Chapter 994
The world is stable and the people are healthy. Taking advantage of his free time, Gongsun Xu decided to do something he always wanted to do, which is to call elites from all walks of life to Beijing to accomplish a feat together.

"Your Majesty has summoned craftsmen from all states and leading figures from all walks of life to go to the capital, do you know?" On a table in a teahouse, a middle-aged man in his 40s said: "I heard that Yes, Your Majesty’s move is to revitalize the Dahan, and all the people of the Dahan, no matter what kind of industry they are in, as long as they can contribute to the country and future generations, they can apply to the local government.”

"Isn't that right? Anyone from peasants to scholars can go to the capital." The shopkeeper came over with a jug of wine and said with a smile: "Besides, His Majesty made a special statement that all walks of life have their own knowledge. There is no distinction between high and low. This time not only Confucianism can enter the court, but other schools that were ignored or even suppressed in the past, such as Legalism, Mohism, Yin-Yangism, etc., now have the opportunity to form their own. school.

But there is a premise, that is, you must contribute to the country, the people of the world, and future generations, otherwise, His Majesty will not show mercy.Two days ago, an old farmer was taken away by the government. Do you know why?Because he is particularly good at growing rice, the officials above feel that promoting rice planting can feed more people, so it is necessary to collect more information from the people. "

"All scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce can go." A group of men dressed as officials walked into the door, and the leader laughed and said: "Among you, if anyone has a skill and thinks that he can benefit future generations, he can go to the capital to try it out. , Now, those craftsmen in the craftsman camp in the capital have written books, and His Majesty specially ordered someone to write biographies for them, so that their skills will be passed down to benefit future generations."

The same thing happened all over the country, and almost everyone in the world was discussing it.Who would have thought that the first thing Gongsun Xu would do after ascending the throne would be to renovate the library and collect all kinds of materials from all over the world. What is even more surprising is that Gongsun Xu has no sect views this time, which is comparable to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who deposed a hundred schools of thought. Therefore, it is more bold to respect Confucianism alone.

The craftsmen of the Beijing Craftsmanship Camp are now busy sorting out a book of their own based on their past experience and their own experience over the years. Gongsun Xu has ordered the construction of a library in Beijing. All selected people are eligible to One's own materials and books are kept in the library, and will be managed by special officials at that time, so that they can be circulated by future generations.

The generals and martial arts masters in the army are also sorting out their own martial arts experience. This time, the library is established. General Gongsun Xu's martial arts and folk martial arts are separated, and the generals in the army can use this to exchange military merit. A martial arts master will personally review each person's results.

In addition, these martial arts masters, such as the legendary sword master Wang Yue, the spear prodigy Tong Yuan, etc., and the warriors on the battlefield such as Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, etc., are also busy sorting out their books.

"Does Your Majesty want to imitate Lu Buwei back then?" In the study, Guo Jia put down a book and said to Gongsun Xu: "It's just that your Majesty's scope is too wide this time. Although I don't understand why Your Majesty includes scholars, farmers, businessmen Among them, but I think, if we can really sort out a book that is useful to future generations, it will definitely be a feat due to the great Han nation."

"Actually, our Han family culture has been passed down for thousands of years, and too many geniuses have emerged. There are Confucius and Mencius in literature, Sun Wu, Sun Bin and other great masters in military affairs, and there is no shortage of elites in other fields. , Many predecessors' painstaking efforts were destroyed in one go.

This is the loss of my Chinese nation, and I don't want such a thing to happen to me.Feng Xiao, your talent can be regarded as the top strategist in the world, but think about it, Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, etc., which one of them is worse.

They are all descendants of my Han family, and they are all inheritors of Chinese culture. Why do we have to fight each other with the knowledge handed down from our ancestors? Why can’t we make good use of these things to benefit the people and future generations?At the beginning, Liu Che used Confucianism to govern the country, but the whole country became worse and worse. You must have thought about the reasons for this.

There is no perfect person in the world, and there is no theory without flaws. The essence of Confucianism is worth absorbing and learning, but we must get rid of the dross. However, if those in power blindly promote Confucianism, even to others Is it really good if the doctrine oppresses and mutilates?
Liu Che was also considered a wise gentleman, but he was so stupid that he slaughtered other schools and hunted down Mohist students. He thought he was doing this for the stability of the country, but in fact, he knew better than anyone else the purpose of doing this. , just to maintain their own rule, such selfishness is shameless.

Of course, those in power in all dynasties have shameless aspects. I don’t want to blame anyone or anything. I just think that since we have this ability and now have this power, why can’t we jump out of that circle and make more Meaningful things, Bong Hyo, what do you think? "

"Your Majesty's words suit me very well." Guo Jia said with a smile, "Before I didn't understand why Your Majesty wanted to keep Han Sui, Zhang Lu and others, but now, I understand that Your Majesty can think so far, I admire you." The five-body throwing the ground."

"A lot of things still need to be implemented by you." Gongsun Xu shook his hand and said, "I don't know much, so I can only take the lead. I know that there are not many people alive like Han Sui, and these things need to be kept secret, so you can work harder. gone."

"If Zhicai is still there, he will be very happy." Guo Jia nodded and said, "It's a pity that he couldn't see this day, alas, it's a pity..."

In the Sky Prison in Beijing, a thin literati is flipping through a book in a cell on the tenth floor underground. This place is already more than 30 meters underground, so it will be relatively dark, but the perennial torches and cells in the prison The oil lamp in the middle still illuminates here.

If Cao Cao were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Sima Yi who had died in Yanzhou. Who would have thought that the heaven-defying counselor who planned to mess up the grassland back then would be imprisoned in such a cell now.

"How are you reading these days?" Guo Jia came outside the cell at some point, but Sima Yi ignored him. He just continued to read the books on the table, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him.

"Your brothers are all busy working on the future of the Sima family, but everything depends on you." Guo Jia took out a broken book from his bosom, stroked it lovingly and said: The things left by Xiao include the tactics of defending against the enemy and what he learned in his life before he died, do you want to have a look."

After hearing that it was something left by Xi Zhicai, Sima Yi finally stopped his hands. He turned his head to look at Guo Jia, then rushed over and shouted: "Give it to me, give it to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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