangyang honestly." Gongsun Xu shook his head and said: "The war is dangerous, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents. Don't worry, you are safe here. When the time comes, I will let you go with me." Bofu met,,,,,,"

On the Huainan front, soldiers and horses have been mobilized frequently in Hefei recently. In order to guard against the Jiangdong Army, these young spirits have been leading troops to guard here. Outsiders only know that Ji Ling led [-] soldiers and horses to guard Hefei. In fact, apart from the [-] standing army, there are There are tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in the fields, and now, with Zhang Liao leading an army to enter, there are more and more soldiers in Hefei.

"General Gan, it's up to you to cross the Yangtze River this time." Inside the big tent, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling bowed their hands to Gan Ning and said, "We don't know much about water warfare. General Gan has commanded the navy for many years. To fight, you have to go out with General Gan."

"We are all colleagues, so I won't say too many polite words." Gan Ning cupped his hands and replied, "Let's discuss how to fight this war. General Huang Zhong is in charge of Shouchun to coordinate the overall situation. We need to cooperate as much as possible." Your Highness's arrangement in Jingzhou."

"That's right, the cooperation of the two places will definitely defeat the enemy as soon as possible." Zhang Liao nodded and said, "The battle in Jiangxia has already started, so crossing the river will not be too difficult. The key is when should we cross the river?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Gan Ning smiled and said, "Crossing the river is only the first step. The most important thing is to defeat the enemy on the other side of the river. Among the Sun brothers, Sun Ce is the most difficult to deal with. Now we have to deal with Sun Quan. As long as there is new progress in Jiangxia, the deployment of the Jiangdong Army will be disrupted, and then it will be the day when we will cross the Yangtze River by force."

"Okay, with General Gan's words, we can rest assured." Ji Ling laughed and said, "As long as we cross the Yangtze River, what can the Jiangdong Army do against me, hahaha,,,,,,,"

(End of this chapter)

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