Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 445 I will be responsible to the person I choose to the end

Chapter 445 I will be responsible to the person I choose to the end
After the old man left, the room became quiet for an instant. Mu Yunzhe hired a nurse for Mu Lin, and there were more than one of them, even someone who specially chatted with him!
It's just that the New Year is here, and everyone is going home to celebrate the New Year, so it's a bit deserted here.

Of the two people who stayed, one went out to buy things for the New Year, and the other went to nowhere. Fortunately, there is an almighty robot.

"Dad, this is Lin Yan." Mu Yunzhe pulled Lin Yan to Mu Lin's eyes.

Mu Lin didn't express anything, he didn't smile or get angry, his face remained the same as before.

"My marriage with Yan'er will be next year." Mu Yunzhe was just telling Mu Lin, and didn't mean to ask for his opinion, Mu Lin knew it very well.

Mu Yunzhe's hatred for Mu Lin dissipated as early as in his last life, and he has not acted as decisively in this life as he did in his previous life.

But he can no longer be full of admiration for his father like he was when he was a child, nor can he get along like an ordinary father and son.

The pain was gone long ago, but the scar remained. Regarding Mu Lin, Mu Yunzhe was no longer as entangled as before.

Anyway, he is already like this now, such a lukewarm relationship is just right for them.

Presumably Mullin couldn't accept that he gave up all his enthusiasm and treated him.

Even if Lin Yan didn't know a lot about what Mu Lin did, she still understood eight points. She said that the past was like smoke. Looking at Mu Lin who was lying alone on the bed, the remaining dissatisfaction and resentment in her heart also dissipated a lot. .

No matter how bad he is, he is still Mu Yunzhe's father. No matter how wrong he was before, he is already like this now, and he is reaping the consequences.

Lin Yan smiled, under the sunglasses was the plain but still delicate face, this was the first time Mu Lin looked at Lin Yan squarely.

Needless to say about appearance, everyone in the entertainment industry has a good skin. I heard that he is a top student at Huaqing University. He feels that he has lost a lot of money to Mu Yunzhe, but he can't bow his head and admit his mistake.

Looking at Lin Yan at this time, she couldn't help but look at her more. Lin Yan was sensitive to it, but didn't care much. She had experienced this kind of look a lot, but Mu Yunzhe was a little dissatisfied.

He moved forward and looked at Mu Lin with a cold gaze: "This is my own choice, and I will be responsible to the person I choose to the end!"

Mu Lin was a little dazed, and Mu Yunzhe put on a hat for Lin Yan: "We will participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala later. If you have time, you can take a look. Time is running out, so we will go first!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Yunzhe had already walked towards the door, leaving Mu Lin in a daze for a long time, unable to recover.

After all, it's his fault.

Listening to the sound of footsteps gradually moving away, Mu Lin's thoughts were complicated, his heart was churning like a wave, but he didn't express anything. He closed his eyes, opened them again, and returned to his half-dead look.

"Zhe." Walking out of the gate, Lin Yan called softly.

Mu Yunzhe turned his head to look at her, the two of them were still holding hands: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lin Yan smiled and squeezed his hand.

Mu Yunzhe loosened his clenched hand, and then clenched it tightly again.

There are still a few hours before the Spring Festival Gala, and the backstage is already overcrowded. There are artists who are being interviewed by reporters, artists who are dressing up, and assistant managers, etc.

Mu Yunzhe and Lin Yan were the last ones to go. The more than 20 bodyguards around them were extremely eye-catching, so as soon as they entered, many sharp-eyed entertainers came over to greet them.

Even if you don't see it, you will be pulled over by the manager.

The two of them have long been used to courteous flattery and flattery. No matter what the flattery is, they just put on a smiling mask and deal with it perfunctorily.

Time passed by minute by minute, and under the anticipation of everyone, at eight o'clock in the evening, the annual Spring Festival Gala officially began.

Different from the boring ones in the past, this year's Spring Festival Gala, after the list of guests came out, made everyone look forward to it, just because of the big-name artists.

All the seats in the studio were full, except that the TV was also full of people.

In the living room of Qin's family, the whole family was sitting together, eating cakes and tea, when suddenly Sun Ru patted her head: "Oh, I forgot to ask Xiaozhe and Yan'er when they came out!"

Qin Rufei picked out a pack of walnuts from the snacks she ate: "You're not old yet, your memory is just so bad, Mom, you should replenish your brain!"

"Go!" Sun Ru knocked on the head of her precious son: "I don't need to make up my mind, I also remember that you wet the bed when you were eight years old!"

"Pfft" "haha"

When the people around heard the words, they smiled joyfully.

Qin Rufei looked at Sun Ru with a flushed face: "Mom, don't bring such a short-cut!"

Qin Ruting smiled brightly: "Yo Yo Yo, you are still drawing maps at the age of eight, are you ashamed?"

Being ridiculed by his sister, Qin Rufei was speechless. He wanted to explain something, but found that everyone around him was laughing at him, and angrily walked upstairs with his snacks in his arms: "Master, I won't play with you guys anymore!"

Even though he had already reached his room, he could still hear Qin Ze's voice: "Stinky boy, who are you calling your master in front of!"

Qin Rufei stuck out her tongue, took out her smartphone, set the alarm clock, and then lay down and fell asleep.

Mu Ge and Yan Yan are such big names, the time to play must be at the end, even if it is not the finale, it is also the best time, now he should sleep for a while to rest his mind before talking about it.

Downstairs, Qin Ruting was still complaining: "Mom, my brother is definitely shy, haha, I finally have something to do with him!"

Sun Ru glanced at her angrily: "I also remember what happened when you were a child, how about I tell everyone?"

Qin Ruting hastily grabbed Sun Ru's arm: "Mom, don't, I'm your own daughter!"

Sun Ru smiled and said, "Your brother is still my own son!"

Qin Ruting was in a hurry: "Mom, I was wrong, I won't threaten my brother, don't worry, don't say it, save some face for your daughter!"

"Haha" Qin Guomin and Qin Mu laughed happily, and Lin Chenming also looked at the mother and son with a smile on his lips.

In the past, he spent the Spring Festival alone, occasionally with Uncle Cheng. For him, every day is similar. There is no difference between the Spring Festival and the Spring Festival, except that there are often traffic jams when going out, and there are more people.

This is the first time he feels the festival, and deep in his memory, he seems to be able to feel the soft voice saying in his ear: "Brother, I really hope that every day is the New Year, so that we can eat If you are full, you can still eat delicious meat."

The corners of the raised lips were unconsciously lowered, Lin Chenming was suddenly silent, and he didn't know where his sister was now, and if he was doing well.

(End of this chapter)

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