Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 972 Kong Ming’s Plan 2

Chapter 972 Kong Ming’s Plan 2
Just when Guan Yu was leading the army and civilians in the four southern counties of Jingzhou to prepare for the possible flood, the Yangtze River actually broke out. The continuous heavy rain for many days was indeed abnormal. Some people predicted that there might be floods this year, but no one thought of it , The waterlogging occurred so quickly, some local people who had no time to move away were submerged in the flood.

"My lord, urgent report from the four counties in the south of Jingzhou." Huang Xu opened the curtain and walked in to report: "The floods are raging, and the people in Jingnan County have suffered greatly. Many people and villages have suffered. General Guan Yu is now in command of the four counties in Jingnan The people rushed to rescue the disaster, but the flood came too suddenly, although General Guan Yu was prepared, but not enough, this time I am afraid that the local people will suffer."

"Have you checked the cause of the flood?" Gongsun Xu didn't check the information, but threw it on the table and asked, "Don't tell me that the flood happened naturally."

"Many spies on the front line of our army were also killed by the flood, and even the bodies were not found." Huang Xu replied: "So, it is difficult for us to determine whether the disaster was caused by the Shu army, but General Guan Yu has I sent someone to check, and there must be news reports within three to five days."

"Well, I see, you go down." Gongsun Xu nodded and said: "Order Guan Yu to give up chasing the Shu army and let him deploy defenses in the fortresses. Casualties are minimized, people-oriented, property and food are nothing, I will ask northern Jingzhou to support him immediately, and let him do it freely."


After Huang Xu left, Gongsun Xu slowly opened the information and read it. The content of the information was not much different from what Huang Xu described. In fact, long before Huang Xu sent this information, he had already passed it through other channels. Knowing the situation of the four counties in Jingnan, Gongsun Xu's achievements today are partly due to the perfect intelligence network he formed. Gongsun Xu has other departments responsible for this matter.

"My lord, come to me,,,,,," Jia Xu walked in and cupped his hands and said, "Just now a shadow guard sent a message, I guess the lord may have encountered some difficulties."

"There is something that I want you to take responsibility for." Gongsun Xu handed over the information to Jia Xu and said, "You were the first to submit the information about the flood to me. You should know the situation over there. It's not just natural disasters, there must be man-made disasters among them, there is no human factor, this disaster may not necessarily befall the people of the four Jingnan counties, so I want the chief culprit who caused this disaster to pay the price."

"My lord, what do you mean?" Jia Xu took a look at the information and asked, "My lord thinks that the flood was caused by Zhuge Liang? Or do you mean,,,,,,,"

"You must know who did it in your heart." Gongsun Xu sneered: "I won't talk nonsense, Zhuge Liang likes to make a name for himself, and he is good at using poisonous schemes. He can calculate people's hearts, even if he has done something wrong. Xia Ye will still get the gratitude of the victim. This kind of person is too hypocritical. This time, he plotted against me again. If I don't fight back, Zhuge Liang thinks that he is so smart that he can be counted among the people in the world.

I want you to spread the news through other channels. Within ten days, I want the people in Jingzhou and Jiangdong to know that the flood was caused by Zhuge Liang for his own self-interest. I want everyone in the world to know his true face.Zhuge Liang has lived in Jingzhou for many years, and he often traveled between Jingzhou and Jiangdong in the past two years. The people in these two places have a good impression of him, and many people even think that he is the savior of the world. Tear off his hypocritical mask. "

"No, my subordinates will prepare now. Within ten days, the streets and alleys will be talking about this matter." Jia Xu nodded, he already understood what his lord meant, and Jia Xu knew in his heart that this time, Zhuge Liang He really angered his lord, otherwise, with his lord's talent-loving personality, he definitely couldn't do such a thing.

The news of the disaster in the south of Jingzhou soon spread to other counties. Gongsun Xu returned to Xiangyang as quickly as possible, and then dispatched Jingzhou navy and ships from all over the country to rescue the victims. Immediately headed towards the south. This time the Yangtze River broke its embankment, which caused a lot of trouble. If the gap is not blocked, there may be even greater disasters in the future.

Food, bedding and other materials from Jizhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou were also urgently transported to Jingzhou, and some more important materials were also being transported to Jingzhou by the local garrison. Facing this kind of disaster, Gongsun Xu has some experience in dealing with it over the years. He is often troubled by the Yellow River, so he has such a group of talents who specialize in flood control, and some new materials, such as cement, gunpowder, etc., can bring great results to flood control. Therefore, this The flood in the Yangtze River did not surprise Gongsun Xu too much.

"So far, the data uploaded from various places shows that more than 2 people are missing, and nearly 30 people were affected by the disaster." In the big tent, Jia Xuhui reported: "Fortunately, General Guan Yu has already made arrangements, and there has been no disturbance for the time being. Supplies from the northern states have also arrived one after another. There will be no problems in terms of food. Soldiers have gathered at the breach of the embankment, and it is expected that the gap will be blocked within half a month. However, the disaster affected a wider area and more people were affected. In the past two years, the four counties in Jingnan and some counties in Jiangdong may not be able to pay any food."

"It's not important." Gongsun Xu waved his hand and said, "I don't need the southern part of Jingzhou to support food for the time being. After the unification of Jiangdong, our army's food and grass will no longer be in short supply. Next, Hanzhong Zhang will be left. It’s just Lu and Xishu Liu Bei, it’s good if we don’t take the initiative to find them, if they have the courage to come to trouble me at this time, hehe, I think, my subordinates may also be very happy.”

"A spies reported that when Liu Bei's army stopped our army this time, something happened in Jiaozhou." Jia Xu said: "Jiaozhou Mu and Liu Bei seem to have an alliance in their friendship. In the future, there may not be any Peaceful."

"Jiaozhou, hehe, an undeveloped Jiaozhou dares to fight against me." Gongsun Xu squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "Order Gao Shun to command the [-] elite mountain troops of the headquarters, and another [-] elite from Jiangdong. , dispatched [-] elites from Jingzhou to lead generals Wei Yan and Ji Ling to Lingling for training, and can recruit local young and strong to form mercenaries, and ask them to adapt to the local climate as quickly as possible. If the timing is right, I will allow them He sent troops to attack Jiaozhou by himself.

I will first resolve the matter in Jiaozhou through negotiation. If such a problem cannot be resolved through negotiation, then it will be up to the military. "

"My lord, Jiaozhou is remote and uncivilized. In such an area, it is not as good as chicken ribs..."

"No, Wenhe, you don't know Jiaozhou, where it is actually worth sending troops..."

(End of this chapter)

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