Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 438 I'm Only Hooligan To You

Chapter 438
"It's just because it's not easy to explain, so it's useless for us to worry about it here!" Seeing Lin Yan's stubborn look, Mu Yunzhe took her hand and walked forward with big strides.

"Zhe, are you cold?" The pace was much faster, and Lin Yan thought that Mu Yunzhe felt cold because he wore too little.

Mu Yunzhe shook his head: "I'm afraid you'll be cold, idiot!"

Lin Yan jumped up suddenly, and threw herself onto Mu Yunzhe's back: "Who are you calling an idiot! It won't be cold if you run against the wind like this!"

Mu Yunzhe caught Lin Yan's body that was about to fall, and half hugged her: "Well, it won't be cold this way!"

After speaking, he kissed Lin Yan's forehead.

Lin Yan hugged his shoulders and whispered viciously in his ear: "Mu! Yun! Zhe! You are becoming more and more rascal!"

Unexpectedly, with a sudden rotation, Lin Yan was transferred to the front of Mu Yunzhe in the form of a princess hug. Due to instinct, Lin Yan's wrist was wrapped around Mu Yunzhe's neck.

Hugging the person in his arms tightly, Mu Yunzhe had a wicked smile on his lips, and looked at her with beast-like eyes: "I can be more rascal, Yan'er want to try?"

Uncomfortable to be looked at by that beast-like eyes, Lin Yan began to struggle: "Smelly rascal, let me go! I really should let your billions of fans see what the actor Mu is like in their eyes one person!"

Mu Yunzhe restrained Lin Yan tightly, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free: "Yan'er, I'm only rascal to you!"

"You!" Lin Yan was angry and wanted to laugh, Mu Yingdi became thick-skinned, the Great Wall is nothing!

In the end, Mu Yunzhe put Lin Yan down, because of the tugging just now, Lin Yan's waist was exposed, and a gust of cold wind was blown in.

Lin Yan stood up, tidied her clothes, and then hurried home without even looking at Mu Yunzhe.

Mu Yunzhe looked at the figure running fast in front of him with a smile, such a childish Yan'er was rarely seen!

With a big step, he quickly chased after him.

Both of them had long legs and good physical strength. Lin Yan ran fast with big strides, but even so, Mu Yunzhe still caught up with him within a minute.

Hugging the figure who wanted to run away from behind, Mu Yunzhe hugged him tightly and did not let go: "You still want to run away?"

The short four words carried some danger. Lin Yan, who knew Mu Yunzhe's character well, immediately stopped moving after hearing the words!

She turned her head and looked at him: "Didn't you say that running keeps you warm!"

Mu Yunzhe: "..."

Could this be the legendary saying that he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot?
Mu Yunzhe didn't reply, but the hand that restrained Lin Yan gradually relaxed.

Lin Yan turned around and was about to say something when she suddenly saw Mu Yunzhe's face was a little red from the cold wind, and the thin warmth could not stop the severe cold at all.

A little annoyed and regretful, Lin Yan took off the red coat she was wearing, and was about to put it on Mu Yunzhe.

Lin Yan dragged with his back to Mu Yunzhe, so Mu Yunzhe only saw the scene of Lin Yan's coat being taken off, saw Lin Yan making gestures to put it on for him, and hurriedly moved away.

Still holding the coat in her hand, seeing Mu Yunzhe hiding some distance away, Lin Yan was angry: "Mu Yunzhe! Is it time to care about the color of the clothes now! What if I get frozen!"

Mu Yunzhe touched the tip of his nose, and then looked at Lin Yan with concern: "I'm a man! More firepower! It's very frost-resistant! You put it on quickly, I will be very distressed if I catch a cold! "

"You know how distressed you are! Then you didn't think that I would feel distressed if you were frozen!" Lin Yan yelled angrily, and then quickly walked to Mu Yunzhe.

Before he could react, he jumped and landed on his back.

Mu Yunzhe caught it quickly with his eyes and hands, and even turned Lin Yan upside down: "Why does it feel so much lighter again?"

Lin Yan on her back moved: "How can it be! This month, it has gained two catties! It's all your fault! It's raising piglets!"

Mu Yunzhe said in vain: "What's wrong with the little pig? Even if Yan'er becomes like Zhu Bajie, I still like it!"

Lin Yan rolled her eyes, and whispered in his ear: "My lord, the sweet talk is really slippery the more you talk!"

Mu Yunzhe looked a little itchy in his ears, and Mu Yunzhe turned his head to avoid it, and his steps forward never stopped: "Whether it is sweet words or sincere words, time will tell me, even if you are old and wrinkled, I will Still love you as before!"

Lin Yan felt that she would probably remember this scene for the rest of her life.

On a starless night, there is a thin layer of light snow on the ground, which is illuminated by street lamps as if it were daytime, and there will be a "creaking" sound when stepping on it.

Lying on the back of the person I love the most, listening to his shallow breathing, and sweet words from time to time.

He said: "Even if you are old and wrinkled, I will still love you as before!"

The cold air didn't affect her in any way, her heart became hotter and hotter, and the limbs and bones seemed to have warm currents passing by.

Tighten the red overcoat to Mu Yunzhe, at least it shielded him from most of the severe cold. Lin Yan's hands were wrapped in the overcoat, lying on his broad shoulders that felt very safe.

She replied: "Even if you can't carry me on your back or run away from me anymore, you still have to remember what you said today, and you have to remember it for the rest of your life. You said that you will love me forever!"

Mu Yunzhe's firm voice reached Lin Yan's ears through the breeze, and it was a little low-pitched: "Well, I remember, I will remember it in this life, I will remember it in my lifetime!"

Lin Yan felt that her heart was out of control, beating non-stop.

Closing her eyes and opening them again, Lin Yan said: "Mu Yunzhe, I love you, and I will remember it, I will remember it in this life, I will remember it in my lifetime!"

I couldn't see the expression on the clothes of the person on the back, but Mu Yunzhe knew that he was definitely smiling. If Lin Yan saw that stupid look, he would definitely laugh at him.

He didn't look back, and walked forward with firm steps: "Yan'er, I will always let me love you more than you love me."

The words that were almost like vows disappeared in a moment, but they were forever imprinted in the hearts of the two of them, which could never be erased.

I love you, how much affection is contained in the simple three words?
I will always let me love you more than you love me. A promise tells the joys and sorrows of two lives.

I love you more than life, more than you love me.

In the quiet environment, neither of the two people spoke again, only the "creaking" sound from the snow, and the occasional cold wind blowing, bringing the faint whistling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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