Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 453 How Can I Dislike You

Chapter 453 How Can I Dislike You

Hot tears flowed down the corners of Lin Yan's eyes, falling drop by drop on the clothes and the dining table.

Mu Yunzhe's heart ached suddenly, and he gently wiped away the hot tears from the corners of her eyes: "Yan'er, don't cry."

The scorching heat was like needles piercing his heart continuously.

With tears streaming down her face, Lin Yan raised her head and looked at him: "So, Mr. Film King, did you dream about everything in your previous life?"

Dream?Mu Yunzhe was startled.

Then he remembered that before he awakened his memory, before going abroad, when he was still a trainee, he once told Lin Yan about that weird but prophetic dream.

Seeing Lin Yan weeping silently, Mu Yunzhe's heart ached, as if he had returned to the night when he buried Lin Yan with his own hands.

The pain was unspeakable, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only look at Lin Yan, not even daring to blink.

Mu Yunzhe's silence was misunderstood by Lin Yan as an acquiescence. She looked at the table where dumplings were still placed, and at the cozy room everywhere.

Then he moved the chair back a few steps, stood up, and looked down at Mu Yunzhe: "So, Lord Film King, do you despise me?"

"No! I didn't!" Mu Yunzhe got up quickly and hugged Lin Yan tightly. He didn't want to see those heartless eyes that were full of despair but without a trace of warmth.

It's too late to love, how could you be disgusted?
Being hugged by Mu Yunzhe, but without the sense of happiness in the past, the tears kept falling like pearl curtains, Lin Yan said lightly: "Your Excellency should have dreamed that I had a marriage in my previous life, right?"

Mu Yunzhe, who hugged Lin Yan tightly, immediately understood the problem after hearing the words.

Possessed, kissed Lin Yan's cheek, and wiped the traces of tears with the corner of his lips: "I know, but I don't care, it's all because of me, if I was a little bit stronger at the beginning, you wouldn't, no meeting······"

Mu Yunzhe couldn't say the rest, but Lin Yan understood.

She raised her head, kissed Mu Yunzhe back, and looked into his eyes: "I thought..."

What do you think?Lin Yan didn't make it clear, but Mu Yunzhe also knew it well, and continued to kiss her on the cheek: "No, how could I despise you." Obviously I am timid and cowardly, I am just afraid!

Mu Yunzhe didn't say the following words, Lin Yan held Mu Yunzhe's cheeks with both hands, and looked at him: "Zhe, when did you dream about it?"

Mu Yunzhe was silent, not knowing how to explain this situation to Lin Yan clearly, he looked into Lin Yan's eyes, his figure was clearly reflected in her eyes.

Grabbing Lin Yan's hand, Mu Yunzhe asked back, "When did Yan'er know about it?"

"I, I..." Looking into Mu Yunzhe's eyes, Lin Yan opened her mouth twice, but couldn't tell what happened to her.

Did you say you were born again?But it is obviously not the previous world.

Said that he traveled through time and space?Yun Zhe probably thought she was deceiving him.

After hesitating for a long time, as if Mu Yunzhe couldn't speak, Lin Yan didn't know where to start.

The atmosphere in the room became strangely quiet. The warm yellow light shone on the top of the two of them. The two of them stood hugging each other tightly. On the dining table next to them, the steamed dumplings were still emitting steam.

"Last time, at the Huaxia Music Festival, do you still remember Yan'er?" In the end, the silence was broken by Mu Yunzhe.

Lin Yan nodded, she spent three months in the hospital for this, how could she not remember?
Mu Yunzhe looked at Lin Yan, wiped away all the tears on Lin Yan's face lovingly, and gently stroked: "When Yan'er was injured and admitted to the hospital, I didn't arrive in time because I also passed out. .”

Lin Yan's pupils shrank sharply. She didn't even know about such a big thing: "What's going on? Why are you in a coma? Was it a filming accident?"

No question is as important as Mu Yunzhe's body, Lin Yan asked anxiously.

Seeing Lin Yan's appearance, Mu Yunzhe smiled instead: "It's okay, didn't I take good care of you later! Look at me, I'm still alive and kicking!"

The atmosphere suddenly eased a lot, and Lin Yan was right when she thought about it, she was too flustered just now.

He took Lin Yan's hand and sat on the chair, letting Lin Yan sit in his arms to hold her: "No one can find out the specific reason for that coma, but after sleeping for a few days, I automatically woke up come over."

Lin Yan straightened her body, turned her head to look at him, Mu Yunzhe paused, and then said: "Then, there is an extra memory belonging to the previous life in my mind!"

Without allowing Lin Yan to speak, Mu Yunzhe continued: "Those prophesied dreams are all memories from previous lives. Most of the memories were awakened in that coma, except for you... half a year after leaving all the memories!"

Death was too heavy, he didn't want to say the word "death" to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan's voice was muffled: "Why have you never told me?"

Mu Yunzhe held her face and glared at her pretending to be angry: "You didn't tell me either!"

"Pfft..." Lin Yan smiled through tears, "I don't know how to tell you better!"

Mu Yunzhe also smiled: "Then start from the beginning!"

"From the beginning, in fact, when I first came to this world, I couldn't believe it. One second I was lying in a pool of blood, and the next second, I appeared in the practice room that I had been dreaming of. ..."

Before Lin Yan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mu Yunzhe: "Wait, you mean?"

Looking at Lin Yan with puzzled and surprised eyes, Lin Yan nodded with certainty: "That's right, it's exactly what you think!"

Looking at Mu Yunzhe's surprised eyes, Lin Yan continued: "I don't know why a person who is clearly dead can come back to life, even if this world is no longer the original one, but this body is indeed my body. of!"

Hugging Lin Yan tightly, smelling the fragrance of her hair, Mu Yunzhe said softly: "Don't think so much, we won't talk anymore!"

Lin Yan didn't stop: "Backstage at the last music festival, when I was unconscious, my soul actually returned to my previous life."

Mu Yunzhe's eyes widened, and he looked at her in shock. He thought his experience was bizarre enough, but he didn't expect Yan'er to...
If he didn't have his own experience, he would have definitely thought that Yan'er had read too many novels, or that she was obsessed with writing novels.

How can this kind of thing that only happens in supernatural novels happen in reality?
But Lin Yan's eyes told him firmly that what she said was true.

Then, he heard Lin Yan say: "Later, I met two mysterious people in a dark space."

(End of this chapter)

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