Chapter 419 Proper Wife Slave!
Mu Yunzhe smiled and didn't answer. The loving breakfast and Lin Chenming's reassuring pills were enough to make him so ecstatic that he lost control.

The notification sound of the smart phone suddenly rang, Lin Yan took it over to take a look, and pushed Mu Yunzhe: "Get up quickly, Director Qingfeng will come over to discuss the signing of the contract soon!" "

Mu Yunzhe reluctantly moved to the side, Lin Yan said helplessly, "President Mu, don't you need to work!"

The play is no longer accepted, but I still need work after all!
With Mu Yunzhe being able to casually give her 60.00% of the shares of a listed company, it is enough to show that Mu Yingdi has been promoted to Mr. Mu!

Mu Yunzhe frowned and replied to her: "I, the boss, has to do everything. Why do you need those assistant secretaries? Are you unemployed?"

Lin Yan: "..."

A line of words suddenly sounded in my mind: This sentence is so reasonable, I am speechless!

Seeing Mu Yunzhe's nonchalant expression, the documents on the desk, and the numerous invitations displayed on the smartphone, Lin Yan felt that she should be filled with guilt right now.

They are both bosses, so why are they treated so differently!

Before Lin Yan could express too much emotion, Qingfeng had already come to the door.

Looking at the time, it has been less than 5 minutes since I received the message!This speed!

As soon as Qingfeng came in, he said straight to the point: "Where's the deed of sale? Hurry up and get it, I still have something to do after signing it!"

Lin Yan took out a thick stack of documents that she had prepared earlier from the drawer, and handed it to him, and the smartphone was also handed over.

Qingfeng didn't even look at it, and signed his name in a fluttering manner, and entered his fingerprints.

Lin Yan couldn't help but said, "Director Qing, why don't you just sign it without looking at it?"

Looking at Lin Yan's suspicious eyes, Qingfeng raised his head and glanced at her: "You are the deed of selling yourself! Is there any trap? Forget it, I signed it. For the happiness of the rest of my life, even if it is a trap for me Jump too!"

It's just some contracts, what does it have to do with the happiness of the rest of your life?
Lin Yan was puzzled, looking at Qingfeng's resolute appearance, she suddenly thought of Su Hui, and then she understood.

Teacher, I'm sorry, for the career of the apprentice, I have to sacrifice you as an old man, but it's worth it to see the young director like this!
This looks like a proper wife and slave! ! !
After signing, Qingfeng left, this speed was even shorter than when he came.

It only takes 2 minutes from entering to exiting!

Lin Yan glanced at Mu Yunzhe beside him. Mu Yunzhe was staring at the article on the smart computer.

Looking closer, what Mu Yunzhe saw was the "Rebirth of the Legendary Queen" adapted from her own experience.

That chapter is about how difficult and bewildered the protagonist's situation was when he was just reborn.

Mu Yunzhe tilted his head and stared at Lin Yan: "Yan'er, can we shoot this drama together?"

Lin Yan just glanced at the smart computer, and when she heard Mu Yunzhe's words, she turned to look at him.

I saw Mu Yunzhe looked at her with complex eyes, which seemed to be pity, but also seemed to be distressed, all kinds of emotions were intertwined.

Lin Yan was taken aback, she had never told Mu Yunzhe about her past life, did Mu Yunzhe know?

Then shook his head, how is it possible!
Thinking of the dreams that Mu Yunzhe told her before leaving China, probably, it must have been a dream.

Lin Yan nodded: "Okay, I still have several novels, should we shoot them all?"

Mu Yunzhe smiled dotingly: "In the future, if I find you to play the heroine in the script, I might as well grab it. You will be the heroine, and I will play the hero!"

Lin Yan glanced at him: "It's not romantic at all, okay? If this is the case, the fans will think we are showing affection again!"

"No!" Mu Yunzhe shook his head at her with a smirk: "In this case, they will be immune to our affection!"

Lin Yan: "..."

The film emperor is getting more and more black-bellied, why is he swollen?
"What is this?" Lin Yan, who was complaining, suddenly heard Mu Yunzhe's question, and turned her head to see that the film king was looking at her in surprise: "An invitation to be selected for the Green Film Festival?"

Lin Yan wondered what invitation?Why doesn't she know?
Seeing Lin Yan's confused expression, Mu Yunzhe pointed at the screen and smiled and said to her: "The invitation to be selected for the Green Film Festival, Yan'er, congratulations on being shortlisted for Best Actress!"

Lin Yan squeezed in front of the screen in disbelief: "Green? Is it one of the three major international film festivals that are as famous as the Will International Film Festival?"

Mu Yunzhe smiled and clapped his hands: "That's right! Congratulations, Yan'er! The two-step work has been shortlisted!"

"Two works?"

Lin Yan turned her head to look at him blankly, and Mu Yunzhe pointed to the two lines on the smart computer, and said to her, ""The Military Master of Crossing the World" and "Wu Zetianxia"! I think "Wu Zetian "Next" has a higher chance of winning the prize!"

"Mu, Mu Yingdi, am I not dreaming?" Lin Yan still looked in disbelief.

Mu Yunzhe pinched her nose until Lin Yan felt that it was difficult to breathe and began to breathe through her mouth, then she let go and said with a smile: "I believe this is not a dream?"

Lin Yankuang nodded. The invitation came so suddenly that she didn't react for a while.

At least she had thought about being shortlisted for the Will International Film Festival, but she really hadn't thought about it at all for the Green International Film Festival!

Moreover, this is not one finalist but two, which means that her chances of winning the award are much higher!

The Green International Film Festival is not the same as the Will International Film Festival. The Will International Film Festival rarely has actors from Asian countries winning awards, but the Green Film Festival has a record of Asians winning three consecutive best actor trophies!

There is not so much prejudice against Asian films. Although the judges consider it comprehensively, box office data accounts for a large part.

Lin Yan hadn't thought of this before, but now that she has regained her senses, thinking about the past situation of the Green Film Festival, she feels more and more excited.

Mu Yunzhe stroked Lin Yan's hair: "Is there a party to celebrate the debut of the BF group tonight? Now that double happiness is coming, we just celebrate together!"

Lin Yan didn't bother to listen to Mu Yunzhe's words, her eyes were still staring at the words on the smart computer.

Not only was she shortlisted for Best Actress in these two films, she was also shortlisted for Best Film in Asia.

As for the others, she didn't say anything, but she could also guess.

Five minutes later, the phone calls came one after another. Director Su was shortlisted for Best Director, Lu Annian was also shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor, and Mu Yunzhe was also shortlisted for Best Leading Actor for "The Soldier of Time Traveling"!

(End of this chapter)

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