Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 480: Thirty-six Strategies of the Country

Chapter 480

From the beginning of the new year to the present, the film "Infinite Disguise" has successfully captured numerous international awards of all sizes.

As the 700 billion male protagonist, Mu Yunzhe is also the subject of interviews that countless domestic and foreign media want to interview.

But no matter how big the awards ceremony was, he was never seen.

No matter how the reporters searched and scoured, there was no news of Mu Yunzhe.

It seems to have disappeared, I have been to all the places, and I can't even see the shadow of Mu Yunzhe!

Managers, assistants, and even bodyguards have asked about it, and everyone is tight-lipped, and it is still the official news.

Some media focused their attention on Lin Yan, but just like Mu Yunzhe, Lin Yan lost the news and couldn't find it no matter how hard she searched!
The people in Yunyan Entertainment Company are even more difficult to deal with than the people in Mu Yunzhe's studio!

Even Xuanhuo and BF will practice Tai Chi when asked about it when they participate in activities!
But the more this was the case, the more reporters became interested, as if they would not stop until they were found out.

At this time, Mu Yunzhe had been recuperating with Lin Yan in the hospital for a whole month.

Lin Yan's two wounds were not in the vital position, but she lost too much blood. After taking the bullet and resting for a while, she was almost healed.

It's just because the bullet in the waist has sunk too deep, and I can no longer bend down unscrupulously like before when dancing.

One month, whether it is long or short, at least Lin Yan can't stay anymore!

In the private hospital of Antonio's family, she received the best treatment, and all treatments were top-notch.

The wound has long since healed, and Lin Yan has been able to move freely, but Mu Yunzhe has always been worried and refused to let her out of the hospital!
The wound on the shoulder was not as deep as the waist, but it still left a scar.

Even with the use of top-notch scar removers, it is no longer so obvious, but it can still be seen that it is somewhat different from the surrounding skin.

Mu Yunzhe kissed Lin Yan's shoulder lightly, and his warm lips touched the wound that had healed, leaving behind unstoppable pity and true love.

After exchanging a passionate kiss, Lin Yan finally said what she wanted to say a long time ago: "Zhe, let's go back to China!"

Although I still need to recuperate for a while, I don't have to stay in the hospital. Since I can move a long time ago, why stay in this place full of depression and disinfectant.

Moist peach blossom eyes stared at Mu Yunzhe's lips, eyes full of anticipation, eager to hear Mu Yunzhe's voice of agreement.

"Zhe~" Mu Yunzhe didn't move, Lin Yan grabbed his arm, and it was the first time she spoke like this, her tone was a little sweet: "Husband~~~"

A gleam of light flashed in his deep eyes, and the "husband" who did not know how many bends hit his heart deeply like a thunderbolt.

The corners of the lips are raised, and the heart is full of joy and joy.

His eyes brightened a lot, but he still didn't say a word.

One move is useless, another move is repeated, there are still 36 tricks in the art of war, she can't do it, relying on her [-] tricks, Mu Yunzhe can remain unmoved!
Lin Yan bowed her head, hum, let's see who can win the final victory!

The corners of Mu Yunzhe's mouth became wider and wider, and there was a playful flash in his eyes, as long as Lin Yan raised her head, she could see it, but unfortunately she lowered her head, pretending to be depressed.

Pursing his mouth, blinking his eyes, he had a pitiful expression: "Zhe, I'm almost moldy after staying here, so why don't you let me go back to China to get some air?"

The eye sockets are a little red, and with those wet eyes, it looks like a wounded little white rabbit, full of longing.

Mu Yunzhe shook his head, but still didn't speak.

Lin Yan is angry, what is weak and harmless, what is white lotus and cabbage, it is not her style at all!
"Mu Yunzhe! Whether you agree or not, I must go back to China today!"

Straighten your spine, look determined to fight to the end, if you stay like this, you will go crazy sooner or later!
The first movie queen in history to stay insane in the hospital, it's too embarrassing to say it!

Mu Yunzhe sighed helplessly: "Can't you take a good rest for a while?"

There was tolerance and pampering in his tone that he didn't even realize.

There is a show!Lin Yan raised her eyebrows and softened her mind: "Zhe, we can raise it when we go home, why not here?"

"Your company is busy with so many things, you can't stay with me all the time, and Yunyan's company also has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, shall we go back to China?"

Lin Yan felt bored, why didn't Mu Yunzhe?

It's just that I have been worried about Lin Yan's injury all the time, even though it seems that there is nothing serious, I still feel a little worried.

He stroked Lin Yan's cheek with one hand, and said helplessly, "You are born to worry about your life! You won't even be able to rest for a while!"

Lin Yan smirked: "Are you agreeing? I'll take it as if you agreed! Let's pack up now and go back to China tonight!"

Mu Yunzhe smiled helplessly: "Okay, I'm really afraid of you, let me come!"

During this month, the relationship between Lin Yan and Mo Weide has improved a lot. Even if there is no blood relationship, and there are not so many disputes involved, the two people's personalities are still very compatible!
On the contrary, Mu Yunzhe became more and more unhappy towards Mo Weide.

Every time I see Mo Weide's face, I think of being deceived by him and arranging him to be next to Lin Yan!
And, Lin Yan's injuries!

Hearing the news that the two of them were going back to China, Movid rushed over immediately.

An died. The cleansing of the Antonio family could not be completed in a day or two. Even though more than a month had passed, some forces were still not removed.

Seeing Mu Yunzhe's unfriendly expression, Mo Weide only said one sentence before the two left: "Yan, the Antonio family will always be your home!"

It wasn't so provocative, but somehow it made Lin Yan a little sad. Mu Yunzhe held her hand tightly, Lin Yan smiled slightly, and then nodded.

Getting along these days made her understand that the pies she thought of, such as Mousse Fashion Week, such as Aowei's endorsement, etc., all have the shadow of Movid.

The luxurious aircraft stopped at the designated location, and Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe returned to China in Movid's private jet without disturbing any media.

Just based on this private jet that can fly freely in any country without restrictions, Lin Yan understands that the Antonio family is not as simple as Mu Yunzhe said.

After all, how simple could it be for a family that is afraid of even the country?

The two returned to the villa first, and soon a group of assistant secretaries contacted the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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